private IclusterIGCWrapper GetStationBuildCluster(StationType stationType) { var stations = ClientConnection.GetSide().GetStations(); var homeStation = stations.Where(p => p.GetCluster().GetHomeSector() == true).FirstOrDefault(); var homeCluster = homeStation.GetCluster(); var homeRock = homeCluster.GetAsteroids().Where(p => p.GetName().StartsWith("He") == false && p.GetName().StartsWith("a") == false && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.GetName()) == false).FirstOrDefault(); var enemyHomeCluster = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetClusters().Where(p => p.GetHomeSector() == true && p.GetObjectID() != homeCluster.GetObjectID()).FirstOrDefault(); // Always build a home tele first if we don't have one in our home cluster. if (stationType == StationType.Teleport && homeCluster.GetStations().Exists(p => p.GetName().Contains("Teleport") == true) == false && _constuctorsInFlightToClusterObjectIDByShipObjectID.Values.Count(r => r.Cluster.GetObjectID() == homeCluster.GetObjectID()) == 0) { Log($"There is no home teleporter yet, let's put this tele con at home: {homeCluster.GetName()}"); return(homeCluster); } // Try to find empty clusters where we have secured all sides. if (stationType == StationType.Refinery) { // For hihigher, this is the middle cluster. Log("Checking for an empty cluster that is bordered by our own stations."); var goodRefCluster = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetClusters() .Where(p => p.GetStations().Count == 0 && // Make sure there are no stations in it already. _constuctorsInFlightToClusterObjectIDByShipObjectID.Values.Count(r => r.Cluster.GetObjectID() == p.GetObjectID()) == 0 && // Are any other cons heading to this cluster? GameInfo.GetUnexploredClusters(p.GetMission()).ContainsKey(p.GetObjectID()) == false && // Is this cluster fully explored? p.GetWarps().All(r => r.GetDestination().GetCluster().GetStations().Count > 0 && // Neighboring clusters have at least one station r.GetDestination().GetCluster().GetStations().All(s => s.GetSide().GetObjectID() == ClientConnection.GetSide().GetObjectID()))) // And all the stations belong to our side. .FirstOrDefault(); if (goodRefCluster != null) { Log($"Found a good cluster for a refinery: {goodRefCluster.GetName()}"); return(goodRefCluster); } else { Log($"No good refinery cluster found. Looking for a good spot on available lines."); } } //var availableClusters = GameInfo.Clusters.Where(p => p.GetHomeSector() == true || ClientConnection. var routeFinder = new DijkstraPathFinder(GameInfo.Clusters, homeCluster.GetObjectID(), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()); var singleHopClusterDistances = homeCluster.GetWarps() .ToDictionary( p => p.GetDestination().GetCluster(), r => new DijkstraPathFinder(GameInfo.Clusters, r.GetDestination().GetCluster().GetObjectID(), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()) .GetDistance(r.GetDestination().GetCluster(), enemyHomeCluster)); List <ClusterInfo> clustersNextToHome = GameInfo.Clusters.Where(p => p.GetWarps().Exists(r => r.GetDestinationCluster().GetObjectID() == homeCluster.GetObjectID()) == true).ToList(); // Walk each path until a station is found. while (clustersNextToHome.Count > 0) { var currentClusterObjectID = clustersNextToHome[_random.Next(0, clustersNextToHome.Count)]; clustersNextToHome.Remove(currentClusterObjectID); var pathFinder = new DijkstraPathFinder(GameInfo.Clusters, currentClusterObjectID.GetObjectID(), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()); var currentCluster = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster(currentClusterObjectID.GetObjectID()); Log($"Considering line for {currentCluster.GetName()}"); for (var nextClusterObjectID = (short)pathFinder.NextClusterObjectID(currentCluster.GetObjectID(), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()); currentCluster.GetObjectID() != enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID(); currentCluster = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster(nextClusterObjectID), nextClusterObjectID = (short)pathFinder.NextClusterObjectID(nextClusterObjectID, enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()).GetValueOrDefault(-1)) { var nextCluster = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster(nextClusterObjectID); Log($"Considering cluster: {currentCluster.GetName()}, nextCluster: {nextCluster.GetName()}"); // Don't select this cluster if another constructor is already on the way to it. if (_constuctorsInFlightToClusterObjectIDByShipObjectID.Values.Count(r => r.Cluster.GetObjectID() == currentCluster.GetObjectID()) > 0) //if (_constuctorsInFlightToClusterObjectIDByShipObjectID.ContainsValue(currentCluster.GetObjectID()) == true) { Log($"There is already a constructor heading to {currentCluster.GetName()}, skipping to next sector."); continue; } // If the station is a friendly station, then we can put a ref or tech base next to it. if (ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster(nextClusterObjectID).GetStations().Exists(p => p.GetSide().GetObjectID() == ClientConnection.GetSide().GetObjectID()) == true) { Log($"Friendly station found in nextCluster: {nextCluster.GetName()}"); // We don't want to put an output behind another friendly station. See if we can get closer! if (stationType == StationType.Outpost) { Log("There is an outpost already in this line, so we don't want to put another one behind it."); continue; } // If this matches to our home tech rock, then let's drop it here. if (stationType == StationType.Teleport) { // If the sector already has a teleport, then see if we can get closer! if (ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Teleport, currentCluster) == true) { Log("There is already a teleport here, seeing if we can get closer."); continue; } // If the sector's tech rock matches the home rock, then put a tele in it. if (currentCluster.GetStations().Count == 0 && GetClusterTechRock(currentCluster).GetName()[0] == homeRock.GetName()[0]) { Log("There is a good tech rock here, let's a put a tele here too!"); return(currentCluster); } } // We have a covering station in front of this one, so this is a good sector use for mining or tech bases, but we want refs to be as close to home as possible. if (stationType == StationType.Refinery && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Refinery, currentCluster) == false) { var homeSectorPath = new DijkstraPathFinder(ClientConnection.GetCore(), currentCluster, homeCluster); IclusterIGCWrapper refCluster = currentCluster; for (nextCluster = currentCluster; nextCluster != homeCluster && nextCluster != null; nextCluster = homeSectorPath.NextCluster(nextCluster, homeCluster)) { if (nextCluster.GetStations().Count(p => p.GetSide().GetObjectID() == ClientConnection.GetSide().GetObjectID()) > 0) { Log($"Found a refinery cluster that is on a line protected by another station, with a friendly station backing it: {refCluster.GetName()}"); return(refCluster); } refCluster = nextCluster; } //Log($"This is good spot for a refinery! Recommending: {currentCluster.GetName()}"); //return currentCluster; } if (stationType == StationType.Garrison && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Garrison, currentCluster) == false) { Log($"This is good spot for a garrison! Recommending: {currentCluster.GetName()}"); return(currentCluster); } if (stationType == StationType.ShipYard && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.ShipYard, currentCluster) == false) { Log($"This is good spot for a ship yard! Recommending: {currentCluster.GetName()}"); return(currentCluster); } if (stationType == StationType.Supremacy && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Supremacy, currentCluster) == false) { Log($"This is good spot for a supremacy! Recommending: {currentCluster.GetName()}"); return(currentCluster); } if (stationType == StationType.Expansion && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Expansion, currentCluster) == false) { Log($"This is good spot for an expansion! Recommending: {currentCluster.GetName()}"); return(currentCluster); } if (stationType == StationType.Tactical && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Tactical, currentCluster) == false) { Log($"This is good spot for a tactical! Recommending: {currentCluster.GetName()}"); return(currentCluster); } } // If the station is an enemy station, then we want to put a tele or outpost next to it. if (ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster(nextClusterObjectID).GetStations().Exists(p => p.GetSide().GetObjectID() != ClientConnection.GetSide().GetObjectID()) == true || (nextCluster.GetAsteroids().Count == 0 && ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster(nextClusterObjectID).GetHomeSector() == true)) // If we haven't actually eyed the enemy home, then we know their garrison is in there. { Log($"Next sector: {nextCluster.GetName()} has an enemy station in it."); // Always put outposts next to enemy stations. That's our favorite! if (stationType == StationType.Outpost && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Outpost, currentCluster) == false) { Log($"Found a good cluster for this outpost: {currentCluster.GetName()}, next to an enemy sector."); return(currentCluster); } // If the target sector doesn't already have an outpost in it, then put a tele one sector back if possible to allow an outpost to come forward. if (stationType == StationType.Teleport && ClusterContainsStation(StationType.Outpost, currentCluster) == false) { var previousCluster = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster((short)pathFinder.NextClusterObjectID(currentCluster.GetObjectID(), homeCluster.GetObjectID())); if (previousCluster.GetStations().Count == 0) { Log($"There is an open cluster in {previousCluster.GetName()}, let's send the tele to there!"); return(previousCluster); } } } } } if (stationType == StationType.Refinery) { Log($"No good cluster found for this refinery, waiting for a good option to appear."); return(null); } Log($"No targeted clusters were found, placing con in a random open cluster."); // No targeted clusters were found, let's go with any random empty cluster that we know about. var emptyClusters = ClientConnection.GetCore().GetClusters().Where(p => p.GetAsteroids().Count > 0 && p.GetStations().Count == 0 && _constuctorsInFlightToClusterObjectIDByShipObjectID.Values.Count(r => r.Cluster.GetObjectID() == p.GetObjectID()) == 0) .ToArray(); if (emptyClusters.Count() == 0) { return(null); } var targetCluster = emptyClusters[_random.Next(0, emptyClusters.Count())]; Log($"Selecting random cluster: {targetCluster.GetName()} as target."); return(targetCluster); //int minHops = singleHopClusterDistances.Select(p => p.Value).OrderBy(p => p).First(); //var bestClusterRoutesForOutposts = singleHopClusterDistances.Where(p => p.Value == minHops).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, r => r.Value); //foreach (var cluster in bestClusterRoutesForOutposts.Keys) //{ // Log($"Start: {cluster.GetName()}"); // routeFinder = new DijkstraPathFinder(GameInfo.Clusters, cluster.GetObjectID(), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()); // for (var nextCluster = routeFinder.NextClusterObjectID(cluster.GetObjectID(), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID()); nextCluster != null; nextCluster = routeFinder.NextClusterObjectID(nextCluster.GetValueOrDefault(0), enemyHomeCluster.GetObjectID())) // { // Log($"\tNext: {ClientConnection.GetCore().GetCluster((short)nextCluster.GetValueOrDefault(0)).GetName()}"); // } //} }