        public CBTQChangeCalc LsFixedBlockCalc(DiskChangeInfo res, long blocksizekb, bool makecbtbitmap)
            CBTQChangeCalc calcinfo = null;

            if (res != null)
                calcinfo = new CBTQChangeCalc();
                long   blocksize    = blocksizekb * 1024;
                bool[] cbtfixbitmap = null;
                if (blocksize > 0)
                    //+1 for misalignment on the block level, normally does not happen but just in case
                    cbtfixbitmap = new bool[(res.length / blocksize) + 1];
                    for (var i = 0; i < cbtfixbitmap.Length; i++)
                        cbtfixbitmap[i] = false;
                bool[] cbtbitmap       = null;
                long   cbtblocksizemin = 1099511627776;

                calcinfo.offset    = res.startOffset;
                calcinfo.length    = res.length;
                calcinfo.blocksize = blocksize;

                //when flagging, instead of jumper per block, we will jump per maxjumpblockopt except at the end
                //this should significantely speed up calculation of the bitmap
                //to big is also not good because at the end more subjump will have to occure
                long maxjumpblockopt    = blocksize / 4;
                long endmaxjumpblockopt = 1024;

                if (res.changedArea != null && res.changedArea.Length > 0)
                    long changedarea = 0;

                    for (var i = 0; i < res.changedArea.Length; i++)
                        if (res.changedArea[i].length < cbtblocksizemin)
                            cbtblocksizemin = res.changedArea[i].length;

                    //make sure that jumps are smaller than the blocksize and the variable block size in CBT

                    long oneforthblock = cbtblocksizemin / 4;
                    if (oneforthblock < maxjumpblockopt)
                        maxjumpblockopt = oneforthblock;
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Jump size used: " + maxjumpblockopt);

                    if (makecbtbitmap)
                        if (cbtblocksizemin != 1099511627776 && cbtblocksizemin > 0)
                            cbtbitmap = new bool[(res.length / cbtblocksizemin) + 1];
                            for (var i = 0; i < cbtbitmap.Length; i++)
                                cbtbitmap[i] = false;
                            makecbtbitmap = false;
                            System.Console.WriteLine("Unusual block size, should not happen");

                    for (var i = 0; i < res.changedArea.Length; i++)
                        var changedblock = res.changedArea[i];
                        var start        = changedblock.start;
                        var length       = changedblock.length;

                        if (blocksize > 0)
                            long end = (start + length);

                            long flagged = 0;

                            long cbtflagged = 0;
                            long prevtblock = -1;

                            long prevcbttblock = -1;

                            for (long m = start; m < end;)
                                long touchingblock = m / blocksize;

                                if (touchingblock >= 0 && touchingblock < cbtfixbitmap.Length && touchingblock != prevtblock)
                                    cbtfixbitmap[touchingblock] = true;
                                    prevtblock = touchingblock;

                                if (makecbtbitmap)
                                    long cbttblock = m / cbtblocksizemin;
                                    if (cbttblock >= 0 && cbttblock < cbtbitmap.Length && cbttblock != prevcbttblock)
                                        cbtbitmap[cbttblock] = true;
                                        prevcbttblock = cbttblock;

                                //big continious region jumping
                                //if at the end, make sure we jump per 1kb to match the size at that point
                                //should give the most accurate prediction
                                long newm = m + maxjumpblockopt;
                                if (newm < end)
                                    m = newm;
                                    m += endmaxjumpblockopt;

                            //System.Console.WriteLine("Start {0,-20} Length {1,-20} Flagged Fixed Blocks {2,-5}", changedblock.start, changedblock.length, flagged);

                            calcinfo.cbtreal.Add(new CBTQChangedBlock(changedblock.start, changedblock.length, flagged));
                            calcinfo.cbtreal.Add(new CBTQChangedBlock(changedblock.start, changedblock.length, 0));
                        changedarea += changedblock.length;

                    calcinfo.cbtrealtotal   = changedarea;
                    calcinfo.cbtrealtotalmb = Math.Round((((double)changedarea) / 1024 / 1024), 2);

                    if (makecbtbitmap)
                        calcinfo.cbtrealminblock = cbtblocksizemin;
                        calcinfo.cbtrealbitmap   = cbtbitmap;

                        long cbtrealflagged = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < cbtbitmap.Length; i++)
                            if (cbtbitmap[i])
                        calcinfo.cbtrealchangedblocks = cbtrealflagged;

                    if (blocksize > 0)
                        long fixedflagged = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < cbtfixbitmap.Length; i++)
                            if (cbtfixbitmap[i])
                                long begin = i * blocksize;
                                for (; i < cbtfixbitmap.Length && cbtfixbitmap[i]; i++)
                                    fixedflagged += 1;
                                long end = i * blocksize;

                                calcinfo.cbtfix.Add(new CBTQChangedBlock(begin, (end - begin), (end - begin) / blocksize));

                        long fixedflaggedb = fixedflagged * blocksize;
                        calcinfo.cbtfixtotal         = fixedflaggedb;
                        calcinfo.cbtfixtotalmb       = Math.Round((((double)fixedflaggedb) / 1024 / 1024), 2);
                        calcinfo.cbtfixchangedblocks = fixedflagged;
                        calcinfo.cbtfixbitmap        = cbtfixbitmap;
                    calcinfo.cbtfixchangedblocks = 0;
                    calcinfo.cbtfixtotal         = 0;
                    calcinfo.cbtfixtotalmb       = 0;
                    calcinfo.cbtfixbitmap        = cbtfixbitmap;

                    if (makecbtbitmap)
                        calcinfo.cbtrealminblock = 64 * 1024;
                        calcinfo.cbtrealbitmap   = new bool[res.length / calcinfo.cbtrealminblock];
                        for (var i = 0; i < calcinfo.cbtrealbitmap.Length; i++)
                            calcinfo.cbtrealbitmap[i] = false;
                        calcinfo.cbtrealtotal         = 0;
                        calcinfo.cbtrealtotalmb       = 0;
                        calcinfo.cbtrealchangedblocks = 0;
        public static int MainFindVM(MainSearchVM_In inParam, MainSearchVM_Out outRet)
            VmSummaryInfo vmSummaryInfo = new VmSummaryInfo();

            System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

            MyCertVerify certVerify = new MyCertVerify();

            System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =

            BasicHttpBinding binding = null;

            if (string.Compare("https", inParam.Protocal, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport)
                    AllowCookies           = true,
                    OpenTimeout            = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    ReceiveTimeout         = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    SendTimeout            = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    CloseTimeout           = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    MaxBufferPoolSize      = 1024 * 1024 * 2,
                    MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024 * 512,
                    MaxBufferSize          = 1024 * 512
                binding = new BasicHttpBinding()
                    AllowCookies           = true,
                    OpenTimeout            = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    ReceiveTimeout         = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    SendTimeout            = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    CloseTimeout           = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                    MaxBufferPoolSize      = 1024 * 1024 * 2,
                    MaxReceivedMessageSize = 1024 * 512,
                    MaxBufferSize          = 1024 * 512

            string          sdkUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}/sdk", inParam.Protocal, inParam.ServerName, 0 == inParam.Port ? "" : ":" + inParam.Port.ToString());
            EndpointAddress epa    = new EndpointAddress(sdkUrl);

            vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.ServerName = inParam.ServerName;
            vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.UserName   = inParam.User;
            vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.Password   = inParam.Password;
            vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.Port       = inParam.Port;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            StringWriter  sw = new StringWriter(sb);

            using (var vimClient = new VimPortTypeClient(binding, epa))
                //var serviceCertificate = vimClient.ClientCredentials.ServiceCertificate;
                //serviceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom;
                //serviceCertificate.Authentication.CustomCertificateValidator = new MyX509CertificateValidator(null);
                //serviceCertificate.Authentication.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;

                //var clientCertificate = vimClient.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate;

                    ManagedObjectReference morServiceInstance = new ManagedObjectReference()
                        @type = "ServiceInstance",
                        Value = "ServiceInstance"
                    ServiceContent sc = vimClient.RetrieveServiceContent(morServiceInstance);

                    vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.ThumbPrint = StaticHelpers.FormatThumbPrint(certVerify.Thumbprint);

                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", epa.Uri, inParam.User, inParam.Password, vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.ThumbPrint, certVerify.Thumbprint);
                    //StaticHelpers.PrintServerAboutInfo(sb, sc.about);
                    sc.about.Dump(nameof(sc.about), sw, false);

                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());

                    using (MyCollectionDisposable collectionDisposal = new MyCollectionDisposable())
                        UserSession userSession = vimClient.Login(sc.sessionManager, inParam.User, inParam.Password, null);
                        collectionDisposal.Add(() => vimClient.Logout(sc.sessionManager));

                        //bool bListAllVMs = false;
                        if (inParam.ToListAllVMs)
                            CListVMs listVMs = new CListVMs(vimClient, sc.propertyCollector);

                        VimPropCollector pc = new VimPropCollector(vimClient, sc.propertyCollector);

                        VimFinder vimFinder = new VimFinder(vimClient, sc.propertyCollector, sc.rootFolder);

                        List <ManagedObjectReference> morDatacenters = new List <ManagedObjectReference>();

                        foreach (var datacenter in morDatacenters)
                                ManagedObjectReference morVM = (ManagedObjectReference)vimClient.FindByDatastorePath(sc.searchIndex, datacenter, inParam.VmPath);
                                if (null != morVM)
                                    vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.VmxSpec = "moref=" + morVM.Value;

                                    VirtualMachineConfigInfo virtualMachineConfigInfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo)pc.Get(morVM, "config");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, morVM);
                                    morVM.Dump(nameof(morVM), sw, false);
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintVMCI(sb, virtualMachineConfigInfo);
                                    StaticHelpers.PrintVirtualDisksBriefInfo(sb, virtualMachineConfigInfo, vmSummaryInfo.VmHost.CurrentDiskPath);
                                    virtualMachineConfigInfo.Dump(nameof(virtualMachineConfigInfo), sw, false);
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());

                                    VimSnapshotInfo si = new VimSnapshotInfo(vimClient, sc.propertyCollector, morVM, sb, vmSummaryInfo.Snapshots);
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());

                                    //datastore ManagedObjectReference:Datastore[] datastore-983 (datastore_on_30_1T)
                                    var datastore = (ManagedObjectReference[])pc.Get(morVM, "datastore");
                                    if (null != datastore)
                                        var datastoreName = from item in datastore
                                                            select new { Datastore = item, DatastoreName = (string)pc.Get(item, "name") };
                                        foreach (var item in datastoreName)
                                            //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, item.Datastore);
                                            item.Datastore.Dump(nameof(item.Datastore), sw, false);
                                            sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t\"{1}\"", nameof(item.DatastoreName), item.DatastoreName);
                                    //guest GuestInfo guest
                                    var guest = (GuestInfo)pc.Get(morVM, "guest");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintGuestInfo(sb, guest);
                                    guest.Dump(nameof(guest), sw, false);
                                    //layout VirtualMachineFileLayout layout
                                    var layout = (VirtualMachineFileLayout)pc.Get(morVM, "layout");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintVirtualMachineFileLayout(sb, layout);
                                    layout.Dump(nameof(layout), sw, false);
                                    //layoutEx VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx layoutEx
                                    var layoutEx = (VirtualMachineFileLayoutEx)pc.Get(morVM, "layoutEx");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintVirtualMachineFileLayoutEx(sb, layoutEx);
                                    layoutEx.Dump(nameof(layoutEx), sw, false);
                                    //name string "shuli02-vc60"
                                    var name = (string)pc.Get(morVM, "name");
                                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t\"{1}\"", nameof(name), name);
                                    //network ManagedObjectReference:Network[] network-822(VM Network)
                                    var network = (ManagedObjectReference[])pc.Get(morVM, "network");
                                    if (null != network)
                                        foreach (var Network in network)
                                            //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, Network);
                                            Network.Dump(nameof(Network), sw, false);

                                    //parent ManagedObjectReference:Folder group-v3 (vm)
                                    var parent = (ManagedObjectReference)pc.Get(morVM, "parent");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, parent);
                                    parent.Dump(nameof(parent), sw, false);

                                    //resourceConfig ResourceConfigSpec resourceConfig
                                    var resourceConfig = (ResourceConfigSpec)pc.Get(morVM, "resourceConfig");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintResourceConfigSpec(sb, resourceConfig);
                                    resourceConfig.Dump(nameof(resourceConfig), sw, false);

                                    //resourcePool ManagedObjectReference:ResourcePool resgroup-980 (VC)
                                    var resourcePool = (ManagedObjectReference)pc.Get(morVM, "resourcePool");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, resourcePool);
                                    resourcePool.Dump(nameof(resourcePool), sw, false);

                                    //runtime VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo runtime
                                    var runtime = (VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo)pc.Get(morVM, "runtime");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintVirtualMachineRuntimeInfo(sb, runtime);
                                    runtime.Dump(nameof(runtime), sw, false);

                                    string runtimeHostName = (string)pc.Get(runtime.host, "name");
                                    ManagedObjectReference morRuntimehostParent = (ManagedObjectReference)pc.Get(runtime.host, "parent");
                                    string runtimeHostParentName = (string)pc.Get(morRuntimehostParent, "name");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, runtime.host);
                                    runtime.host.Dump(nameof(runtime.host), sw, false);
                                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t\"{1}\"", nameof(runtimeHostName), runtimeHostName); sb.AppendLine();
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintMor(sb, morRuntimehostParent);
                                    morRuntimehostParent.Dump(nameof(morRuntimehostParent), sw, false);
                                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t\"{1}\"", nameof(runtimeHostParentName), runtimeHostParentName); sb.AppendLine();

                                    //storage VirtualMachineStorageInfo storage
                                    var storage = (VirtualMachineStorageInfo)pc.Get(morVM, "storage");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintVirtualMachineStorageInfo(sb, storage);
                                    storage.Dump(nameof(storage), sw, false);
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());

                                    //summary VirtualMachineSummary summary
                                    var summary = (VirtualMachineSummary)pc.Get(morVM, "summary");
                                    //StaticHelpers.PrintVirtualMachineSummary(sb, summary);
                                    summary.Dump(nameof(summary), sw, false);

                                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());

                                    sb.Append('~', 80); sb.AppendLine();
                                    sb.Append('~', 80); sb.AppendLine();
                                    vmSummaryInfo.Dump(nameof(vmSummaryInfo), sw, false);
                                    sb.Append('~', 80); sb.AppendLine();
                                    sb.Append('~', 80); sb.AppendLine();
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());

                                    bool testVmOperation = false;
                                    if (testVmOperation)
                                            MyVMOperation vmop = new MyVMOperation(vimClient, sc.propertyCollector, morVM);

                                            TaskInfoState state = vmop.ConsolidateVMDisks();

                                            string snapshotid1 = null;
                                            state = vmop.CreateSnapshot("test snapshot name 1", "test snapshot description1 ", false, true, out snapshotid1);
                                            VirtualDisk[] VirtualDisks1 = vmop.QuerySnapshotVirtualDisks(snapshotid1);

                                            string snapshotid2 = null;
                                            state = vmop.CreateSnapshot("test snapshot name 2", "test snapshot description2 ", false, true, out snapshotid2);
                                            VirtualDisk[] VirtualDisks2 = vmop.QuerySnapshotVirtualDisks(snapshotid2);

                                                foreach (var vdisk in VirtualDisks1)
                                                    long startOffset = 0;
                                                    long diskSize    = vdisk.capacityInBytes == 0 ? vdisk.capacityInKB * 1024 : vdisk.capacityInBytes;
                                                    while (startOffset < diskSize)
                                                        DiskChangeInfo diskChangeInfo = vmop.QueryChangedDiskAreas(snapshotid2, vdisk, startOffset);
                                                        if (null != diskChangeInfo.changedArea)
                                                            foreach (var changedArea in diskChangeInfo.changedArea)
                                                                changedArea.Dump(nameof(changedArea), sw, false);
                                                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb.ToString());
                                                        startOffset = diskChangeInfo.startOffset + diskChangeInfo.length;
                                            catch (Exception exQueryChangedDiskAreas)
                                                StaticHelpers.PrintException(exQueryChangedDiskAreas, 0);

                                            state = vmop.RemoveSnapshot(snapshotid2, false, true);
                                            state = vmop.RemoveSnapshot(snapshotid1, false, true);
                                        catch (Exception exTestVmOperation)
                                            StaticHelpers.PrintException(exTestVmOperation, 0);

                                    bool testGustOp = false;
                                    if (testGustOp)
                                            string            guestUser     = "******";
                                            string            guestPassword = "******";
                                            VimGuestOperation vimGuestOp    = new VimGuestOperation(vimClient, sc.propertyCollector, sc.guestOperationsManager, morVM, guestUser, guestPassword);

                                            string[] vars = vimGuestOp.ReadEnvironmentVariableInGuest(new string[] { "path" });

                                            GuestProgramSpec guestProgramSpec = new GuestProgramSpec()
                                                programPath      = @"c:\Windows\notepad.exe",
                                                arguments        = "",
                                                workingDirectory = @"c:\",
                                                envVariables     = null
                                            long pid = vimGuestOp.StartProgramInGuest(guestProgramSpec);
                                            GuestProcessInfo[] gpi = vimGuestOp.ListProcessesInGuest(new long[] { pid });

                                            string guestFilePath = @"E:\1.vhdx";
                                            string localFile     = @"E:\~temp\1.vhdx";
                                            vimGuestOp.FileTransferFromGuest(guestFilePath, localFile);
                                            string guestFilePath2 = @"e:\111\1.vhdx";
                                            vimGuestOp.FileTransferToGuest(guestFilePath2, localFile, true);
                                        catch (Exception exGust)
                                            StaticHelpers.PrintException(exGust, 0);
                            catch (Exception exFind)
                                StaticHelpers.PrintException(exFind, 0);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    StaticHelpers.PrintException(ex, 0);
