        public void TestGetBounds()
            var displayInfo   = DisplayInfo.AllDisplayInfos.First();
            var displayBounds = DisplayInfo.GetBounds(displayInfo.Bounds.Location);

            Assert.Equal(displayInfo.Bounds, displayBounds);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the height, this is needed to know how many toasts are visible
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double GetHeight()
            var taskbarBounds = Shell32Api.TaskbarPosition.Bounds;

            var displayBounds = DisplayInfo.GetBounds(taskbarBounds.Location);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks if the Zoom area can move there where it wants to go, change direction if not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">preferred destination location for the zoom area</param>
        /// <param name="allowZoomOverCaptureRect">
        ///     false to try to find a location which is neither out of screen bounds nor
        ///     intersects with the selected rectangle
        /// </param>
        private void VerifyZoomAnimation(NativePoint pos, bool allowZoomOverCaptureRect)
            var screenBounds = DisplayInfo.GetBounds(MousePosition);

            // convert to be relative to top left corner of all screen bounds
            screenBounds = screenBounds.MoveTo(WindowCapture.GetLocationRelativeToScreenBounds(screenBounds.Location));
            var relativeZoomSize = Math.Min(screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height) / 5;

            // Make sure the final size is a plural of 4, this makes it look better
            relativeZoomSize = relativeZoomSize - relativeZoomSize % 4;
            var zoomSize   = new NativeSize(relativeZoomSize, relativeZoomSize);
            var zoomOffset = new NativePoint(20, 20);

            var targetRectangle = _zoomAnimator.Final.Offset(pos);

            if (screenBounds.Contains(targetRectangle) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(targetRectangle)))
            var destinationLocation = NativePoint.Empty;
            var tl = new NativeRect(pos.X - (zoomOffset.X + zoomSize.Width), pos.Y - (zoomOffset.Y + zoomSize.Height), zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);
            var tr = new NativeRect(pos.X + zoomOffset.X, pos.Y - (zoomOffset.Y + zoomSize.Height), zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);
            var bl = new NativeRect(pos.X - (zoomOffset.X + zoomSize.Width), pos.Y + zoomOffset.Y, zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);
            var br = new NativeRect(pos.X + zoomOffset.X, pos.Y + zoomOffset.Y, zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);

            if (screenBounds.Contains(br) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(br)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(zoomOffset.X, zoomOffset.Y);
            else if (screenBounds.Contains(bl) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(bl)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(-zoomOffset.X - zoomSize.Width, zoomOffset.Y);
            else if (screenBounds.Contains(tr) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(tr)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(zoomOffset.X, -zoomOffset.Y - zoomSize.Width);
            else if (screenBounds.Contains(tl) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(tl)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(-zoomOffset.X - zoomSize.Width, -zoomOffset.Y - zoomSize.Width);
            if (destinationLocation == NativePoint.Empty && !allowZoomOverCaptureRect)
                VerifyZoomAnimation(pos, true);
                _zoomAnimator.ChangeDestination(new NativeRect(destinationLocation, zoomSize));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an animation for the zoomer, depending on if it's active or not.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeZoomer(bool isOn)
            if (isOn)
                var screenBounds = DisplayInfo.GetBounds(MousePosition);
                var zoomerSize   = CalculateZoomSize(screenBounds);

                var initialPosition = new NativePoint(20, 20);
                // Initialize the zoom with an initial position
                _zoomAnimator = new RectangleAnimator(new NativeRect(initialPosition, NativeSize.Empty), new NativeRect(initialPosition, zoomerSize), FramesForMillis(1000), EasingTypes.Quintic, EasingModes.EaseOut);
                VerifyZoomAnimation(_cursorPos, false);
                _zoomAnimator?.ChangeDestination(new NativeRect(NativePoint.Empty, NativeSize.Empty), FramesForMillis(1000));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks if the Zoom area can move there where it wants to go, change direction if not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">preferred destination location for the zoom area</param>
        /// <param name="allowZoomOverCaptureRect">
        ///     false to try to find a location which is neither out of screen bounds nor
        ///     intersects with the selected rectangle
        /// </param>
        private void VerifyZoomAnimation(NativePoint pos, bool allowZoomOverCaptureRect)
            var screenBounds = DisplayInfo.GetBounds(MousePosition);
            var zoomSize     = CalculateZoomSize(screenBounds);
            var zoomOffset   = new NativePoint(20, 20);

            var targetRectangle = _zoomAnimator.Final.Offset(pos);

            if (screenBounds.Contains(targetRectangle) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(targetRectangle)))
            var destinationLocation = NativePoint.Empty;
            var tl = new NativeRect(pos.X - (zoomOffset.X + zoomSize.Width), pos.Y - (zoomOffset.Y + zoomSize.Height), zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);
            var tr = new NativeRect(pos.X + zoomOffset.X, pos.Y - (zoomOffset.Y + zoomSize.Height), zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);
            var bl = new NativeRect(pos.X - (zoomOffset.X + zoomSize.Width), pos.Y + zoomOffset.Y, zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);
            var br = new NativeRect(pos.X + zoomOffset.X, pos.Y + zoomOffset.Y, zoomSize.Width, zoomSize.Height);

            if (screenBounds.Contains(br) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(br)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(zoomOffset.X, zoomOffset.Y);
            else if (screenBounds.Contains(bl) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(bl)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(-zoomOffset.X - zoomSize.Width, zoomOffset.Y);
            else if (screenBounds.Contains(tr) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(tr)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(zoomOffset.X, -zoomOffset.Y - zoomSize.Width);
            else if (screenBounds.Contains(tl) && (allowZoomOverCaptureRect || !_captureRect.IntersectsWith(tl)))
                destinationLocation = new NativePoint(-zoomOffset.X - zoomSize.Width, -zoomOffset.Y - zoomSize.Width);
            if (destinationLocation == NativePoint.Empty && !allowZoomOverCaptureRect)
                VerifyZoomAnimation(pos, true);
                _zoomAnimator.ChangeDestination(new NativeRect(destinationLocation, zoomSize));