public void MagicalAttack(Monster monster, string spellName) { Spell spellToCast = new Spell("You Have No Spells", 0, 0); foreach (Spell spell in Spells) { if (spellName == spell.Name) { spellToCast = spell; } } int dealtDamage = (this.MagAttack + spellToCast.Damage) - monster.MagDefense; if (dealtDamage < 0) { dealtDamage = 0; } this.CurrentMP -= spellToCast.MpCost; monster.CurrentHP -= dealtDamage; List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { $"{this.Name} Casts: {spellToCast.Name}", $"{this.Name} does {dealtDamage} damage", $"{this.Name} used {spellToCast.MpCost} mp and now has {this.CurrentMP} mp left", $"The {monster.Name} steps back... probably" }; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press any key to continue...", true); }
public void DisplayStatus() { List <string> prompts = new List <string> { "Name: " + this.Name, "Level: " + this.Level, "Health: " + this.CurrentHP + " | " + this.MaxHP, "Mana: " + this.CurrentMP + " | " + this.MaxMP, "Stamina: " + this.CurrentStamina + " | " + this.MaxStamina, "Attack: " + this.Attack, "Defense: " + this.Defense, "Magic Attack: " + this.MagAttack, "Magic Defense: " + this.MagDefense, "Luck: " + this.Luck, "Experience Value: " + this.Exp + "xp", "Gold: " + this.Gold }; foreach (string name in AbilityNames) { prompts.Add($"Ability: {name}"); } DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); DisplayMethods.DisplayWrappedInformation($"Lore: {this.Lore}"); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press any key to continue...", true); }
public void RunCharacterCreation() { var song = new Playable(new MusicPlayer(), Track.Intro); song.Play(); List <string> getName = new List <string>() { "Enter Name: " }; this.Player = new PlayerCharacter(DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(getName, true)); Console.Clear(); List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { "Welcome to a Rogue Tribute", "Every single playthrough will be randomized and unique", "There are 10 Levels...", "Hadrian, The Stone King, Awaits you at the End...", "GoodLuck...", }; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts, 500); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(this.Player.Name, 300); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press Any Key to Continue...", true); Console.Clear(); this.Player.AwardExp(1); this.Player.CheckIfLevelUp(); song.Stop(); }
public void PhysicalAttack(Monster monster) { this.CurrentStamina -= 1; if (this.CurrentStamina > -1) { int dealtDamage = this.Attack - monster.Defense; if (dealtDamage < 0) { dealtDamage = 0; } monster.CurrentHP -= dealtDamage; List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { $"{this.Name} Punched the {monster.Name}", $"{this.Name} dealt {dealtDamage} dmg!!!", $"You spent 1 stamina || Current Stamina {this.CurrentStamina}", $"The {monster.Name} trembles... probably..." }; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); } else { this.CurrentStamina = 0; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("You were too tired to attack... (Stamina too low)"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); }
internal void ViewSpells() { List <string> prompts = new List <string>(); foreach (Spell spell in Spells) { prompts.Add($"{spell.Name} || Cost: {spell.MpCost} || Base Damage: {spell.Damage}"); } DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); }
public void ViewItemInventory() { Dictionary <string, int> newPrompts = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (IItem item in Inventory) { newPrompts[item.ItemName] += 1; } DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Item Inventory"); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(newPrompts); }
private void AttackPlayer(PlayerCharacter player) { int dealtDamage = this.Attack - player.Defense + player.TempDef; if (dealtDamage < 0) { dealtDamage = 0; } player.CurrentHP -= dealtDamage; List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { $"The {this.Name} attacked!!!", $"It dealt {dealtDamage} dmg!!!", }; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press any key to continue...", true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string headerText = "Student List"; DisplayMethods.DisplayHeader(headerText); StudentList.ListStudents(); Console.Write("Select ID to view details: "); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); int choiceInt = 0; Int32.TryParse(choice, out choiceInt); StudentDetails.CourseDetailsView(choiceInt); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void ViewStatus() { List <string> newPrompts = new List <string> { "Name: " + this.Name, "Level: " + this.Level, "Health: " + this.CurrentHP + " | " + this.MaxHP, "Mana: " + this.CurrentMP + " | " + this.MaxMP, "Stamina: " + this.CurrentStamina + " | " + this.MaxStamina, "Attack: " + this.Attack, "Defense: " + this.Defense, "Magic Attack: " + this.MagAttack, "Magic Defense: " + this.MagDefense, "Luck: " + this.Luck, "Current Experience: " + this.Exp + "xp" + " | to next level " + (LevelingArray[this.Level] - this.Exp) + "xp", "Gold: " + this.Gold }; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(newPrompts); }
public void DoPlayerInput(ConsoleKeyInfo input) { Console.Clear(); switch (input.Key) { case ConsoleKey.I: { if (this.Player.Inventory != null) { this.Player.ViewItemInventory(); } else { DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Your Inventory Is Empty"); } break; } case ConsoleKey.V: { this.Player.ViewStatus(); break; } case ConsoleKey.Escape: { DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Paused..."); break; } case ConsoleKey.O: { this.Player.ViewSpells(); break; } } DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press Enter to Continue...", true); Console.Clear(); }
public static void CourseDetailsView(int id) { Console.Clear(); DisplayMethods.DisplayHeader("Details of Student"); using (var _context = new SchoolContext()) { // Display the studetns name and details var students = _context.Students.Where(s => s.ID == id); foreach (var student in students) { Console.WriteLine("Lastname: " + student.LastName); Console.WriteLine("Firstname: " + student.FirstMidName); Console.WriteLine("Enrollment Date: {0}", student.EnrollmentDate.ToLongDateString()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Course Title\t\tGrade"); } // Display the Course Title and Grade var enrollments = _context.Enrollments.Where(s => s.StudentID == id); var courses = from c in _context.Courses join e in enrollments on c.CourseID equals e.CourseID select new { Title = c.Title, Grade = e.Grade }; foreach (var item in courses) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{1}", item.Title, item.Grade); } Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to Return to List"); _context.Dispose(); } }
private void Defend(PlayerCharacter player) { List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { $"The {this.Name} hunkered down and guarded", $"The {this.Name} restored 1 stamina and gained {(int)(this.Level * 1.5)} defense and {(int)(this.Level * 1.5)} magic defense for the next turn" }; if (this.CurrentStamina + 1 <= this.MaxStamina) { this.CurrentStamina++; } else { this.CurrentStamina = this.MaxStamina; } this.Defense += (int)(this.Level * 1.5); this.MagDefense += (int)(this.Level * 1.5); this.IsDefend = true; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press any key to continue...", true); }
private void RunEncounterLoop(Monster newMonster, PlayerCharacter player) { var song = new Playable(new MusicPlayer(), Track.Battle); song.Play(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Clear(); while (true) { bool winState = false; bool loseState = false; bool ranAwayState = false; bool restartMenu = false; string input; List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { $"You face the mighty {newMonster.Name}", $"HP: {newMonster.CurrentHP}", $"Attack: {newMonster.Attack}", "", "Choose your choice...", $"(1) Attack the {newMonster.Name}", $"(2) Use a Spell on the {newMonster.Name}", $"(R) Attempt to run away based on Luck Stat", $"(I) Inspect the monster (Costs a turn)", "", "", $"{player.Name} | HP: {player.CurrentHP} | MP: {player.CurrentMP} | Stam: {player.CurrentStamina}", "Player Input (1, 2, R, I):" }; while (true) { input = DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts, true); input = input.Substring(0, 1); input = input.ToUpper(); if (input == "1" || input == "2" || input == "R" || input == "I") { break; } else { Console.Clear(); } } Console.Clear(); switch (input) { case "1": player.PhysicalAttack(newMonster); break; case "2": { bool doAttack = false; while (!doAttack) { List <string> magicPrompts = new List <string>() { "Choose a spell to cast: " }; for (int i = 0; i < player.Spells.Count; i++) { magicPrompts.Add($"({i + 1}) {player.Spells[i].Name}"); } magicPrompts.Add("(Q) Quit Back to Select"); magicPrompts.Add("Player Input: "); string magicInput = DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(magicPrompts, true); magicInput = magicInput.Substring(0, 1); if (magicInput.ToUpper() == "Q") { Console.Clear(); restartMenu = true; break; } for (int i = 0; i < player.Spells.Count; i++) { if ((i + 1).ToString() == magicInput) { doAttack = true; } } if (doAttack) { if (player.CurrentMP >= player.Spells[int.Parse(magicInput) - 1].MpCost) { Console.Clear(); player.MagicalAttack(newMonster, player.Spells[int.Parse(magicInput) - 1].Name); } else { doAttack = false; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("You do not have enough mana!!!"); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press enter to continue...", true); Console.Clear(); } } } break; } case "R": Random runAwayChance = new Random(); if (runAwayChance.Next(0, newMonster.Luck) < runAwayChance.Next(0, player.Luck)) { DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Successfully got away!!!"); ranAwayState = true; } else { DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Failed to get away!!!"); } break; case "I": { newMonster.DisplayStatus(); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press Any key To Continue"); Console.Clear(); break; } } if (restartMenu) { continue; } if (ranAwayState) { song.Stop(); break; } winState = newMonster.CurrentHP <= 0; DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(""); if (winState) { DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation($"The {newMonster.Name} has finally fallen... What a challenge."); player.AwardExp(newMonster.Exp); Console.Clear(); song.Stop(); player.CheckIfLevelUp(); break; } newMonster.Act(player); Console.Clear(); loseState = player.CurrentHP <= 0; if (loseState) { DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation($"{player.Name} has died horribly at the hands of the mighty {newMonster.Name}..."); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press any key to end...", true); song.Stop(); break; } prompts.Clear(); } song.Stop(); }
private void UseAbility(PlayerCharacter player) { List <string> prompts = new List <string>() { $"The {this.Name} used {this.AbilityToUse.Name}", $"The {this.Name} {this.AbilityToUse.Dialog}" }; if (this.AbilityToUse.IsAttack) { int physicalDealtDamage = (this.AbilityToUse.Attack + this.Attack) - player.Defense + player.TempDef; int magicalDealtDamage = (this.AbilityToUse.MagAttack + this.MagAttack) - player.MagDefense + player.TempMagDef; if (physicalDealtDamage > 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} dealt {physicalDealtDamage} physical damage"); player.CurrentHP -= physicalDealtDamage; } if (magicalDealtDamage > 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} dealt {magicalDealtDamage} magic damage"); player.CurrentHP -= magicalDealtDamage; } if (this.AbilityToUse.HP > 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} healed you {this.AbilityToUse.HP} HP"); if (player.CurrentHP + this.AbilityToUse.HP <= player.MaxHP) { player.CurrentHP += this.AbilityToUse.HP; } else { player.CurrentHP = player.MaxHP; } } this.CurrentMP -= this.AbilityToUse.MP; } else { if (this.AbilityToUse.HP != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForStatus(this.AbilityToUse.HP)} its health for {this.AbilityToUse.HP}"); } if (this.AbilityToUse.MP != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForStatus(this.AbilityToUse.MP)} its mana for {this.AbilityToUse.MP}"); } if (this.AbilityToUse.Stamina != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForStatus(this.AbilityToUse.Stamina)} its stamina for {this.AbilityToUse.Stamina}"); } if (this.AbilityToUse.Attack != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForCombat(this.AbilityToUse.Attack)} its attack by {this.AbilityToUse.Attack}"); } if (this.AbilityToUse.Defense != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForCombat(this.AbilityToUse.Defense)} its defense by {this.AbilityToUse.Defense}"); } if (this.AbilityToUse.MagAttack != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForCombat(this.AbilityToUse.MagAttack)} its magic attack by {this.AbilityToUse.MagAttack}"); } if (this.AbilityToUse.MagAttack != 0) { prompts.Add($"The {this.Name} {VerbForCombat(this.AbilityToUse.MagDefense)} its magic defense by {this.AbilityToUse.MagDefense}"); } if (this.CurrentHP + this.AbilityToUse.HP <= this.MaxHP) { this.CurrentHP += this.AbilityToUse.HP; } else { this.CurrentHP = this.MaxHP; } if (this.CurrentMP + this.AbilityToUse.MP <= this.MaxMP) { this.CurrentMP += this.AbilityToUse.MP; } else { this.CurrentMP = this.MaxMP; } if (this.CurrentStamina + this.AbilityToUse.Stamina <= this.MaxStamina) { this.CurrentStamina += this.AbilityToUse.Stamina; } else { this.CurrentStamina = this.MaxStamina; } this.Attack += this.AbilityToUse.Attack; this.Defense += this.AbilityToUse.Defense; this.MagAttack += this.AbilityToUse.MagAttack; this.MagDefense += this.AbilityToUse.MagDefense; } DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Press any key to continue...", true); }
private void LevelUp() { List <string> prompts = new List <string>(); prompts.Add("Level: " + this.Level); Random randomLevelSeed = new Random(); int randomHPAddition = randomLevelSeed.Next(3, this.Luck / randomLevelSeed.Next(1, 3) + 3); int randomMPAddition = randomLevelSeed.Next(2, this.Luck / randomLevelSeed.Next(1, 3) + 1); int count = 3; bool didLevelNineCount = false; while (this.LevelingArray[this.Level] < this.Exp) { if (this.Level >= 9 && !didLevelNineCount) { count = 9; didLevelNineCount = true; } prompts.Add("LEVEL UP!!!"); prompts.Add("New Level: " + (this.Level + 1)); prompts.Add($"HP: {this.MaxHP} + {randomHPAddition} = {(this.MaxHP + randomHPAddition)}"); prompts.Add($"MP: {this.MaxMP} + {randomMPAddition} = {(this.MaxMP + randomMPAddition)}"); prompts.Add($"You have {count} stats to allot: "); prompts.Add($"(1) Attack: {this.Attack}"); prompts.Add($"(2) Defense: {this.Defense}"); prompts.Add($"(3) Magic Attack: {this.MagAttack}"); prompts.Add($"(4) Magic Defense: {this.MagDefense}"); prompts.Add($"(5) Stamina: {this.MaxStamina}"); prompts.Add($"(6) Luck: {this.Luck}"); prompts.Add(""); prompts.Add("Player input (1,2,3,4,5,6): "); string input; while (true) { input = DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation(prompts, true); input = input.Substring(0, 1); if (input == "1" || input == "2" || input == "3" || input == "4" || input == "5" || input == "6") { break; } else { Console.Clear(); } } switch (input) { case "1": this.Attack++; break; case "2": this.Defense++; break; case "3": this.MagAttack++; break; case "4": this.MagDefense++; break; case "5": this.MaxStamina++; this.CurrentStamina++; break; case "6": this.Luck++; break; } count--; if (count < 1) { this.Level++; count = 3; this.MaxHP += randomHPAddition; this.CurrentHP += randomHPAddition; this.MaxMP += randomMPAddition; this.CurrentMP += randomMPAddition; randomHPAddition = randomLevelSeed.Next(3, this.Luck / randomLevelSeed.Next(1, 3) + 3); randomMPAddition = randomLevelSeed.Next(2, this.Luck / randomLevelSeed.Next(1, 3) + 1); } prompts.Clear(); Console.Clear(); } if (this.Level == 1) { Spell fireBall = new Spell("FireBall", 2, 2); DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation($"For reaching {this.Level} level you have been awarded the {fireBall.Name} Spell || {fireBall.Damage} damage || {fireBall.MpCost} cost. "); this.AddSpell(fireBall); } DisplayMethods.DisplayInformation("Finished Leveling", true); Console.Clear(); }