public static async Task AddGuildUser(ulong UserId, ulong GuildId, DiscordGuildUser.PermissionLevels permission)
            using (var DbContext = new SQLiteDatabaseContext())
                var query = DbContext.DiscordUsersDB.Where(x => x.UserId == UserId && x.GuildId == GuildId);
                if (query.Count() < 1)
                    var user = new DiscordGuildUser
                        UserId          = UserId,
                        GuildId         = GuildId,
                        PermissionLevel = permission

                    await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
                    var user = query.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (user.PermissionLevel != permission)
                        user.PermissionLevel = permission;


                        await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task GetCoinAmount([Summary("The @user you want to check. Leave blank to get your own balance")]
                                        DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
            var user = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            // We dont care if the user exists. So we take the easy way out
            var amount = _coinRepo.GetCoins(user.Id);

            await ReplyAsync("", embed :
                                         $"💰 {(user.Id == Context.User.Id ? "You have" : $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)} has")} {amount.ToString()} Sora Coins.")
        public static async Task RemoveGuildUser(DiscordGuildUser user)
            using (var DbContext = new SQLiteDatabaseContext())
                    DbContext.DiscordUsersDB.Where(x =>
                                                   x.UserId == user.UserId &&
                                                   x.GuildId == user.GuildId

                await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async Task Marry(DiscordGuildUser user)
            await ReplyEmbed(
                $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user.GuildUser)}, do you want to marry {Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(Context.User)}?",
                Purple, "💍");

            var criteria =
            var resp = await _interactiveService.NextMessageAsync(Context, criteria, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (resp == null)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user.GuildUser)} didn't answer in time >.<");


            if (!InteractiveServiceExtensions.StringContainsYes(resp.Content))
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user.GuildUser)} didn't answer with a yes ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚");


            var res = await _marriageRepo.TryAddMarriage(Context.User.Id, user.GuildUser.Id);

            if (!res)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed(res.Err().Message);

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color    = Purple,
                Title    = "💑 You are now married",
                ImageUrl = ""

            await ReplyEmbed(eb);
        private async Task GetAllMarriagesAdv(DiscordGuildUser userT = null, bool adv = false)
            var user      = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            var marriages = await _marriageRepo.GetAllMarriagesOfUser(user.Id);

            if (!marriages)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)} has no marriages");


            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color        = Purple,
                Title        = $"💕 Marriages of {Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)}",
                ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(),
                Footer       = RequestedByMe()

            var marr = marriages.Some();

            foreach (var marriage in marr)
                var partnerId = marriage.Partner1Id == user.Id ? marriage.Partner2Id : marriage.Partner1Id;
                var u         = await _userService.GetOrSetAndGet(partnerId);

                var name = u ? Formatter.UsernameDiscrim((~u)) : partnerId.ToString();

                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.IsInline = true;
                    x.Name     = name;
                    x.Value    = $"*Since {marriage.PartnerSince:dd/MM/yyyy}*{(adv ? $"\nID: {partnerId.ToString()}" : "")}";

            await ReplyEmbed(eb);
 public async Task DivorceMention(DiscordGuildUser user)
     await this.Divorce(user.GuildUser.Id);
 public async Task GetAllMarriagesExt(DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
     await this.GetAllMarriagesAdv(userT, true);
        public async Task GetWaifuStats(
            [Summary("@User to get the stats to. Leave blank to get your own")]
            DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
            var user   = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            var waifus = await _waifuService.GetAllWaifusFromUser(user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (waifus == null || waifus.Count == 0)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed($"{(userT == null ? "You have" : $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)} has")} no waifus.");


            // Unlike the total waifus we actually cache this value for 1 hour. This is because it's less important and can be inaccurate for a while
            // This frees up resources for more important tasks
            var allRarityStats = await _waifuService.GetTotalWaifuRarityStats().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color        = Purple,
                Footer       = RequestedByFooter(Context.User),
                ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(),
                Title        = "Waifu Stats",
                Description  = "This shows you how many waifus you own of each category and your completion percentage." +
                               " This does not take dupes into account!"

            int totalHas   = 0;
            var userRarity = waifus.GroupBy(w => w.Rarity, (rarity, ws) => new { rarity, count = ws.Count() })
                             .ToDictionary(x => x.rarity, x => x.count);

            // This line kinda sucks. Don't know if there is a better way to solve this but that aint it chief
            var allRarities = ((WaifuRarity[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(WaifuRarity))).OrderBy(x => x);
            int total       = 0;

            foreach (var rarity in allRarities)
                userRarity.TryGetValue(rarity, out int count);

                int allRar = allRarityStats[rarity];
                total += allRar;

                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.Name     = WaifuFormatter.GetRarityString(rarity);
                    x.IsInline = true;
                    x.Value    = $"{count.ToString()} / {allRar.ToString()} ({((float) count / allRar):P2})";
                totalHas += count;

            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Total";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = $"{totalHas.ToString()} / {total.ToString()} ({((float) totalHas / total):P2})";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : eb.Build());
        public async Task GenerateImage(
            [Summary("@User or leave blank to get your own")]
            DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
            var user = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;

            var userStatsM = await _profileRepo.GetProfileStatistics(user.Id, Context.Guild.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!userStatsM.HasValue)
                await ReplyFailureEmbed(
                    $"{Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)} is not in my Database :/ Make sure he used or chatted with Sora at least once.");


                // First get his avatar
                await _hch.DownloadAndSaveFile(
                    new Uri(user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl()),
                    Path.Combine(_imgGen.ImageGenPath, ImageGenerator.AVATAR_CACHE, $"{user.Id.ToString()}.png"))

                // Now generate image
                string filePath = Path.Combine(_imgGen.ImageGenPath, ImageGenerator.PROFILE_CARDS,

                var us          = ~userStatsM;
                var globalLevel = ExpService.CalculateLevel(us.GlobalExp);
                var localLevel  = ExpService.CalculateLevel(us.LocalExp);
                _imgGen.GenerateProfileImage(new ProfileImageGenDto()
                    UserId             = user.Id,
                    Name               = user.Username,
                    GlobalExp          = us.GlobalExp,
                    GlobalLevel        = globalLevel,
                    GlobalRank         = us.GlobalRank,
                    GlobalNextLevelExp = ExpService.CalculateNeededExp(globalLevel + 1),
                    HasCustomBg        = us.HasCustomBg,
                    LocalExp           = us.LocalExp,
                    LocalRank          = us.LocalRank,
                    LocalLevel         = localLevel,
                    LocalNextLevelExp  = ExpService.CalculateNeededExp(localLevel + 1),
                    ClanName           = us.ClanName
                }, filePath);
                await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(filePath);
            catch (Exception e)
                await ReplyFailureEmbedExtended(
                    "Failed to generate image. Something went wrong sorry :/",
                    "This could have multiple reasons. One of them could be that your username has characters that " +
                    "are currently not supported. This is any weird character that you wouldn't naturally find on your standard " +

                if (e.InnerException is NotImplementedException)
                    return; // Since we dont care about exceptions about not supported text and shit. Can't do anything about that
                _log.LogError(e, $"Failed to generate image for {user.Id.ToString()} ({user.Username})");
                // Remove avatar
                string avatar = Path.Combine(_imgGen.ImageGenPath, ImageGenerator.AVATAR_CACHE,
                if (File.Exists(avatar))

                // Remove profile image
                string profileImg = Path.Combine(_imgGen.ImageGenPath, ImageGenerator.PROFILE_CARDS,
                if (File.Exists(profileImg))
        public async Task UserInfo(
            [Summary("@User to get info about. Mention no one to get info about yourself")]
            DiscordGuildUser userT = null)
            var user   = userT?.GuildUser ?? (IGuildUser)Context.User;
            var userDb = await _userRepo.GetUser(user.Id);

            var footer = RequestedByMe();
            var eb     = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color        = Blue,
                ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(),
                Title        = $"{INFO_EMOJI} {Formatter.UsernameDiscrim(user)}",
                Footer       = footer.WithText($"{footer.Text} | ID: {user.Id.ToString()}"),

            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Joined Discord";
                x.IsInline = false;
                x.Value    = $"On {user.CreatedAt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}. " +
                             $"That is {((int) DateTime.Now.Subtract(user.CreatedAt.DateTime).TotalDays).ToString()} days ago!";
            eb.AddField(x =>
                string joined = "_Unknown_";
                if (user.JoinedAt != null)
                    joined = $"On {user.JoinedAt.Value.DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}. " +
                             $"That is {((int) DateTime.Now.Subtract(user.JoinedAt.Value.DateTime).TotalDays).ToString()} days ago!";

                x.Name     = "Joined Server";
                x.IsInline = false;
                x.Value    = joined;
            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Nickname";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Nickname) ? "_none_" : user.Nickname;
            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Avatar";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = $"[Click Here]({(user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Auto, 1024) ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl())})";
            eb.AddField(x =>
                string roles = String.Join(", ",
                                           .Where(r => user.RoleIds.Any(id => id == r.Id) && !r.IsEveryone)
                                           .Select(r => r.Name));
                x.Name     = "Roles";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roles) ? "_none_" : roles;

            var coins = userDb?.Coins ?? 0;

            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Sora Coins";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = $"{coins.ToString()} SC";

            uint exp = userDb?.Exp ?? 0;
            int  lvl = ExpService.CalculateLevel(exp);

            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "EXP";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = exp.ToString();
            eb.AddField(x =>
                x.Name     = "Level";
                x.IsInline = true;
                x.Value    = lvl.ToString();

            var waifu = userDb?.FavoriteWaifu;

            if (waifu != null)
                eb.AddField(x =>
                    x.IsInline = false;
                    x.Name     = "Favorite Waifu";
                    x.Value    = waifu.Name;
                eb.ImageUrl = waifu.ImageUrl;

            await ReplyEmbed(eb);