        private void InitializeManaged(IList <Target> targets, DistanceFunc distance, Func <Target, Extraction> targetToExtraction, Func <Extraction, Pronounceable> extractionToPronounceable)
            this.targets                   = targets;
            this.distance                  = distance;
            this.targetToExtraction        = targetToExtraction;
            this.extractionToPronounceable = extractionToPronounceable;
            this.nativeDistanceDelegate    = this.Distance;

            if (targetToExtraction == null)
                    this.extractions = (IList <Extraction>)targets;
                    throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format("Can't cast Target type [{0}] to Extraction type [{1}]. You must provide a conversion function 'targetToExtraction'.", typeof(Target), typeof(Extraction)));
                this.extractions = new Extraction[targets.Count];

            if (extractionToPronounceable == null)
                this.pronounceables = (IList <Pronounceable>) this.extractions;
                this.pronounceables = new Pronounceable[targets.Count];
 public DataSet(IList <IObject> objects, IObject target, DistanceFunc distanceFunc, Func <double, double> kernelFunc)
     _objects      = objects;
     Target        = target;
     _distanceFunc = distanceFunc;
     _kernelFunc   = kernelFunc;
        public Light(int intensity, int radius, int capacity, TCODColor color)
            _color     = color;
            _intensity = intensity;
            _radius    = radius;
            _capacity  = capacity;
            _coef      = (float)(-intensity) / radius;

            _elapsed      = 0;
            _distanceFunc = Math.Distance_Euclide;
        public Light(int intensity, int radius, int capacity, TCODColor color)
            _color = color;
            _intensity = intensity;
            _radius = radius;
            _capacity = capacity;
            _coef = (float)(-intensity) / radius;

            _elapsed = 0;
            _distanceFunc = Math.Distance_Euclide;
    public VoronoiDiagram(int size, int seed, VoronoiOptions options)
        mSize = size;
        delDistanceFunc = DistanceFunctions.GetDistanceFunction(options.metric);
        delCombiningFunc = CombinerFunctions.GetFunction(options.combiner);
        mNumFeaturePoints = options.numberOfFeaturePoints;
        mNumSubregions = options.numberOfSubregions;
        mMultiplier = options.multiplier;

        aFeaturePoints = new int[0];
        mRNG = new LCGRandom(seed);
 public InfluenceMap(int width, int height, double minInfluence, double maxInfluence, DistanceFunc computeDistanceFunc)
     this.width         = width;
     this.height        = height;
     this._influenceMap = new double[width][];
     for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
         this._influenceMap[i] = new double[height];
     this.computeDistanceFunc = computeDistanceFunc;
     this.minInfluence        = minInfluence;
     this.maxInfluence        = maxInfluence;
     myHashset = new HashSet <XAndY>();
        private IDWFunc GetConverter()
            DistanceFunc distanceFunction = m_distanceFunction;

            double[] xCoordinates = m_xCoordinates ?? new double[0];
            double[] yCoordinates = m_yCoordinates ?? new double[0];
            double[] values       = m_values ?? new double[0];
            double   power        = m_power;

            if (xCoordinates.Length != yCoordinates.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The number of x-coordinates must match the number of y-coordinates. ({xCoordinates.Length} != {yCoordinates.Length})");

            if (xCoordinates.Length != values.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The number of coordinates must match the number of values. ({xCoordinates.Length} != {values.Length})");

            if (xCoordinates.Length == 0)
                return((x, y) => 0.0D);

            return(m_converter ?? (m_converter = (x, y) =>
                double numerator = 0.0D;
                double denominator = 0.0D;

                for (int i = 0; i < xCoordinates.Length; i++)
                    double distance = distanceFunction(x, y, xCoordinates[i], yCoordinates[i]);

                    if (distance == 0.0D)
                        return values[i];

                    double inverseDistance = Math.Pow(1.0D / distance, power);
                    numerator += values[i] * inverseDistance;
                    denominator += inverseDistance;

                return numerator / denominator;
        public static float Get3D(float x, float y, float z, CombinerFuncEnum combinerFunc, DistanceFuncEnum distanceFunc)
            DistanceFunc _dFunc = null;

            switch (distanceFunc)
            case DistanceFuncEnum.Euclidean:
                _dFunc = EuclidianDistanceFunc;

            case DistanceFuncEnum.Manhattan:
                _dFunc = ManhattanDistanceFunc;

            case DistanceFuncEnum.Chebyshev:
                _dFunc = ChebyshevDistanceFunc;

            CombinerFunc _cFunc = null;

            switch (combinerFunc)
            case CombinerFuncEnum.D1:
                _cFunc = CombinerFunc1;                // i => i[0];

            case CombinerFuncEnum.D2MinusD1:
                _cFunc = CombinerFunc2;                //i => i[1] - i[0];

            case CombinerFuncEnum.D3MinusD1:
                _cFunc = CombinerFunc3;                //i => i[2] - i[0];

            return(noise3d(new Vector3(x, y, z), _cFunc, _dFunc));
 public static DistanceFunc GetDistanceFunction(DistanceMetric distanceMetric)
     DistanceFunc ret;
     case DistanceMetric.EuclidianSq:
         ret = new DistanceFunc(EuclidianSq);
     case DistanceMetric.Euclidian:
         ret = new DistanceFunc(Euclidian);
     case DistanceMetric.Manhattan:
         ret = new DistanceFunc(Manhattan);
     case DistanceMetric.Chebyshev:
         ret = new DistanceFunc(Chebyshev);
         ret = new DistanceFunc(EuclidianSq);
     return ret;
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the function to be used to calculate the distance between two points.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="distanceFunction">The function used to calculate distance between two points.</param>
 /// <returns>A reference to the inverse distance weighting function.</returns>
 public InverseDistanceWeightingFunction SetDistanceFunction(DistanceFunc distanceFunction)
     m_converter        = null;
     m_distanceFunction = distanceFunction ?? DefaultDistanceFunction;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FuzzyMatcher{Target, Extraction}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targets">The set of objects that will be matched against. The order of equal targets is not guaranteed to be preserved.</param>
 /// <param name="distance">The distance delegate.</param>
 /// <param name="targetToExtraction">A mapping of the input types to the query(extraction) type. Note that Extraction == Pronounceable for the usual case.</param>
 /// <param name="isAccelerated">Whether the fuzzy matcher uses accelerated implementation or not.</param>
 public FuzzyMatcher(IList <Target> targets, DistanceFunc distance, Func <Target, Extraction> targetToExtraction = null, bool isAccelerated = false)
     : base(isAccelerated, targets, distance, null, targetToExtraction)
 public WorleyNoise(int Seed, DistanceFunc DFunc, CombinerFunc CFunc)
     : this(Seed)
     DistanceFunction = DFunc;
     CombinerFunction = CFunc;
 public AcceleratedFuzzyMatcher(IList <Target> targets, DistanceFunc distance, Func <Target, Extraction> targetToExtraction = null)
     : base(targets, distance, targetToExtraction, true)
        private ValidationResult LeaveOneOut(IList <IObject> objects, int classCount, DistanceFunc distFunc, KernelFunc kernelFunc, int neighborCount)
            var matrix = new int[classCount][];

            for (int i = 0; i < classCount; i++)
                matrix[i] = new int[classCount];

            .ForAll(obj => Validate(new DataSet(objects.Without(obj).ToList(), obj, distFunc, _kernelDict[kernelFunc]), neighborCount, matrix));

            var confMatrix = new ConfusionMatrix(matrix);

            return(new ValidationResult
                DistanceFunc = distFunc,
                KernelFunc = kernelFunc,
                NeighborCount = neighborCount + 1,
                F1Score = (confMatrix.MicroF1Score() + confMatrix.MacroF1Score()) / 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AbstractFuzzyMatcher{Target,Extraction,Pronounceable}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="isAccelerated">Whether the fuzzy matcher is accelerated or linear.</param>
 /// <param name="targets">The set of objects that will be matched against. The order of equal targets is not guaranteed to be preserved.</param>
 /// <param name="distance">The distance delegate.</param>
 /// <param name="extractionToPronounceable">A mapping of the extraction type to a type understood by the distance function. Note that this is only required if Extraction != Pronounceable</param>
 /// <param name="targetToExtraction">A mapping of the input types to the query(extraction) type. Note that Extraction == Pronounceable for the usual case.</param>
 internal AbstractFuzzyMatcher(bool isAccelerated, IList <Target> targets, DistanceFunc distance, Func <Extraction, Pronounceable> extractionToPronounceable, Func <Target, Extraction> targetToExtraction = null)
     : base(isAccelerated, targets, distance, extractionToPronounceable, targetToExtraction)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AbstractFuzzyMatcher{Target,Extraction,Pronounceable}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targets">The set of objects that will be matched against. The order of equal targets is not guaranteed to be preserved.</param>
 /// <param name="distance">The distance delegate.</param>
 /// <param name="extractionToPronounceable">A mapping of the extraction type to a type understood by the distance function. Note that this is only required if Extraction != Pronounceable</param>
 /// <param name="targetToExtraction">A mapping of the input types to the query(extraction) type. Note that Extraction == Pronounceable for the usual case.</param>
 internal AbstractFuzzyMatcher(IList <Target> targets, DistanceFunc distance, Func <Extraction, Pronounceable> extractionToPronounceable, Func <Target, Extraction> targetToExtraction = null)
     : this(false, targets, distance, extractionToPronounceable, targetToExtraction)
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the function to be used to calculate the distance between two points.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="distanceFunction">The function used to calculate distance between two points.</param>
 /// <returns>A reference to the inverse distance weighting function.</returns>
 public InverseDistanceWeightingFunction SetDistanceFunction(DistanceFunc distanceFunction)
     m_converter = null;
     m_distanceFunction = distanceFunction ?? DefaultDistanceFunction;
     return this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="InverseDistanceWeightingFunction"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public InverseDistanceWeightingFunction()
     m_distanceFunction = DefaultDistanceFunction;
     m_power = 1;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="InverseDistanceWeightingFunction"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public InverseDistanceWeightingFunction()
     m_distanceFunction = DefaultDistanceFunction;
     m_power            = 1;
        static float noise3d(Vector3 input, CombinerFunc combinerFunc, DistanceFunc distanceFunc)
//			var value = 0;

            uint    lastRandom;
            uint    numberFeaturePoints;
            Vector3 randomDiff   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 featurePoint = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            int cubeX, cubeY, cubeZ;

            for (var i = 0; i < DistanceArray.Length; i++)
                DistanceArray[i] = 6666;

            var evalCubeX = (int)(Mathf.Floor(input.x));
            var evalCubeY = (int)(Mathf.Floor(input.y));
            var evalCubeZ = (int)(Mathf.Floor(input.z));

            for (var i = -1; i < 2; ++i)
                for (var j = -1; j < 2; ++j)
                    for (var k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
                        cubeX = evalCubeX + i;
                        cubeY = evalCubeY + j;
                        cubeZ = evalCubeZ + k;

                        //2. Generate a reproducible random number generator for the cube
                        lastRandom = lcgRandom(hash((cubeX + Seed) & 0xffffffff, (cubeY) & 0xffffffff, (cubeZ) & 0xffffffff));
                        //3. Determine how many feature points are in the cube
                        numberFeaturePoints = (uint)probLookup(lastRandom);
                        //4. Randomly place the feature points in the cube
                        for (var l = 0; l < numberFeaturePoints; ++l)
                            lastRandom   = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
                            randomDiff.x = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;

                            lastRandom   = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
                            randomDiff.y = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;

                            lastRandom   = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
                            randomDiff.z = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;

                            featurePoint = new Vector3(randomDiff.x + cubeX, randomDiff.y + cubeY, randomDiff.z + cubeZ);

                            //5. Find the feature point closest to the evaluation point.
                            //This is done by inserting the distances to the feature points into a sorted list
                            float v = distanceFunc(input, featurePoint);
                            insert(DistanceArray, v);
                        //6. Check the neighboring cubes to ensure their are no closer evaluation points.
                        // This is done by repeating steps 1 through 5 above for each neighboring cube

            var color = combinerFunc(DistanceArray);

            if (color < 0)
                color = 0;
            if (color > 1)
                color = 1;

        static float noise2d(Vector2 input, CombinerFunc combinerFunc, DistanceFunc distanceFunc)
            uint    lastRandom;
            uint    numberFeaturePoints;
            Vector2 randomDiff   = new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 featurePoint = new Vector2(0, 0);

            int cubeX, cubeY;

            for (var i = 0; i < DistanceArray.Length; i++)
                DistanceArray[i] = 6666;

            var evalCubeX = (int)(Mathf.Floor(input.x));
            var evalCubeY = (int)(Mathf.Floor(input.y));

            for (var i = -1; i < 2; ++i)
                for (var j = -1; j < 2; ++j)
                    cubeX = evalCubeX + i;
                    cubeY = evalCubeY + j;

                    //2. Generate a reproducible random number generator for the cube
                    lastRandom = lcgRandom(hash((cubeX + Seed) & 0xffffffff, (cubeY) & 0xffffffff));
                    //3. Determine how many feature points are in the cube
                    numberFeaturePoints = (uint)probLookup(lastRandom);
                    //4. Randomly place the feature points in the cube
                    for (var l = 0; l < numberFeaturePoints; ++l)
                        lastRandom   = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
                        randomDiff.x = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;

                        lastRandom   = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
                        randomDiff.y = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;

                        featurePoint = new Vector2(randomDiff.x + cubeX, randomDiff.y + cubeY);

                        //5. Find the feature point closest to the evaluation point.
                        //This is done by inserting the distances to the feature points into a sorted list
                        float v = distanceFunc(input, featurePoint);
                        insert(DistanceArray, v);
                    //6. Check the neighboring cubes to ensure their are no closer evaluation points.
                    // This is done by repeating steps 1 through 5 above for each neighboring cube

            var color = combinerFunc(DistanceArray);

            if (color < 0)
                color = 0;
            if (color > 1)
                color = 1;


             * //Declare some values for later use
             * uint lastRandom, numberFeaturePoints;
             * Vector2 randomDiff, featurePoint;
             * int cubeX, cubeY;
             * float[] distanceArray = new float[3];
             * //Initialize values in distance array to large values
             * for (int i = 0; i < distanceArray.Length; i++)
             *      distanceArray[i] = 6666;
             * //1. Determine which cube the evaluation point is in
             * int evalCubeX = (int)Mathf.Floor(input.x);
             * int evalCubeY = (int)Mathf.Floor(input.y);
             * for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i)
             * {
             *      for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++j)
             *      {
             *              cubeX = evalCubeX + i;
             *              cubeY = evalCubeY + j;
             *              //2. Generate a reproducible random number generator for the cube
             *              lastRandom = lcgRandom(hash((uint)(cubeX + inSeed), (uint)(cubeY)));
             *              //3. Determine how many feature points are in the cube
             *              numberFeaturePoints = probLookup(lastRandom);
             *              //4. Randomly place the feature points in the cube
             *              for (uint l = 0; l < numberFeaturePoints; ++l)
             *              {
             *                      lastRandom = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
             *                      randomDiff.x = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;
             *                      lastRandom = lcgRandom(lastRandom);
             *                      randomDiff.y = (float)lastRandom / 0x100000000;
             *                      featurePoint = new Vector2(randomDiff.x + (float)cubeX, randomDiff.y + (float)cubeY);
             *                      //5. Find the feature point closest to the evaluation point.
             *                      //This is done by inserting the distances to the feature points into a sorted list
             *                      insert(distanceArray, DistanceFunc2(input, featurePoint));
             *              }
             *              //6. Check the neighboring cubes to ensure their are no closer evaluation points.
             *              // This is done by repeating steps 1 through 5 above for each neighboring cube
             *      }
             * }
             * return Mathf.Clamp01(CombineFunc(distanceArray));
 public WorleyNoise(int Seed, DistanceFunc DFunc, CombinerFunc CFunc) :
     DistanceFunction = DFunc;
     CombinerFunction = CFunc;