public ManagerImageReference(CMConfigurationSection config)
     TemplateFields = new DispatchedObservableCollection<ManagerTemplateField>();
     Config = config;
     IndexOffset = 0;
     ImageVariants = new List<ImageVariant>();
 public ManagerImageReference(CMConfigurationSection config)
     TemplateFields = new DispatchedObservableCollection <ManagerTemplateField>();
     Config         = config;
     IndexOffset    = 0;
     ImageVariants  = new List <ImageVariant>();
 public PacketBrowserViewModel() :
     PacketDefinitions            = new DispatchedObservableCollection <PacketDefinition>();
     PacketDefinitionsView        = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(PacketDefinitions);
     PacketDefinitionsView.Filter = PacketListFilter;
 public WatchThreadSerializer(WatchThreadManager argWatchThreadManager, DownloadManager argDownloadManager, DispatchedObservableCollection<WatchThreadViewItem> argwatchThreadViewCollection)
     this.debugLogText = new DebugLog();
       this.watchThreadManager = argWatchThreadManager;
       this.downloadManager = argDownloadManager;
       this.watchThreadViewCollection = argwatchThreadViewCollection;
       string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData).ToString(), "InBefore404");
       try {
       } catch {
       this.serializeFilePath = Path.Combine(path, "WatchThreadList.xml");
 public void RegisterDownloadTaskViewCollection(DispatchedObservableCollection<DownloaderTaskViewItem> argDltaskViewItemList)
     this.dltaskViewCollection = argDltaskViewItemList;
 public ManagerCart(string name)
     Name   = name;
     Slides = new DispatchedObservableCollection <ManagerImageReference>();
 public void RegisterWatchThreadViewCollection(DispatchedObservableCollection<WatchThreadViewItem> argwatchThreadViewCollection)
     this.watchThreadViewCollection = argwatchThreadViewCollection;
 public ManagerCart(string name)
     Name = name;
     Slides = new DispatchedObservableCollection<ManagerImageReference>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the templates variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if changes happened</returns>
        private bool ReadTemplateFields()
            if (Template == null || TemplateFields == null)
                return false;
            if (!File.Exists(Template) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Template)))
                Template = Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Template);
            else if (!File.Exists(Template) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Path.GetFileName(Template))))
                Template = Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Path.GetFileName(Template));
            else if (!File.Exists(Template))
                return false;

            var templateHtml = File.ReadAllText(Template);

            // Replace @@values@@ with context Values
            const string pattern = "@@(.*?)@@";

            var changes = false;
            if (TemplateFields == null)
                TemplateFields = new DispatchedObservableCollection<ManagerTemplateField>();
            foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(templateHtml, pattern))
                var variable = m.Groups[1].Value;
                string replaceValue = null;
                if (Context != null && Context.HasValue(variable))
                    replaceValue = Context.GetValue(variable);
                // Add all fields to template fields
                if (TemplateFields.Any(x => x.Title == variable))
                    // If already in there check if value changed
                    var existing = TemplateFields.First(x => x.Title == variable);
                    if (String.Compare(existing.Value, replaceValue, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
                        // Update value
                        if (replaceValue != null)
                            existing.Value = replaceValue;
                            changes = true;
                    // Only add once to list
                    TemplateFields.Add(new ManagerTemplateField(variable, replaceValue));
                    changes = true;
            return changes;
        public ManagerContext()
            _config = (CMConfigurationSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("CMConfiguration");

            Carts = new DispatchedObservableCollection<ManagerCart>();
            CartItemsView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Carts);
            CartItemsView.Filter = CartDislpayFilter;

            DataBase = new DispatchedObservableCollection<DataMessage>();
            //RunningEvents = new DispatchedObservableCollection<EventFlow>();
            DataFlowItems = new DispatchedObservableCollection<DataFlowItem>();
            ImageFlowItems = new DispatchedObservableCollection<DataFlowItem>();

            DataFlowItemsView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(DataFlowItems);
            DataFlowItemsView.Filter = DataFlowNameFilter;
            var sortData = new SortDescription { Direction = ListSortDirection.Descending, PropertyName = "Timestamp" };

            ImageFlowItemsView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(ImageFlowItems);
            ImageFlowItemsView.Filter = ImageFlowNameFilter;
            var sortImage = new SortDescription { Direction = ListSortDirection.Descending, PropertyName = "Timestamp" };

            #region INPUTS
            // Open Connection to INBOUND MQ
            foreach (InputConfiguration input in _config.InputConfigurations)
                switch (input.Type.ToUpper())
                    case "MQ":
                            var amquri = input.MQUri;
                            var amqinexchange = input.MQExchange;
                            var dataInConnection = new AMQConsumer(amquri, amqinexchange, this);
                            // TODO Catch hand handle connection exceptions and reconnect

                    case "HTTP":
                            var httpBindIp = input.BindIp;
                            var httpBindPort = input.BindPort;
                            var dataInHttpServer = new CMHttpServer(httpBindIp, httpBindPort, this);

                        // TODO Handle and log default

            #endregion INPUTS

            #region OUTPUTS
            // Open Connection to OUTBOUND MQ
            if (_config.OutputConfiguration.EnableDataDispatchMQ)
                var amquri = _config.OutputConfiguration.DispatchMQConfiguration.MQUri;
                var amqoutexchange = _config.OutputConfiguration.DispatchMQConfiguration.MQExchange;
                var dataOutConnection = new AMQQueuePublisher(amquri, amqoutexchange);
                // TODO Catch hand handle connection exceptions and reconnect

            #endregion OUTPUTS

            if (!ResetFomrFile())
                LoadCarts(true, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the templates variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if changes happened</returns>
        private bool ReadTemplateFields()
            if (Template == null || TemplateFields == null)
            if (!File.Exists(Template) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Template)))
                Template = Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Template);
            else if (!File.Exists(Template) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Path.GetFileName(Template))))
                Template = Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Path.GetFileName(Template));
            else if (!File.Exists(Template))

            var templateHtml = File.ReadAllText(Template);

            // Pattern used to replace template variables
            string pattern = "@@(?<variable>.*?)(=(?<default>.*))?@@";

            var changes = false;

            if (TemplateFields == null)
                TemplateFields = new DispatchedObservableCollection <ManagerTemplateField>();
            var matches = Regex.Matches(templateHtml, pattern);

            foreach (Match m in matches)
                var    variable       = m.Groups["variable"].Value;
                var    defaultvalue   = m.Groups["default"].Value;
                var    isDefaultValue = false;
                string replaceValue   = null;
                if (Context != null && Context.HasValue(variable))
                    replaceValue = Context.GetValue(variable);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultvalue))
                    replaceValue   = defaultvalue;
                    isDefaultValue = true;

                    //// Add to context if any
                    //if (Context != null)
                    //    Context.Data.Add(new DataMessage()
                    //    {je
                    //        Data = null,
                    //        DataType = "string",
                    //        Key = variable,
                    //        Value = defaultvalue
                    //    });

                // Add all fields to template fields
                if (TemplateFields.Any(x => x.Title == variable))
                    // If already in there check if value changed
                    var existing = TemplateFields.First(x => x.Title == variable);
                    if (!isDefaultValue && String.Compare(existing.Value, replaceValue, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
                        // Update value
                        if (replaceValue != null)
                            existing.Value = replaceValue;
                            changes        = true;
                    // Only add once to list
                    TemplateFields.Add(new ManagerTemplateField(variable, replaceValue));
                    changes = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the templates variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if changes happened</returns>
        private bool ReadTemplateFields()
            if (Template == null || TemplateFields == null)
            if (!File.Exists(Template) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Template)))
                Template = Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Template);
            else if (!File.Exists(Template) && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Path.GetFileName(Template))))
                Template = Path.Combine(Config.SlidesConfiguration.TemplatePath, Path.GetFileName(Template));
            else if (!File.Exists(Template))

            var templateHtml = File.ReadAllText(Template);

            // Replace @@values@@ with context Values
            const string pattern = "@@(.*?)@@";

            var changes = false;

            if (TemplateFields == null)
                TemplateFields = new DispatchedObservableCollection <ManagerTemplateField>();
            foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(templateHtml, pattern))
                var    variable     = m.Groups[1].Value;
                string replaceValue = null;
                if (Context != null && Context.HasValue(variable))
                    replaceValue = Context.GetValue(variable);
                // Add all fields to template fields
                if (TemplateFields.Any(x => x.Title == variable))
                    // If already in there check if value changed
                    var existing = TemplateFields.First(x => x.Title == variable);
                    if (String.Compare(existing.Value, replaceValue, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0)
                        // Update value
                        if (replaceValue != null)
                            existing.Value = replaceValue;
                            changes        = true;
                    // Only add once to list
                    TemplateFields.Add(new ManagerTemplateField(variable, replaceValue));
                    changes = true;
 public DownloaderTaskViewItemList(Dispatcher dispatcher)
     this.dispatcherUIThread = dispatcher;
       this.thedltvitems = new DispatchedObservableCollection<DownloaderTaskViewItem>();