/// <summary>
    /// Performs timer opertations. Use the following commands:
    ///          DirectXTimer.Reset - to reset the timer
    ///          DirectXTimer.Start - to start the timer
    ///          DirectXTimer.Stop - to stop (or pause) the timer
    ///          DirectXTimer.Advance - to advance the timer by 0.1 seconds
    ///          DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime - to get the absolute system time
    ///          DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime - to get the current time
    ///          DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime - to get the time that elapsed between TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME calls
    /// </summary>
    public static float Timer(DirectXTimer command)
        if (!isTimerInitialized) {
            isTimerInitialized = true;

            // Use QueryPerformanceFrequency() to get frequency of timer.  If QPF is
            // not supported, we will timeGetTime() which returns milliseconds.
            long qwTicksPerSec = 0;
            m_bUsingQPF = QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref qwTicksPerSec);
            if (m_bUsingQPF)
                m_llQPFTicksPerSec = qwTicksPerSec;
        if (m_bUsingQPF) {
            double time;
            double fElapsedTime;
            long qwTime = 0;

            // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
            // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
            if (m_llStopTime != 0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                qwTime = m_llStopTime;
                QueryPerformanceCounter(ref qwTime);

            // Return the elapsed time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime) {
                fElapsedTime = (double) (qwTime - m_llLastElapsedTime) / (double) m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
                m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                return (float)fElapsedTime;

            // Return the current time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime) {
                double fAppTime = (double) (qwTime - m_llBaseTime) / (double) m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
                return (float)fAppTime;

            // Reset the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset) {
                m_llBaseTime        = qwTime;
                m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                m_llStopTime        = 0;
                m_bTimerStopped     = false;
                return 0.0f;

            // Start the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Start) {
                if (m_bTimerStopped)
                    m_llBaseTime += qwTime - m_llStopTime;
                m_llStopTime = 0;
                m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                m_bTimerStopped = false;
                return 0.0f;

            // Stop the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop) {
                if (!m_bTimerStopped) {
                    m_llStopTime = qwTime;
                    m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                    m_bTimerStopped = true;
                return 0.0f;

            // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance) {
                m_llStopTime += m_llQPFTicksPerSec/10;
                return 0.0f;

            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime) {
                time = qwTime / (double) m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
                return (float)time;

            return -1.0f; // Invalid command specified
        else {
            // Get the time using timeGetTime()
            double time;
            double fElapsedTime;

            // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
            // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
            if (m_fStopTime != 0.0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                time = m_fStopTime;
                time = timeGetTime() * 0.001;

            // Return the elapsed time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime) {
                fElapsedTime = (double) (time - m_fLastElapsedTime);
                m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                return (float) fElapsedTime;

            // Return the current time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime) {
                return (float) (time - m_fBaseTime);

            // Reset the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset) {
                m_fBaseTime         = time;
                m_fLastElapsedTime  = time;
                m_fStopTime         = 0;
                m_bTimerStopped     = false;
                return 0.0f;

            // Start the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Start) {
                if (m_bTimerStopped)
                    m_fBaseTime += time - m_fStopTime;
                m_fStopTime = 0.0f;
                m_fLastElapsedTime  = time;
                m_bTimerStopped = false;
                return 0.0f;

            // Stop the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop) {
                if (!m_bTimerStopped) {
                    m_fStopTime = time;
                    m_fLastElapsedTime  = time;
                    m_bTimerStopped = true;
                return 0.0f;

            // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance) {
                m_fStopTime += 0.1f;
                return 0.0f;

            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime) {
                return (float) time;

            return -1.0f; // Invalid command specified
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs timer opertations. Use the following commands:
        ///          DirectXTimer.Reset - to reset the timer
        ///          DirectXTimer.Start - to start the timer
        ///          DirectXTimer.Stop - to stop (or pause) the timer
        ///          DirectXTimer.Advance - to advance the timer by 0.1 seconds
        ///          DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime - to get the absolute system time
        ///          DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime - to get the current time
        ///          DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime - to get the time that elapsed between TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME calls
        /// </summary>
        public static float Timer(DirectXTimer command)
            if (!isTimerInitialized)
                isTimerInitialized = true;

                // Use QueryPerformanceFrequency() to get frequency of timer.  If QPF is
                // not supported, we will timeGetTime() which returns milliseconds.
                long qwTicksPerSec = 0;
                m_bUsingQPF = QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref qwTicksPerSec);
                if (m_bUsingQPF)
                    m_llQPFTicksPerSec = qwTicksPerSec;
            if (m_bUsingQPF)
                double time;
                double fElapsedTime;
                long   qwTime = 0;

                // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
                // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
                if (m_llStopTime != 0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                    qwTime = m_llStopTime;
                    QueryPerformanceCounter(ref qwTime);

                // Return the elapsed time
                if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime)
                    fElapsedTime        = (double)(qwTime - m_llLastElapsedTime) / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
                    m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;

                // Return the current time
                if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime)
                    double fAppTime = (double)(qwTime - m_llBaseTime) / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;

                // Reset the timer
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset)
                    m_llBaseTime        = qwTime;
                    m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                    m_llStopTime        = 0;
                    m_bTimerStopped     = false;

                // Start the timer
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Start)
                    if (m_bTimerStopped)
                        m_llBaseTime += qwTime - m_llStopTime;
                    m_llStopTime        = 0;
                    m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                    m_bTimerStopped     = false;

                // Stop the timer
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop)
                    if (!m_bTimerStopped)
                        m_llStopTime        = qwTime;
                        m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                        m_bTimerStopped     = true;

                // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance)
                    m_llStopTime += m_llQPFTicksPerSec / 10;

                if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                    time = qwTime / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;

                return(-1.0f); // Invalid command specified
                // Get the time using timeGetTime()
                double time;
                double fElapsedTime;

                // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
                // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
                if (m_fStopTime != 0.0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                    time = m_fStopTime;
                    time = timeGetTime() * 0.001;

                // Return the elapsed time
                if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime)
                    fElapsedTime       = (double)(time - m_fLastElapsedTime);
                    m_fLastElapsedTime = time;

                // Return the current time
                if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime)
                    return((float)(time - m_fBaseTime));

                // Reset the timer
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset)
                    m_fBaseTime        = time;
                    m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                    m_fStopTime        = 0;
                    m_bTimerStopped    = false;

                // Start the timer
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Start)
                    if (m_bTimerStopped)
                        m_fBaseTime += time - m_fStopTime;
                    m_fStopTime        = 0.0f;
                    m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                    m_bTimerStopped    = false;

                // Stop the timer
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop)
                    if (!m_bTimerStopped)
                        m_fStopTime        = time;
                        m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                        m_bTimerStopped    = true;

                // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
                if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance)
                    m_fStopTime += 0.1f;

                if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)

                return(-1.0f); // Invalid command specified
  /// <summary>
  /// Performs timer opertations. Use the following commands:
  ///          DirectXTimer.Reset - to reset the timer
  ///          DirectXTimer.Start - to start the timer
  ///          DirectXTimer.Stop - to stop (or pause) the timer
  ///          DirectXTimer.Advance - to advance the timer by 0.1 seconds
  ///          DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime - to get the absolute system time
  ///          DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime - to get the current time
  ///          DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime - to get the time that elapsed between TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME calls
  /// </summary>
  public static float Timer(DirectXTimer command)
    // Use QueryPerformanceFrequency() to get frequency of timer.  If QPF is
    // not supported, we will timeGetTime() which returns milliseconds.
    // rtv: we need to query the frequency everytime since it might change
    // on Cool&Quiet enabled systems. Another case would be a threaded call 
    // executed on another cpu core which uses a different clock speed.
    long qwTicksPerSec = 0;
    m_bUsingQPF = QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref qwTicksPerSec);

    if (m_bUsingQPF)
      m_llQPFTicksPerSec = qwTicksPerSec;
      double time;
      double fElapsedTime;
      long qwTime = 0;

      // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
      // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
      if (m_llStopTime != 0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
        qwTime = m_llStopTime;
        QueryPerformanceCounter(ref qwTime);

      // Return the elapsed time
      if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime)
        fElapsedTime = (double)(qwTime - m_llLastElapsedTime) / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
        m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
        return (float)fElapsedTime;

      // Return the current time
      if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime)
        double fAppTime = (double)(qwTime - m_llBaseTime) / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
        return (float)fAppTime;

      // Reset the timer
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset)
        m_llBaseTime = qwTime;
        m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
        m_llStopTime = 0;
        m_bTimerStopped = false;
        return 0.0f;

      // Start the timer
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Start)
        if (m_bTimerStopped)
          m_llBaseTime += qwTime - m_llStopTime;
        m_llStopTime = 0;
        m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
        m_bTimerStopped = false;
        return 0.0f;

      // Stop the timer
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop)
        if (!m_bTimerStopped)
          m_llStopTime = qwTime;
          m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
          m_bTimerStopped = true;
        return 0.0f;

      // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance)
        m_llStopTime += m_llQPFTicksPerSec / 10;
        return 0.0f;

      if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
        time = qwTime / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
        return (float)time;

      return -1.0f; // Invalid command specified
      // Get the time using timeGetTime()
      double time;
      double fElapsedTime;

      // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
      // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
      if (m_fStopTime != 0.0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
        time = m_fStopTime;
        time = timeGetTime() * 0.001;

      // Return the elapsed time
      if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime)
        fElapsedTime = (double)(time - m_fLastElapsedTime);
        m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
        return (float)fElapsedTime;

      // Return the current time
      if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime)
        return (float)(time - m_fBaseTime);

      // Reset the timer
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset)
        m_fBaseTime = time;
        m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
        m_fStopTime = 0;
        m_bTimerStopped = false;
        return 0.0f;

      // Start the timer
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Start)
        if (m_bTimerStopped)
          m_fBaseTime += time - m_fStopTime;
        m_fStopTime = 0.0f;
        m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
        m_bTimerStopped = false;
        return 0.0f;

      // Stop the timer
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop)
        if (!m_bTimerStopped)
          m_fStopTime = time;
          m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
          m_bTimerStopped = true;
        return 0.0f;

      // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
      if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance)
        m_fStopTime += 0.1f;
        return 0.0f;

      if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
        return (float)time;

      return -1.0f; // Invalid command specified
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs timer opertations. Use the following commands:
    ///          DirectXTimer.Reset - to reset the timer
    ///          DirectXTimer.Start - to start the timer
    ///          DirectXTimer.Stop - to stop (or pause) the timer
    ///          DirectXTimer.Advance - to advance the timer by 0.1 seconds
    ///          DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime - to get the absolute system time
    ///          DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime - to get the current time
    ///          DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime - to get the time that elapsed between TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME calls
    /// </summary>
    public static float Timer(DirectXTimer command)
        // Use QueryPerformanceFrequency() to get frequency of timer.  If QPF is
        // not supported, we will timeGetTime() which returns milliseconds.
        // rtv: we need to query the frequency everytime since it might change
        // on Cool&Quiet enabled systems. Another case would be a threaded call
        // executed on another cpu core which uses a different clock speed.
        long qwTicksPerSec = 0;

        m_bUsingQPF = QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref qwTicksPerSec);

        if (m_bUsingQPF)
            m_llQPFTicksPerSec = qwTicksPerSec;
            double time;
            double fElapsedTime;
            long   qwTime = 0;

            // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
            // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
            if (m_llStopTime != 0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                qwTime = m_llStopTime;
                QueryPerformanceCounter(ref qwTime);

            // Return the elapsed time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime)
                fElapsedTime        = (double)(qwTime - m_llLastElapsedTime) / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
                m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;

            // Return the current time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime)
                double fAppTime = (double)(qwTime - m_llBaseTime) / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;

            // Reset the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset)
                m_llBaseTime        = qwTime;
                m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                m_llStopTime        = 0;
                m_bTimerStopped     = false;

            // Start the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Start)
                if (m_bTimerStopped)
                    m_llBaseTime += qwTime - m_llStopTime;
                m_llStopTime        = 0;
                m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                m_bTimerStopped     = false;

            // Stop the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop)
                if (!m_bTimerStopped)
                    m_llStopTime        = qwTime;
                    m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime;
                    m_bTimerStopped     = true;

            // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance)
                m_llStopTime += m_llQPFTicksPerSec / 10;

            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                time = qwTime / (double)m_llQPFTicksPerSec;

            return(-1.0f); // Invalid command specified
            // Get the time using timeGetTime()
            double time;
            double fElapsedTime;

            // Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
            // on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
            if (m_fStopTime != 0.0 && command != DirectXTimer.Start && command != DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)
                time = m_fStopTime;
                time = timeGetTime() * 0.001;

            // Return the elapsed time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetElapsedTime)
                fElapsedTime       = (double)(time - m_fLastElapsedTime);
                m_fLastElapsedTime = time;

            // Return the current time
            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetApplicationTime)
                return((float)(time - m_fBaseTime));

            // Reset the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Reset)
                m_fBaseTime        = time;
                m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                m_fStopTime        = 0;
                m_bTimerStopped    = false;

            // Start the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Start)
                if (m_bTimerStopped)
                    m_fBaseTime += time - m_fStopTime;
                m_fStopTime        = 0.0f;
                m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                m_bTimerStopped    = false;

            // Stop the timer
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Stop)
                if (!m_bTimerStopped)
                    m_fStopTime        = time;
                    m_fLastElapsedTime = time;
                    m_bTimerStopped    = true;

            // Advance the timer by 1/10th second
            if (command == DirectXTimer.Advance)
                m_fStopTime += 0.1f;

            if (command == DirectXTimer.GetAbsoluteTime)

            return(-1.0f); // Invalid command specified