private void FormDiscountPlanEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { textDescript.Text = DiscountPlanCur.Description; _feeSchedCur = FeeScheds.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.FeeSchedNum == DiscountPlanCur.FeeSchedNum, true); textFeeSched.Text = _feeSchedCur != null ? _feeSchedCur.Description : ""; _listAdjTypeDefs = Defs.GetDiscountPlanAdjTypes().ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < _listAdjTypeDefs.Count; i++) { comboBoxAdjType.Items.Add(_listAdjTypeDefs[i].ItemName); if (_listAdjTypeDefs[i].DefNum == DiscountPlanCur.DefNum) { comboBoxAdjType.SelectedIndex = i; } } //populate patient information _countPats = DiscountPlans.GetPatCountForPlan(DiscountPlanCur.DiscountPlanNum); textNumPatients.Text = _countPats.ToString(); if (_countPats > 10000) //10,000 per Nathan. copied from FormInsPlan.cs { comboPatient.Visible = false; butListPatients.Visible = true; butListPatients.Location = comboPatient.Location; } else { _listPatNames = DiscountPlans.GetPatNamesForPlan(DiscountPlanCur.DiscountPlanNum) .Distinct() .OrderBy(x => x) .ToList(); comboPatient.Visible = true; butListPatients.Visible = false; comboPatient.Items.Clear(); comboPatient.Items.AddRange(_listPatNames.ToArray()); if (_listPatNames.Count > 0) { comboPatient.SelectedIndex = 0; } } checkHidden.Checked = DiscountPlanCur.IsHidden; if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.InsPlanEdit, true)) //User may be able to get here if FormDiscountPlans is not in selection mode. { textDescript.ReadOnly = true; comboBoxAdjType.Enabled = false; butFeeSched.Enabled = false; butOK.Enabled = false; checkHidden.Enabled = false; } if (IsSelectionMode) { butDrop.Visible = true; } }
private void butListPatients_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_listPatNames == null) { _listPatNames = DiscountPlans.GetPatNamesForPlan(DiscountPlanCur.DiscountPlanNum) .Distinct() .OrderBy(x => x) .ToList(); } ODForm form = new ODForm() { Size = new Size(500, 400), Text = "Other Patients List", FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle }; ODGrid grid = new ODGrid() { Size = new Size(475, 300), Location = new Point(5, 5), Title = "Patients", TranslationName = "" }; UI.Button butClose = new UI.Button() { Size = new Size(75, 23), Text = "Close", Location = new Point(form.ClientSize.Width - 80, form.ClientSize.Height - 28), //Subtract the button's size plus 5 pixel buffer. }; butClose.Click += (s, ex) => form.Close(); //When butClose is pressed, simply close the form. If more functionality is needed, make a method below. form.Controls.Add(grid); form.Controls.Add(butClose); grid.BeginUpdate(); grid.ListGridColumns.Clear(); grid.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Name"), 0)); grid.ListGridRows.Clear(); foreach (string patName in _listPatNames) { grid.ListGridRows.Add(new GridRow(patName)); } grid.EndUpdate(); form.ShowDialog(); }