public void BellmanFordNotReachable() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char, MoveTypeEdgeData>(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', 2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('a', 'e', 4, wallJump), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('b', 'e', 1, run), ('c', 'g', 4, jump), ('c', 'h', 11, run), ('d', 'c', 3, jump), ('d', 'h', 3, wallJump), ('f', 'd', 2, run), ('f', 'h', 6, wallJump), ('g', 'h', 7, run) ); myGraph .BellmanFordShortestPath('a', 'f') .Should() .BeEmpty(); }
public static int?[,] GetShortestPaths(DirectedWeightedGraph graph) { int n = graph.NodesCount; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { graph.AddEdge(n, i, 0); } var weights = BellmanFord.GetShortestPaths(graph, n); if (weights == null) { return null; } graph.RemoveNode(n); var reweightedGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph(); foreach (var edge in graph.GetEdges()) { reweightedGraph.AddEdge(edge.StartNode, edge.EndNode, edge.Weight + weights[edge.StartNode].Value - weights[edge.EndNode].Value); } var distances = new int?[n, n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = 0; foreach (var distance in Dijkstra.Find(reweightedGraph, i)) { distances[i, j] = distance - weights[i] + weights[j]; j++; } } return distances; }
public void VisitAll_ShouldCountNumberOfVisitedVertix_ResultShouldBeTheSameAsNumberOfVerticesInGraph() { //Arrange var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <int>(10); var vertex1 = graph.AddVertex(1); var vertex2 = graph.AddVertex(20); var vertex3 = graph.AddVertex(40); var vertex4 = graph.AddVertex(40); graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2, 1); graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex3, 1); graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex4, 1); graph.AddEdge(vertex4, vertex1, 1); var dfsSearcher = new DepthFirstSearch <int>(); long countOfVisitedVertices = 0; //Act dfsSearcher.VisitAll(graph, vertex1, (Vertex <int> vertex) => countOfVisitedVertices++); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(countOfVisitedVertices, graph.Count); }
/// <summary> /// Implementation of the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm for cyclic graphs. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="graph">Graph instance.</param> /// <param name="startVertex">Starting vertex instance.</param> /// <typeparam name="T">Generic Parameter.</typeparam> /// <returns>List of distances from current vertex to all other vertices.</returns> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Exception thrown in case when graph is null or start /// vertex does not belong to graph instance.</exception> public static DistanceModel <T>[] GenerateShortestPath <T>(DirectedWeightedGraph <T> graph, Vertex <T> startVertex) { ValidateGraphAndStartVertex(graph, startVertex); var visitedVertices = new List <Vertex <T> >(); var distanceArray = InitializeDistanceArray(graph, startVertex); var currentVertex = startVertex; var currentPath = 0d; while (true) { visitedVertices.Add(currentVertex); var neighborVertices = graph .GetNeighbors(currentVertex) .Where(x => x != null && !visitedVertices.Contains(x)) .ToList(); foreach (var vertex in neighborVertices) { var adjacentDistance = graph.AdjacentDistance(currentVertex, vertex !); var distance = distanceArray[vertex !.Index];
public void Test() { var graph1 = new DirectedWeightedGraph(false); for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'h'; i++) { graph1.AddVertex(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(i))); } graph1.AddEdge("a", "b", 1); graph1.AddEdge("b", "c", 2); graph1.AddEdge("c", "d", 3); graph1.AddEdge("a", "g", 600); graph1.AddEdge("b", "f", 0); graph1.AddEdge("e", "b", 7); Stack <Vertex> stack = new Stack <Vertex>(); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("d")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("c")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("f")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("b")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("g")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("a")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("e")); stack.Push(graph1.GetVertex("h")); var testStack = TopologicalSort <DirectedWeightedGraph> .Sort(graph1); for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'h'; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(stack.Pop(), testStack.Pop()); } }
public void Ctor_ShouldInitializeAdjacencyLists() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <int, int>(); Assert.NotNull(graph.AdjacencyLists); Assert.Empty(graph.AdjacencyLists); }
public void Ctor_ShouldInitializeAdjacencyListsWithVerticesAndEdgesWithDefaultWeights() { var vertices = new List <int> { 0, 1, 2 }; var edges = new List <Edge <int> >() { new Edge <int>(0, 1), new Edge <int>(0, 2), new Edge <int>(2, 0) }; var expectedAdjacencyLists = new Dictionary <int, IReadOnlyList <int> >() { [0] = new List <int>() { 1, 2 }, [1] = new List <int>() { }, [2] = new List <int>() { 0 }, }; var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <int, int>(vertices, edges); Assert.Equal(expectedAdjacencyLists, graph.AdjacencyLists); Assert.All(edges, edge => { Assert.Equal(default, graph.Weights[edge]);
public void DijkstraNegativeWeight() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char, MoveTypeEdgeData>(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', -2, run), ('a', 'c', 3, run), ('b', 'd', 2, jump), ('d', 'c', -3, jump) ); myGraph .Invoking(x => x.DijkstraShortestPath('a', 'd').Count()) .Should() .Throw <NegativeWeightException>(); }
public static void Main() { //System.IO.TextReader s = System.IO.File.OpenText("mediumEWD.txt"); System.IO.TextReader s = System.IO.File.OpenText("tinyEWDAG.txt"); DirectedWeightedGraph graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph(s); Console.Write("请输入起点:"); int st = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); AcyclicSP sp = new AcyclicSP(graph, st); for (int i = 0; i < graph.V; ++i) { if (i == st) { Console.WriteLine("{0}->{0} : 0.0", st); continue; } if (!sp.HasPathTo(i)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}->{1} : No paths", st, i); continue; } Double len = 0.0; foreach (var edge in sp.PathTo(i)) { Console.Write(edge); Console.Write(","); len += edge.Weight; } Console.WriteLine(" : {0}", len); } }
public void BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPathNegativeCycle() { var run = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Run }; var jump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.Jump }; var wallJump = new MoveTypeEdgeData { moveType = MoveType.WallJump }; var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char, MoveTypeEdgeData>(); myGraph.AddNodes('a', 'b', 'c'); myGraph.AddEdges( ('a', 'b', -2, run), ('b', 'c', -3, run), ('c', 'a', -1, jump) ); myGraph .Invoking(x => x.BellmanFordSingleSourceShortestPath('a').Count()) .Should(). Throw <NegativeCycleException>(); }
private void FindNegtiveCycle() { int V = edgeTo.Length;//图的节点数量 DirectedWeightedGraph spt = new DirectedWeightedGraph(V); for (int v = 0; v < V; ++v) { if (edgeTo[v] != null) { spt.AddEdge(edgeTo[v]); } } DirectedCycle cf = new DirectedCycle(spt); //需要转换形式 Queue <DirectedEdge> edges = new Queue <DirectedEdge>();//没有还 var list = cf.Cycle().ToList(); if (list.Count == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count - 1; ++i) { edges.Enqueue(new DirectedEdge(list[i], list[i + 1], spt.GetWeight(list[i], list[i + 1]))); } cycle = edges; }
public void Relax(DirectedWeightedGraph g, int v) { foreach (DirectedEdge edge in g.GetEdge(v)) { int w = edge.End; //如果存在放松的条件 if (distTo[w] > distTo[v] + edge.Weight) { distTo[w] = distTo[v] + edge.Weight; edgeTo[w] = edge; //添加为需要继续放松的 if (this.onQueue[w] == false) { this.queue.Enqueue(w); this.onQueue[w] = true; } } if (cost++ % g.V == 0)//根据436 页 定理X.V 个不含有负权环图的节点,放松 V 次可以得到最短路径 { FindNegtiveCycle(); if (HasNegativeCycle()) { return; } } } }
public void DijkstraTest3_Success() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(5); var a = graph.AddVertex('A'); var b = graph.AddVertex('B'); var c = graph.AddVertex('C'); graph.AddEdge(a, b, 1); graph.AddEdge(b, a, 1); graph.AddEdge(a, c, 3); graph.AddEdge(c, a, 3); var shortestPathList = DijkstraAlgorithm.GenerateShortestPath(graph, a); shortestPathList.Length.Should().Be(3); shortestPathList[0].Vertex.Should().Be(a); shortestPathList[0].Distance.Should().Be(0); shortestPathList[0].PreviousVertex.Should().Be(a); shortestPathList[0].ToString().Should() .Be($"Vertex: {a} - Distance: {0} - Previous: {a}"); shortestPathList[1].Vertex.Should().Be(b); shortestPathList[1].Distance.Should().Be(1); shortestPathList[1].PreviousVertex.Should().Be(a); shortestPathList[1].ToString().Should() .Be($"Vertex: {b} - Distance: {1} - Previous: {a}"); shortestPathList[2].Vertex.Should().Be(c); shortestPathList[2].Distance.Should().Be(3); shortestPathList[2].PreviousVertex.Should().Be(a); shortestPathList[2].ToString().Should() .Be($"Vertex: {c} - Distance: {3} - Previous: {a}"); }
public void Test() { // orientovaný ohodnocený. var graph1 = new DirectedWeightedGraph(false); for (int i = 'a'; i < 'h'; i++) { graph1.AddVertex(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(i))); } graph1.AddEdge("a", "b", 1); graph1.AddEdge("b", "c", 2); graph1.AddEdge("c", "d", 3); graph1.AddEdge("d", "e", -4); graph1.AddEdge("f", "c", 5); graph1.AddEdge("a", "g", 600); graph1.AddEdge("b", "f", 0); graph1.AddEdge("b", "e", 7); DepthFirstSearch <DirectedWeightedGraph> .Search(graph1, "a"); Assert.AreEqual(0, graph1.GetVertex("a").distance); Assert.AreEqual(1, graph1.GetVertex("b").distance); Assert.AreEqual(2, graph1.GetVertex("c").distance); Assert.AreEqual(3, graph1.GetVertex("d").distance); Assert.AreEqual(4, graph1.GetVertex("e").distance); Assert.AreEqual(2, graph1.GetVertex("f").distance); Assert.AreEqual(1, graph1.GetVertex("g").distance); }
private double[] inw; //inw[i] 记录i入边的权值 /// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="digraph">有向图</param> /// <param name="root">起点</param> public ZhuLiuAlgorithmInMinimumTreeGraph(DirectedWeightedGraph digraph, int root) { pre = new int[digraph.V]; vis = new int[digraph.V]; id = new int[digraph.V]; inw = new double[digraph.V]; MinWeight = Solve(digraph, root); }
public void AddNode() { var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <int, EdgeData>(); myGraph.AddNode(4); myGraph.Exists(4).Should().BeTrue(); }
public void GraphRemoveVertexTest_ShouldThrowVertexNotInGraph() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(10); var vertexA = new Vertex <char>('A', 0); Action removeVertex = () => graph.RemoveVertex(vertexA); removeVertex.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>() .WithMessage($"Vertex does not belong to graph: {vertexA}."); }
public void GraphAddVertexTest_Success() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(10); graph.AddVertex('A'); graph.AddVertex('B'); graph.AddVertex('C'); graph.Count.Should().Be(3); }
private Double[] distTo; // disTo[i] 保存的是从 v 到 i 的距离 /// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="g">有向加权非负权图</param> /// <param name="s">起点</param> public AcyclicSP(DirectedWeightedGraph g, int s) { edgeTo = new DirectedEdge[g.V]; distTo = new Double[g.V]; for (Int32 v = 0; v < g.V; ++v) { distTo[v] = Double.PositiveInfinity; } Topological top = new Topological(g); }
public void DijkstraMethodTest_ShouldThrow_GraphIsNull() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(5); var a = graph.AddVertex('A'); Func <DistanceModel <char>[]> action = () => DijkstraAlgorithm.GenerateShortestPath(null !, a); action.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>() .WithMessage($"Value cannot be null. (Parameter '{nameof(graph)}')"); }
public void GraphAddEdgeTest_ShouldThrowZeroWeight() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(10); var vertexA = graph.AddVertex('A'); var vertexB = graph.AddVertex('B'); Action addZeroEdge = () => graph.AddEdge(vertexA, vertexB, 0); addZeroEdge.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>() .WithMessage("Edge weight cannot be zero."); }
public void GraphRemoveEdgeTest_ShouldThrowVertexNotInGraph() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(10); var vertexA = graph.AddVertex('A'); var vertexB = new Vertex <char>('B', 1); Action removeEdge = () => graph.RemoveEdge(vertexA, vertexB); removeEdge.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>() .WithMessage($"Vertex does not belong to graph: {vertexB}."); }
public static void Main() { var sf = "criticalPath.txt"; var txr = System.IO.File.OpenText(sf); var digrpah = new DirectedWeightedGraph(txr); var crt = new CriticalPath(digrpah); foreach (var p in crt.GetCriticalPaths()) { Console.WriteLine($"活动:{p}"); } }
public void GraphRemoveEdgeTest_Success() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(10); var vertexA = graph.AddVertex('A'); var vertexB = graph.AddVertex('B'); graph.AddEdge(vertexA, vertexB, 5); graph.RemoveEdge(vertexA, vertexB); graph.AreAdjacent(vertexA, vertexB).Should().BeFalse(); }
public void Test() { #region Orientovaná kružnice // orientovaný ohodnocený. var graph1 = new DirectedWeightedGraph(false); for (int i = 'a'; i < 'h'; i++) { graph1.AddVertex(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(i))); } graph1.AddEdge("a", "b", 1); graph1.AddEdge("b", "c", 2); graph1.AddEdge("c", "d", 3); graph1.AddEdge("d", "e", -4); graph1.AddEdge("f", "c", 5); graph1.AddEdge("a", "g", 600); graph1.AddEdge("b", "f", 0); graph1.AddEdge("e", "b", 7); Assert.IsTrue(Cycle.ContainsCycle <DirectedWeightedGraph>(graph1)); graph1.Clear(); #endregion #region Orientovaný bez kružnice // orientovaný ohodnocený. var graph3 = new DirectedUnweightedGraph(false); for (int i = 'a'; i < 'h'; i++) { graph3.AddVertex(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToChar(i))); } graph3.AddEdge("a", "b"); graph3.AddEdge("b", "c"); graph3.AddEdge("c", "d"); graph3.AddEdge("a", "g"); graph3.AddEdge("b", "f"); graph3.AddEdge("e", "b"); Assert.IsFalse(Cycle.ContainsCycle <DirectedUnweightedGraph>(graph3)); graph3.Clear(); #endregion }
private void RunClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var graph = DirectedWeightedGraph.CreateEmpty(3); graph.AddEdge(new DirectedWeightedEdge(graph.Vertices[0], graph.Vertices[1], 2)); graph.AddEdge(new DirectedWeightedEdge(graph.Vertices[0], graph.Vertices[2], 6)); graph.Vertices[0].DisplayName = "hi"; Visualizer.Graph = graph; //((Vertex)Visualizer.Vertices[3]).Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Magenta); //((Vertex)Visualizer.Vertices[1]).Radius = 30; _visualizerGraphProto = graph; ((Button)sender).Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
public void AddEdge() { var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <int, EdgeData>(); myGraph.AddNodes(5, 6); myGraph.AddEdge(5, 6, 10, dummyEdgeData); myGraph.Neighbors(5).Should().Contain(6); myGraph.Weight(5, 6).Should().Be(10); myGraph.EdgeData(5, 6).Should().Be(dummyEdgeData); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.AddEdge(5, 6, 3, dummyEdgeData)).Should().Throw <ArgumentException>(); }
private void Relax(DirectedWeightedGraph g, int v) { foreach (DirectedEdge edge in g.GetEdge(v)) { int w = edge.End; //如果存在放松的条件 if (distTo[w] > distTo[v] + edge.Weight) { distTo[w] = distTo[v] + edge.Weight; edgeTo[w] = edge; } } }
public static void Main() { StreamReader reader = File.OpenText("zhuliudirectedgraph.txt"); DirectedWeightedGraph graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph(reader); foreach (DirectedEdge edge in graph) { Console.WriteLine(edge.Src + "->" + edge.End); } ZhuLiuAlgorithmInMinimumTreeGraph minimumTreeGraph = new ZhuLiuAlgorithmInMinimumTreeGraph(graph, 1); double res = minimumTreeGraph.MinWeight; int j = 25; }
public void Weight() { var myGraph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <int, EdgeData>(); myGraph.AddNodes(1, 2, 3); myGraph.AddEdges( (1, 2, 4, dummyEdgeData), (2, 3, 5, dummyEdgeData) ); myGraph.Weight(1, 2).Should().Be(4); myGraph.Weight(2, 3).Should().Be(5); myGraph.Invoking(x => x.Weight(3, 4)).Should().Throw <System.ArgumentException>(); }
public BasicCompositor(ObjectManager objm, RendererContext rc) { graphLock = new object(); _CompositorGraph = objm.CreateOrRecycle<DirectedWeightedGraph<CompositorNode, CompositorEdgeDescriptionListWrapper>>(); _CompositorGraph.Init(); _Nodes = new List<DirectedWeightedNode<CompositorNode, CompositorEdgeDescriptionListWrapper>>(); _Edges = new List<DirectedWeightedEdge<CompositorNode, CompositorEdgeDescriptionListWrapper>>(); DummyNode = _CompositorGraph.AddNode(null); RendererContext = rc; }
public void GraphGetNeighborsTest_ShouldThrowVertexNotInGraph() { var graph = new DirectedWeightedGraph <char>(10); var vertexA = new Vertex <char>('A', 0); Func <List <Vertex <char>?> > getNeighbors = () => { var enumerable = graph.GetNeighbors(vertexA); return(enumerable.ToList()); }; getNeighbors.Should().Throw <InvalidOperationException>() .WithMessage($"Vertex does not belong to graph: {vertexA}."); }