/// <summary>
    /// Fills dropdown with data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parentID">Identifier of node which children you want to add</param>
    /// <param name="level">Level of indentation</param>
    private void FillDropDown(int parentID, int level)
        if (GroupedCategories != null)
            List <DataRowView> gCategory = GroupedCategories.GetGroup(parentID);
            if (gCategory != null)
                var categoryTypeInfo = CategoryInfo.TypeInfo;

                foreach (DataRowView drCategory in gCategory)
                    if (!ExcludedItems.Contains(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drCategory[categoryTypeInfo.IDColumn], 0)))
                        string name       = ResHelper.LocalizeString(drCategory[CategoryInfo.Generalized.DisplayNameColumn].ToString());
                        int    categoryId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(drCategory[categoryTypeInfo.IDColumn], 0);

                        List <DataRowView> objectGroup        = ((!ShowEmptyCategories || ShowObjects) && GroupedObjects != null) ? GroupedObjects.GetGroup(drCategory[categoryTypeInfo.IDColumn]) : null;
                        List <DataRowView> childCategoryGroup = !ShowEmptyCategories?GroupedCategories.GetGroup(categoryId) : null;

                        // Check for empty categories except the root
                        if ((level == 0) || ShowEmptyCategories || ((objectGroup != null) && (objectGroup.Count > 0)) || ((childCategoryGroup != null) && (childCategoryGroup.Count > 0)))
                            bool enabled = true;

                            // Resolve Enabled condition
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(EnabledCondition))
                                enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(MacroResolver.ResolveMacros(EnabledCondition), true);

                            string indentation = String.Empty;

                            if ((level > 0) || ShowRoot)
                                // Create indentation for specified level
                                indentation = String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(SubItemPrefix, ShowRoot ? level : level - 1));

                                string value = ((level == 0) && (RootValue > 0) ? RootValue : categoryId).ToString();

                                // Prevent category list item to be selected by ID when selecting object
                                if (ShowObjects)
                                    value = "cat_" + value;

                                // Insert category
                                ListItem listItem = new ListItem(indentation + ResHelper.LocalizeString(name), value);
                                if (ShowObjects || DisabledItems.Contains(categoryId) || !enabled)
                                    listItem.Attributes.Add("style", DisabledItemStyle);
                                    listItem.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");
                                    if (!firstItem && String.IsNullOrEmpty(mSelectedValue))
                                        SetItem(parentID, value);

                            // Go deeper
                            FillDropDown(categoryId, level + 1);

                            // Insert all child objects if needed
                            if (ShowObjects && !DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(objectGroup))
                                if (objectGroup != null)
                                    indentation += SubItemPrefix;
                                    foreach (DataRowView childObject in objectGroup)
                                        string text     = indentation + ResHelper.LocalizeString(childObject[ObjectInfo.Generalized.DisplayNameColumn].ToString());
                                        string objValue = childObject[ObjectInfo.TypeInfo.IDColumn].ToString();
                                        drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(text, objValue));

                                        if (!firstItem && String.IsNullOrEmpty(mSelectedValue))
                                            SetItem(parentID, objValue);
 protected bool IsEnabled(string id)