public void NowTestDataInsertion(DatabaseType dbType) { AlterTest_InvalidThenRecreateItAndItsValidAgain(dbType); _table.Insert(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "name", "Franky" }, { "bubbles", 3 }, { "hic_validFrom", new DateTime(2001, 1, 2) }, { "hic_dataLoadRunID", 7 } }); RunSQL("UPDATE {0} set bubbles =99", _table.GetFullyQualifiedName()); //new value is 99 Assert.AreEqual(99, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM {0} where name = 'Franky'", _table.GetFullyQualifiedName())); //archived value is 3 Assert.AreEqual(3, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM {0} where name = 'Franky'", _archiveTable.GetFullyQualifiedName())); //Legacy table valued function only works for MicrosoftSQLServer if (dbType == DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer) { //legacy in 2001-01-01 it didn't exist Assert.IsNull(ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy('2001-01-01') where name = 'Franky'")); //legacy in 2001-01-03 it did exist and was 3 Assert.AreEqual(3, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy('2001-01-03') where name = 'Franky'")); //legacy boundary case? Assert.AreEqual(3, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy('2001-01-02') where name = 'Franky'")); //legacy today it is 99 Assert.AreEqual(99, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy(GETDATE()) where name = 'Franky'")); } }
public override void DropTable(DbConnection connection, DiscoveredTable tableToDrop) { SqlCommand cmd; switch (tableToDrop.TableType) { case TableType.View: if (connection.Database != tableToDrop.Database.GetRuntimeName()) { connection.ChangeDatabase(tableToDrop.GetRuntimeName()); } if (!connection.Database.ToLower().Equals(tableToDrop.Database.GetRuntimeName().ToLower())) { throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot drop view " + tableToDrop + " because it exists in database " + tableToDrop.Database.GetRuntimeName() + " while the current current database connection is pointed at database:" + connection.Database + " (use .ChangeDatabase on the connection first) - SQL Server does not support cross database view dropping"); } cmd = new SqlCommand("DROP VIEW " + tableToDrop.GetRuntimeName(), (SqlConnection)connection); break; case TableType.Table: cmd = new SqlCommand("DROP TABLE " + tableToDrop.GetFullyQualifiedName(), (SqlConnection)connection); break; case TableType.TableValuedFunction: DropFunction(connection, (DiscoveredTableValuedFunction)tableToDrop); return; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } using (cmd) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
protected override string GetRenameTableSql(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable, string newName) { var syntax = new PostgreSqlSyntaxHelper(); return(@"ALTER TABLE " + discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName() + @" RENAME TO " + syntax.EnsureWrapped(newName)); }
private string[] ListPrimaryKeys(IManagedConnection con, DiscoveredTable table) { string query = $@"SELECT pg_attribute.attname, format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid = '{table.GetFullyQualifiedName()}'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary"; List <string> toReturn = new List <string>(); using (DbCommand cmd = table.GetCommand(query, con.Connection)) { cmd.Transaction = con.Transaction; using (DbDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read()) { toReturn.Add((string)r["attname"]); } r.Close(); } } return(toReturn.ToArray()); }
protected override string BuildUpdateImpl(DiscoveredTable table1, DiscoveredTable table2, List <CustomLine> lines) { // This implementation is based on: // /*MERGE INTO table1 t1 * USING * ( * -- For more complicated queries you can use WITH clause here * SELECT * FROM table2 * )t2 * ON( = * WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET * =, * t1.desc = t2.desc;*/ return(string.Format( @"MERGE INTO {1} t1 USING ( SELECT * FROM {2} )t2 on ({3}) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET {0} WHERE {4}", string.Join(", " + Environment.NewLine, lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.SET).Select(c => c.Text)), table1.GetFullyQualifiedName(), table2.GetFullyQualifiedName(), string.Join(" AND ", lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin).Select(c => c.Text)), string.Join(" AND ", lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.WHERE).Select(c => c.Text)))); }
public override void MakeDistinct(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable, int timeoutInSeconds) { string sql = @"DELETE f FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY {0} ORDER BY {0}) AS RowNum FROM {1} ) as f where RowNum > 1"; string columnList = string.Join(",", discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName())); string sqlToExecute = string.Format(sql, columnList, discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()); var server = discoveredTable.Database.Server; using (var con = server.GetConnection()) { con.Open(); var cmd = server.GetCommand(sqlToExecute, con); cmd.CommandTimeout = timeoutInSeconds; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
protected override string BuildUpdateImpl(DiscoveredTable table1, DiscoveredTable table2, List <CustomLine> lines) { // string joinSql = string.Join(" AND ", lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin).Select(c => c.Text)); string whereSql = string.Join(" AND ", lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.WHERE).Select(c => c.Text)); return(string.Format( @"UPDATE {1} AS t1 SET {0} FROM {2} AS t2 WHERE {3} {4} {5} ", string.Join(", " + Environment.NewLine, lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.SET) .Select(c => //seems like you cant specify the table alias in the SET section of the query c.Text.Replace("t1.", ""))), table1.GetFullyQualifiedName(), table2.GetFullyQualifiedName(), joinSql, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whereSql) ? "AND" :"", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whereSql) ? "(" + whereSql + ")":"" )); }
/// <summary> /// Returns SQL to update the <paramref name="topXRows"/> with the provided SET string /// </summary> /// <param name="tbl">Table to update</param> /// <param name="topXRows">Number of rows to change</param> /// <param name="setSql">Set SQL e.g. "Set Col1='fish'"</param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetUpdateTopXSql(DiscoveredTable tbl, int topXRows, string setSql) { switch (tbl.Database.Server.DatabaseType) { case DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer: return ($"UPDATE TOP ({topXRows}) {tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()} {setSql}"); case DatabaseType.MySql: return ($"UPDATE {tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()} {setSql} LIMIT {topXRows}"); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public override int Run() { DiscoveredTable tbl = GetServer(_opts.DatabaseConnectionString, _opts.DatabaseType, _opts.TableName); var server = tbl.Database.Server; _factory = new DatabaseFailureFactory(tbl); _columns = tbl.DiscoverColumns(); _columnsNames = _columns.Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()).ToArray(); _stringColumns = _columns.Select(c => c.GetGuesser().Guess.CSharpType == typeof(string)).ToArray(); using (var con = server.GetConnection()) { con.Open(); var cmd = server.GetCommand( string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}" , string.Join("," + Environment.NewLine, _columns.Select(c => c.GetFullyQualifiedName()).ToArray()) , tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()), con); _logger.Info("About to send command:" + Environment.NewLine + cmd.CommandText); var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); foreach (Failure failure in reader.Cast <DbDataRecord>().SelectMany(GetFailuresIfAny)) { AddToReports(failure); } CloseReports(); } return(0); }
public override void MakeDistinct(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable discoveredTable) { var syntax = discoveredTable.GetQuerySyntaxHelper(); string sql = @"DELETE f FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY {0} ORDER BY {0}) AS RowNum FROM {1} ) as f where RowNum > 1"; string columnList = string.Join(",", discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => syntax.EnsureWrapped(c.GetRuntimeName()))); string sqlToExecute = string.Format(sql, columnList, discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()); var server = discoveredTable.Database.Server; using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(server)) { using (var cmd = server.GetCommand(sqlToExecute, con)) args.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } }
public void NowTestDataInsertion(DatabaseType dbType) { AlterTest_InvalidThenRecreateItAndItsValidAgain(dbType); _table.Insert(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "name", "Franky" }, { "bubbles", 3 }, { "hic_validFrom", new DateTime(2001, 1, 2) }, { "hic_dataLoadRunID", 7 } }); var liveOldRow = _table.GetDataTable().Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Single(r => r["bubbles"] as int? == 3); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2001, 1, 2), ((DateTime)liveOldRow[SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom])); RunSQL("UPDATE {0} set bubbles =99", _table.GetFullyQualifiedName()); //new value is 99 Assert.AreEqual(99, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM {0} where name = 'Franky'", _table.GetFullyQualifiedName())); //archived value is 3 Assert.AreEqual(3, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM {0} where name = 'Franky'", _archiveTable.GetFullyQualifiedName())); //Legacy table valued function only works for MicrosoftSQLServer if (dbType == DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer) { //legacy in 2001-01-01 it didn't exist Assert.IsNull(ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy('2001-01-01') where name = 'Franky'")); //legacy in 2001-01-03 it did exist and was 3 Assert.AreEqual(3, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy('2001-01-03') where name = 'Franky'")); //legacy boundary case? Assert.AreEqual(3, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy('2001-01-02') where name = 'Franky'")); //legacy today it is 99 Assert.AreEqual(99, ExecuteScalar("Select bubbles FROM TriggerTests_Legacy(GETDATE()) where name = 'Franky'")); } // Live row should now reflect that it is validFrom today var liveNewRow = _table.GetDataTable().Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Single(r => r["bubbles"] as int? == 99); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.Date, ((DateTime)liveNewRow[SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom]).Date); // Archived row should not have had it's validFrom field broken var archivedRow = _archiveTable.GetDataTable().Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Single(r => r["bubbles"] as int? == 3); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2001, 1, 2), ((DateTime)archivedRow[SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom])); }
public MicrosoftSQLBulkCopy(DiscoveredTable targetTable, IManagedConnection connection, CultureInfo culture) : base(targetTable, connection, culture) { _bulkcopy = new SqlBulkCopy((SqlConnection)connection.Connection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.KeepIdentity, (SqlTransaction)connection.Transaction) { BulkCopyTimeout = 50000, DestinationTableName = targetTable.GetFullyQualifiedName() }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a mock implementation of <see cref="ITableInfo"/> that points to the live database table <paramref name="table"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ITableInfo Mock_TableInfo(DiscoveredTable table) { return(Mock.Of <ITableInfo>(p => p.Name == table.GetFullyQualifiedName() && p.Database == table.Database.GetRuntimeName() && p.DatabaseType == table.Database.Server.DatabaseType && p.IsTableValuedFunction == (table.TableType == TableType.TableValuedFunction) && p.Discover(It.IsAny <DataAccessContext>()) == table)); }
public string GetSql() { var response = _table.GetQuerySyntaxHelper().HowDoWeAchieveTopX(100); switch (response.Location) { case QueryComponent.SELECT: return("Select " + response.SQL + " * from " + _table.GetFullyQualifiedName()); case QueryComponent.WHERE: return("Select * from " + _table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " WHERE " + response.SQL); case QueryComponent.Postfix: return("Select * from " + _table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " " + response.SQL); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public override void Setup(IMappingTableOptions options) { _options = options; _swapTable = options.Discover(); _server = _swapTable.Database.Server; if (!_swapTable.Exists()) { throw new ArgumentException($"Swap table '{_swapTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()}' did not exist on server '{_server}'"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns SQL to update a single <paramref name="word"/> in the <paramref name="table"/> row referenced by the primary key value /// in <paramref name="failure"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="primaryKeys"></param> /// <param name="syntax"></param> /// <param name="failure"></param> /// <param name="word">The word or collection of words that should be redacted</param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetUpdateWordSql(DiscoveredTable table, Dictionary <DiscoveredTable, DiscoveredColumn> primaryKeys, IQuerySyntaxHelper syntax, Failure failure, string word) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(failure.ResourcePrimaryKey)) { throw new ArgumentException("Failure record's primary key is blank, cannot update database"); } return($@"update {table.GetFullyQualifiedName()} SET {syntax.EnsureWrapped(failure.ProblemField)} = REPLACE({syntax.EnsureWrapped(failure.ProblemField)},'{syntax.Escape(word)}', 'SMI_REDACTED') WHERE {primaryKeys[table].GetFullyQualifiedName()} = '{syntax.Escape(failure.ResourcePrimaryKey)}'"); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up a CHI/ECHI mapping table with fallback guid and populates each table with a single record. /// 0101010101 is a known CHI and 0202020202 is an known one (which was assigned a temporary guid mapping). /// Also prepares the main map table for DLE loading (<see cref="TriggerImplementer"/>) /// </summary> /// <param name="dbType"></param> /// <param name="map"></param> /// <param name="guidTable"></param> /// <param name="mapperOptions"></param> /// <param name="guids">true to create a <see cref="TableLookupWithGuidFallbackSwapper"/> otherwise creates a <see cref="TableLookupSwapper"/></param> private void SetupMappers(DatabaseType dbType, out DiscoveredTable map, out DiscoveredTable guidTable, out IdentifierMapperOptions mapperOptions, bool guids = true) { var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType); using (var dt = new DataTable()) { dt.Columns.Add("CHI"); dt.Columns.Add("ECHI"); dt.PrimaryKey = new [] { dt.Columns["CHI"] }; dt.Rows.Add("0101010101", "0A0A0A0A0A"); map = db.CreateTable("Map", dt); } mapperOptions = new IdentifierMapperOptions() { MappingTableName = map.GetFullyQualifiedName(), MappingConnectionString = db.Server.Builder.ConnectionString, SwapColumnName = "CHI", ReplacementColumnName = "ECHI", MappingDatabaseType = db.Server.DatabaseType, SwapperType = (guids ? typeof(TableLookupWithGuidFallbackSwapper):typeof(TableLookupSwapper)).FullName }; if (guids) { var swapper = new TableLookupWithGuidFallbackSwapper(); swapper.Setup(mapperOptions); guidTable = swapper.GetGuidTableIfAny(mapperOptions); Assert.AreEqual(0, guidTable.GetRowCount(), "No temporary guids should exist yet"); Assert.AreEqual(1, map.GetRowCount(), "We should have a mapping table with 1 entry"); //lookup an as yet unknown value swapper.GetSubstitutionFor("0202020202", out _); Assert.AreEqual(1, map.GetRowCount(), "We should have a mapping table with 1 entry"); Assert.AreEqual(1, guidTable.GetRowCount(), "We should have a temporary guid for 0202020202"); } else { guidTable = null; } // make a fake data load into this table (create trigger and insert/update) var triggerImplementer = new TriggerImplementerFactory(dbType).Create(map); triggerImplementer.CreateTrigger(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier()); }
public override string GetSubstitutionFor(string toSwap, out string reason) { reason = null; // If the cached key matches, return the last value if (string.Equals(toSwap, _lastKey) && _lastVal != null) { _logger.Debug("Using cached swap value"); CacheHit++; Success++; return(_lastVal); } CacheMiss++; // Else fall through to the database lookup using (new TimeTracker(DatabaseStopwatch)) using (DbConnection con = _server.GetConnection()) { con.Open(); string sql = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2}=@val", _options.ReplacementColumnName, _swapTable.GetFullyQualifiedName(), _options.SwapColumnName); DbCommand cmd = _server.GetCommand(sql, con); _server.AddParameterWithValueToCommand("@val", cmd, toSwap); object result = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (result == DBNull.Value || result == null) { reason = "No match found for '" + toSwap + "'"; Fail++; return(null); } _lastKey = toSwap; _lastVal = result.ToString(); ++Success; return(_lastVal); } }
protected override string BuildUpdateImpl(DiscoveredTable table1, DiscoveredTable table2, List <CustomLine> lines) { return(string.Format( @"UPDATE {1} t1 join {2} t2 on {3} SET {0} WHERE {4}", string.Join(", " + Environment.NewLine, lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.SET).Select(c => c.Text)), table1.GetFullyQualifiedName(), table2.GetFullyQualifiedName(), string.Join(" AND ", lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin).Select(c => c.Text)), string.Join(" AND ", lines.Where(l => l.LocationToInsert == QueryComponent.WHERE).Select(c => c.Text)))); }
private string WorkOutArchiveTableCreationSQL() { //script original table string createTableSQL = _table.ScriptTableCreation(true, true, true); string toReplaceTableName = "CREATE TABLE " + _table.GetFullyQualifiedName(); if (!createTableSQL.Contains(toReplaceTableName)) { throw new Exception("Expected to find occurrence of " + toReplaceTableName + " in the SQL " + createTableSQL); } //rename table createTableSQL = createTableSQL.Replace(toReplaceTableName, "CREATE TABLE " + _archiveTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()); string toRemoveIdentities = "IDENTITY\\(\\d+,\\d+\\)"; //drop identity bit createTableSQL = Regex.Replace(createTableSQL, toRemoveIdentities, ""); return(createTableSQL); }
public void Add(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable) { if (items.Any(i => i.Tag.Equals(discoveredTable))) { return; } var snip = new SubstringAutocompleteItem(discoveredTable.GetRuntimeName()); snip.MenuText = discoveredTable.GetRuntimeName(); //name of table snip.Text = discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName(); //full SQL snip.Tag = discoveredTable; //record object for future reference snip.ImageIndex = GetIndexFor(discoveredTable, RDMPConcept.TableInfo.ToString()); AddUnlessDuplicate(snip); DiscoveredColumn[] columns = null; try { if (discoveredTable.Exists()) { columns = discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns(); } } catch (Exception) { //couldn't load nevermind } if (columns != null) { foreach (var col in columns) { Add(col); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a query for fetching the latest entry in the archive that matches a given private identifier (query contains parameter @currentSwapColValue) /// </summary> /// <param name="archiveTable"></param> /// <param name="swapCol">The private identifier column name e.g. CHI</param> /// <param name="forCol">The public release identifier column name e.g. ECHI</param> /// <returns>SQL for fetching the latest release identifier value (e.g. ECHI value) from the archive</returns> private string GetArchiveFetchSql(DiscoveredTable archiveTable, string swapCol, string forCol) { // Work out how to get the latest entry in the _Archive table that corresponds to a given private identifier (e.g. CHI) var syntax = archiveTable.Database.Server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper(); var topX = syntax.HowDoWeAchieveTopX(1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("SELECT "); if (topX.Location == QueryComponent.SELECT) { sb.AppendLine(topX.SQL); } sb.AppendLine(forCol); sb.AppendLine("FROM " + archiveTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()); sb.AppendLine("WHERE"); sb.AppendLine($"{swapCol} = @currentSwapColValue"); if (topX.Location == QueryComponent.WHERE) { sb.AppendLine("AND"); sb.AppendLine(topX.SQL); } sb.AppendLine("ORDER BY"); sb.AppendLine(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom + " desc"); if (topX.Location == QueryComponent.Postfix) { sb.AppendLine(topX.SQL); } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void AddColumnToTable(DiscoveredTable table, string desiredColumnName, string desiredColumnType, IDataLoadEventListener listener) { listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, string.Format("Adding column '{0}' with datatype '{1}' to table '{2}'", desiredColumnName, desiredColumnType, table.GetFullyQualifiedName()))); table.AddColumn(desiredColumnName, desiredColumnType, true, 500); }
private void DropColumnFromTable(DiscoveredTable table, string columnName, IDataLoadEventListener listener) { listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, string.Format("Dropping column '{0}' from table '{1}'", columnName, table.GetFullyQualifiedName()))); var col = table.DiscoverColumn(columnName); table.DropColumn(col); }
/// <summary> /// Generates and runs an SQL command on <paramref name="t"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> protected virtual int UpdateTable(DiscoveredTable t, UpdateValuesMessage message) { var audit = _audits.GetOrAdd(t, (k) => new UpdateTableAudit(k)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("UPDATE "); builder.AppendLine(t.GetFullyQualifiedName()); builder.AppendLine(" SET "); for (int i = 0; i < message.WriteIntoFields.Length; i++) { var col = t.DiscoverColumn(message.WriteIntoFields[i]); builder.Append(GetFieldEqualsValueExpression(col, message.Values[i], "=")); //if there are more SET fields to come if (i < message.WriteIntoFields.Length - 1) { builder.AppendLine(","); } } builder.AppendLine(" WHERE "); for (int i = 0; i < message.WhereFields.Length; i++) { var col = t.DiscoverColumn(message.WhereFields[i]); builder.Append(GetFieldEqualsValueExpression(col, message.HaveValues[i], message?.Operators?[i])); //if there are more WHERE fields to come if (i < message.WhereFields.Length - 1) { builder.AppendLine(" AND "); } } var sql = builder.ToString(); int affectedRows = 0; audit.StartOne(); try { using (var con = t.Database.Server.GetConnection()) { con.Open(); var cmd = t.Database.Server.GetCommand(sql, con); cmd.CommandTimeout = UpdateTimeout; try { return(affectedRows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception($"Failed to excute query {sql} ", ex); } } } finally { audit.EndOne(affectedRows < 0 ? 0 : affectedRows); } }
private void MigrateExistingData(Func <string, bool> shouldApplySql, DbConnection con, ICheckNotifier notifier, DiscoveredTable tbl) { string from = _colToNuke.GetRuntimeName(LoadStage.PostLoad); string to = _newANOColumnInfo.GetRuntimeName(LoadStage.PostLoad); //create an empty table for the anonymised data DbCommand cmdCreateTempMap = DatabaseCommandHelper.GetCommand(string.Format("SELECT top 0 {0},{1} into TempANOMap from {2}", from, to, tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()), con); if (!shouldApplySql(cmdCreateTempMap.CommandText)) { throw new Exception("User decided not to create the TempANOMap table"); } cmdCreateTempMap.ExecuteNonQuery(); try { //get the existing data DbCommand cmdGetExistingData = DatabaseCommandHelper.GetCommand(string.Format("SELECT {0},{1} from {2}", from, to, tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()), con); DbDataAdapter da = DatabaseCommandHelper.GetDataAdapter(cmdGetExistingData); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt);//into memory //transform it in memory ANOTransformer transformer = new ANOTransformer(_toConformTo, new FromCheckNotifierToDataLoadEventListener(notifier)); transformer.Transform(dt, dt.Columns[0], dt.Columns[1]); var tempAnoMapTbl = tbl.Database.ExpectTable("TempANOMap"); using (var insert = tempAnoMapTbl.BeginBulkInsert()) { insert.Upload(dt); } //create an empty table for the anonymised data DbCommand cmdUpdateMainTable = DatabaseCommandHelper.GetCommand(string.Format("UPDATE source set source.{1} = map.{1} from {2} source join TempANOMap map on source.{0}=map.{0}", from, to, tbl.GetFullyQualifiedName()), con); if (!shouldApplySql(cmdUpdateMainTable.CommandText)) { throw new Exception("User decided not to perform update on table"); } cmdUpdateMainTable.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { //always drop the temp anomap DbCommand dropMappingTable = DatabaseCommandHelper.GetCommand("DROP TABLE TempANOMap", con); dropMappingTable.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
private void LoadFile(DiscoveredTable tableToLoad, FileInfo fileToLoad, DiscoveredDatabase dbInfo, Stopwatch timer, IDataLoadJob job, GracefulCancellationToken token) { using (var con = dbInfo.Server.GetConnection()) { DataTable dt = tableToLoad.GetDataTable(0); using (var insert = tableToLoad.BeginBulkInsert(Culture)) { // setup bulk insert it into destination insert.Timeout = 500000; //if user wants to use a specific explicit format for datetimes if (ExplicitDateTimeFormat != null) { insert.DateTimeDecider.Settings.ExplicitDateFormats = new string[] { ExplicitDateTimeFormat } } ; //bulk insert ito destination job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "About to open file " + fileToLoad.FullName)); OpenFile(fileToLoad, job, token); //confirm the validity of the headers ConfirmFlatFileHeadersAgainstDataTable(dt, job); con.Open(); //now we will read data out of the file in batches int batchNumber = 1; int maxBatchSize = 10000; int recordsCreatedSoFar = 0; try { //while there is data to be loaded into table while (IterativelyBatchLoadDataIntoDataTable(dt, maxBatchSize, token) != 0) { DropEmptyColumns(dt); ConfirmFitToDestination(dt, tableToLoad, job); try { recordsCreatedSoFar += insert.Upload(dt); dt.Rows.Clear(); //very important otherwise we add more to the end of the table but still insert last batches records resulting in exponentially multiplying upload sizes of duplicate records! job.OnProgress(this, new ProgressEventArgs(tableToLoad.GetFullyQualifiedName(), new ProgressMeasurement(recordsCreatedSoFar, ProgressType.Records), timer.Elapsed)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error processing batch number " + batchNumber + " (of batch size " + maxBatchSize + ")", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FlatFileLoadException("Error processing file " + fileToLoad, e); } finally { CloseFile(); } } } }
private void ConfirmTableDeletion(DiscoveredTable expectTable) { if (expectTable.Exists()) { var confirm = MessageBox.Show(String.Format("A table named {0} has been created as part of this import. Do you want to keep it?", expectTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()), "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (confirm == DialogResult.No) { expectTable.Drop(); } } }
public override void FillDataTableWithTopX(DiscoveredTable table, int topX, DataTable dt, DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction = null) { ((OracleConnection)connection).PurgeStatementCache(); var cols = table.DiscoverColumns(); string sql = "SELECT " + string.Join(",", cols.Select(c => c.GetFullyQualifiedName()).ToArray()) + " FROM " + table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT " + topX + " ROWS ONLY"; var da = table.Database.Server.GetDataAdapter(sql, connection); da.Fill(dt); }
protected override string GetRenameTableSql(DiscoveredTable discoveredTable, string newName) { return(string.Format(@"alter table {0} rename to {1}", discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName(), newName)); }