/** Singleton instance and entry into while loop that runs the desired program*/
        public static void Main()
            /* Tracking gamepad buttons states for single press captures*/
            bool LastBtn2 = false;
            bool LastBtn3 = false;

            /* Forword/Backward Scalor */
            const float kScalarX = 0.50f;
            /* Left/Right Scalor */
            const float kScalarY = 0.50f;
            /* Turning Scalor */
            const float kScalarTwist = 0.30f;
            /* Ramp Rate */
            const float kVoltageRampSec = 0.2f;

            /* Configure Talons to operate in percentage VBus mode, and Ramp Up Voltage*/
            foreach (CTRE.TalonSrx temp in Talons)
                temp.SetVoltageRampRate(12.0f / kVoltageRampSec);

            /* Clear DisplayModule */
            /* Fill the screen with the target object (Top half magenta, bottom half green) */
            LCDDisplay.AddRectSprite(CTRE.HERO.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Magenta, 0, 0, 160 / 2, 128);
            LCDDisplay.AddRectSprite(CTRE.HERO.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Green, 160 / 2, 0, 160 / 2, 128);

            while (true)
                /* Keep robot enabled if gamepad is connected and in 'D' mode */
                if (GamePad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Allow user to enable/disable Display Module backlight
                 * Button 2 (A) Disables the backlight
                 * Button 3 (B) Enables the backlight */
                bool Btn2 = GamePad.GetButton(2);
                bool Btn3 = GamePad.GetButton(3);
                if (Btn2 & !LastBtn2)
                    LCDDisplay.BacklightEnable = false;
                else if (Btn3 & !LastBtn3)
                    LCDDisplay.BacklightEnable = true;
                LastBtn2 = Btn2;
                LastBtn3 = Btn3;

                /* Regular mecanum drive that is scaled and Gamepad joysticks have been adjusted */
                float X = GamePad.GetAxis(0);
                /* Invert gamepad so forward is truly forward */
                float Y     = -1 * GamePad.GetAxis(1);
                float Twist = GamePad.GetAxis(2);
                MecanumDrive(Y * kScalarY, X * kScalarX, Twist * kScalarTwist);
        public Display()
            cd_connected    = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_enabled      = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_voltage      = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_limit        = new ChangeDetector();
            cd_barrelStatus = new ChangeDetector[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];
            cd_barrelPSI    = new ChangeDetector[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS; i++)
                cd_barrelStatus[i] = new ChangeDetector();
                cd_barrelPSI[i]    = new ChangeDetector();

            DisplayModule _displayModule = new DisplayModule(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1, DisplayModule.OrientationType.Portrait);

            /* lets pick a font */
            Font _bigFont = Properties.Resources.GetFont(Properties.Resources.FontResources.Freesans_bold_18);
            int  size     = 20;
            int  f_y      = 0;

            _labelConnected = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);
            f_y            += size;
            _labelEnabled   = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);
            f_y            += size;
            _labelVoltage   = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);
            f_y            += size;
            _label_limit    = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 128, size);

            _labelBarrelStatus = new DisplayModule.LabelSprite[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];
            _labelBarrelPSI    = new DisplayModule.LabelSprite[Shooter.NUMBER_OF_BARRELS];

            f_y = 80;
            _labelBarrelStatus[0] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 64, size);
            _labelBarrelStatus[1] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 64, f_y, 64, size);
            f_y += size;
            _labelBarrelPSI[0] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, f_y, 64, size);
            _labelBarrelPSI[1] = _displayModule.AddLabelSprite(_bigFont, DisplayModule.Color.White, 64, f_y, 64, size);

            if (false)
                // if we are Landscape, then DisplayHeight is the X screen dimension, and DisplayWidth is the Y dimension
                for (int x = 0; x < _displayModule.DisplayWidth; x += 16)
                    _displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, x, 0, 1, _displayModule.DisplayHeight);
                for (int y = 0; y < _displayModule.DisplayHeight; y += 16)
                    _displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 0, y, _displayModule.DisplayWidth, 1);

            RSL_1 = new OutputPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port5.Pin6, false);
        public VerticalGauge(DisplayModule displayModule, int x, int y, int height, int width, DisplayModule.Color topCol, DisplayModule.Color btmCol)
            _displayModule = displayModule;
            _x             = x;
            _y             = y;
            _height        = height;
            _width         = width;

            _top = 0;
            _btm = height;

            _topCol = topCol;
            _btmCol = btmCol;

            _backRect = _displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, x, _y, width + 2, _top + _btm + 5);

            _topRect = _displayModule.AddRectSprite(_topCol, _x + 1, _y + 1, _width, _top + 1);

            _btmRect = _displayModule.AddRectSprite(_btmCol, _x + 1, _y + 1 + _top + 1, _width, _btm + 1);
        public HorizGauge(DisplayModule displayModule, int x, int y, int height, int width, DisplayModule.Color topCol, DisplayModule.Color btmCol)
            _displayModule = displayModule;
            _x             = x;
            _y             = y;
            _height        = height;
            _width         = width;

            _left = 0;
            _rght = width;

            _leftCol = topCol;
            _rghtCol = btmCol;

            _backRect = _displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, x, _y, _left + _rght + 4, _height + 2);

            _leftRect = _displayModule.AddRectSprite(_leftCol, _x + 1, _y + 1, _left + 1, _height);

            _rghtRect = _displayModule.AddRectSprite(_rghtCol, _x + 1 + _left + 1, _y + 1, _rght + 1, _height);
        public static void Main()
            // Game Controller
            GameController gamepad = new GameController(UsbHostDevice.GetInstance());

            // NinaB Font
            Font ninaB = Properties.Resources.GetFont(Properties.Resources.FontResources.NinaB);

            // Initializing a display module: DisplayModule(port, orientation)
            DisplayModule displayModule = new DisplayModule(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port8, DisplayModule.OrientationType.Landscape);

            while (true)
                // Connect the game controller first so that the sprites show up
                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    // Erases everything on the display

                    // Adding labels: [Display Module Name].AddLabelSprite(font, colour, x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite title   = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 27, 17, 120, 15);
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite x_label = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 65, 80, 15);
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite y_label = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 85, 80, 15);

                    // Adding rectangles: [Display Module Name].AddRectSprite(colour, x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
                    DisplayModule.RectSprite x_rect = displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 55, 18, 55);
                    DisplayModule.RectSprite y_rect = displayModule.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 47, 55, 18, 55);

                    // Everything gets cleared when the game controller is unplugged
                    while (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                        // Declares and resets the joystick
                        double x_value = gamepad.GetAxis(0);
                        double y_value = -gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                        if (x_value < 0.05 && x_value > -0.05)
                            x_value = 0;
                        if (y_value < 0.05 && y_value > -0.05)
                            y_value = 0;

                        // Changes the color of the rectangle (x-value of the left joystick): [Rectangle Name].SetColor(colour)
                        if (x_value > 0.05)
                        else if (x_value < -0.05)

                        // Changes the color of the rectangle (y-value of the left joystick): [Rectangle Name].SetColor(colour)
                        if (y_value > 0.05)
                        else if (y_value < -0.05)

                        // Sets the text that the label displays: [Label Name].SetText(text: string)
                        title.SetText("Joystick Control");
                        x_label.SetText("X: " + x_value.ToString());
                        y_label.SetText("Y: " + y_value.ToString());
                    // Erases everything on the display

                    // Adding images: [Display Module Name].AddResourceImageSprite(resource_manager, img_ID, img_type, x_pos, y_pos)
                    DisplayModule.ResourceImageSprite image = displayModule.AddResourceImageSprite(Properties.Resources.ResourceManager, Properties.Resources.BinaryResources.img, Bitmap.BitmapImageType.Jpeg, 44, 16);

                    // Adding labels: [Display Module Name].AddLabelSprite(font, colour, x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
                    DisplayModule.LabelSprite text = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 36, 99, 100, 30);

                    // Sets the text that the label displays: [Label Name].SetText(text: string)
                    text.SetText("TAS Robotics");

                    // Keeps the image and text while the gamepad is unplugged
                    while (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == UsbDeviceConnection.NotConnected)
        /** Singleton instance and entry into while loop that runs the desired program*/
        public static void Main()
            /* Tracking gamepad buttons states for single press captures*/
            bool LastBtn1 = false;
            bool LastBtn3 = false;
            bool LastBtn2 = false;

            /* Forword/Backward Scalor */
            const float kScalarX = 0.50f;
            /* Left/Right Scalor */
            const float kScalarY = 0.50f;
            /* Turning Scalor */
            const float kScalarTwist = 0.30f;
            /* Ramp Rate */
            const float kVoltageRampSec = 0.25f;

            /* Configure Talons to operate in percentage VBus mode, and Ramp Up Voltage*/
            foreach (TalonSRX temp in Talons)
                temp.Set(ControlMode.PercentOutput, 0);

            /* Clear DisplayModule */
            LCDDisplay.BacklightEnable = false;
            /* Fill the screen with the target object (Top half magenta, bottom half green) */
            LCDDisplay.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.Magenta, 0, 0, 160 / 2, 128);
            LCDDisplay.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.Green, 160 / 2, 0, 160 / 2, 128);

            int     colorDelay = 0;
            int     i          = 0;
            Boolean On         = false;
            Boolean LEDEnable  = true;

            while (true)
                /* Keep robot enabled if gamepad is connected and in 'D' mode */
                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Allow user to enable/disable Display Module backlight
                 * Button 2 (A) Disables the backlight
                 * Button 3 (B) Enables the backlight */
                bool Btn1 = gamepad.GetButton(1);
                bool Btn3 = gamepad.GetButton(3);
                if (Btn1 & !LastBtn1)
                    LCDDisplay.BacklightEnable = false;
                else if (Btn3 & !LastBtn3)
                    LCDDisplay.BacklightEnable = true;
                LastBtn1 = Btn1;
                LastBtn3 = Btn3;

                /* Enable/Disable LED's */
                bool Btn2 = gamepad.GetButton(2);
                if (Btn2 & !LastBtn2)
                    LEDEnable = !LEDEnable;
                LastBtn2 = Btn2;

                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    if (LEDEnable)
                        if (colorDelay >= 15)
                            /* You can change the sequence in ColorSequencer.cs by ordering the premade colors or creating your own values */
                            _LEDStripController.Red  = _ColorSequencer.Red;
                            _LEDStripController.Blue = _ColorSequencer.Blue;
                            _LEDStripController.Grn  = _ColorSequencer.Green;
                            colorDelay = 0;
                        _LEDStripController.Red  = 0;
                        _LEDStripController.Blue = 0;
                        _LEDStripController.Grn  = 0;

                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.NotConnected || _Battery.IsLow())
                    /* Flash RED ??? */
                    if (i >= 200)
                        On = !On;
                        i  = 0;
                    /* Decide if strip is white or off */
                    if (On == true)
                        _LEDStripController.Red  = 1;
                        _LEDStripController.Blue = 0;
                        _LEDStripController.Grn  = 0;
                    else if (On == false)
                        _LEDStripController.Red  = 0;
                        _LEDStripController.Blue = 0;
                        _LEDStripController.Grn  = 0;


                /* Regular mecanum drive that is scaled and Gamepad joysticks have been adjusted */
                float X = gamepad.GetAxis(0);
                /* Invert gamepad so forward is truly forward */
                float Y     = -1 * gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                float Twist = gamepad.GetAxis(2);
                MecanumDrive(Y * kScalarY, X * kScalarX, Twist * kScalarTwist);
        public void DisplayOutput()
            if (displayModeRefresh == false)
                title              = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 34, 17, 120, 15);
                label1             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 56, 80, 15);
                label2             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 76, 80, 15);
                label3             = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 96, 80, 15);
                rect1              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 55, 18, 55);
                rect2              = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 47, 55, 18, 55);
                displayModeRefresh = true;
            if (title == null || label1 == null || label2 == null || label3 == null || rect1 == null || rect2 == null)
                title  = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 34, 17, 120, 15);
                label1 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 55, 80, 15);
                label2 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 75, 80, 15);
                label3 = display.AddLabelSprite(ninaB, DisplayModule.Color.White, 80, 95, 80, 15);
                rect1  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 20, 55, 18, 55);
                rect2  = display.AddRectSprite(DisplayModule.Color.White, 47, 55, 18, 55);

            string colorStringX = "0x00";
            string colorStringY = "0x00";
            string redX, blueX, greenX;
            string redY, blueY, greenY;
            int    colorIntX = (int)System.Math.Round(xAxisA * 100);
            int    colorIntY = (int)System.Math.Round(yAxisA * 100);

            if (colorIntX > 0)
                blueX  = (100 - colorIntX).ToString("X2");
                greenX = "ff";
                redX   = (100 - colorIntX).ToString("X2");
            else if (colorIntX < 0)
                blueX  = (100 + colorIntX).ToString("X2");
                greenX = (100 + colorIntX).ToString("X2");
                redX   = "ff";
                blueX  = "ff";
                greenX = "ff";
                redX   = "ff";
            if (colorIntY > 0)
                blueY  = (100 - colorIntY).ToString("X2");
                greenY = "ff";
                redY   = (100 - colorIntY).ToString("X2");
            else if (colorIntY < 0)
                blueY  = (100 + colorIntY).ToString("X2");
                greenY = (100 + colorIntY).ToString("X2");
                redY   = "ff";
                blueY  = "ff";
                greenY = "ff";
                redY   = "ff";
            colorStringX = colorStringX + blueX + greenX + redX;
            colorStringY = colorStringY + blueY + greenY + redY;
            rect1.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color)Convert.ToInt32(colorStringX, 16));
            rect2.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color)Convert.ToInt32(colorStringY, 16));

            label1.SetText("X: " + xAxisA.ToString());
            label2.SetText("Y: " + yAxisA.ToString());
            label3.SetText("Angle: " + ((int)System.Math.Round(angle)).ToString());
            title.SetText("Motor Control");