public OptionsState() { Button changeScreenSize = new Button("Max Particles: " + ParticleEngine.MaxParticles, 300, 200, 250, 50, Keys.S); changeScreenSize.SetOnClickFunction(() => { ParticleEngine.MaxParticles += 128; if (ParticleEngine.MaxParticles > 2512) ParticleEngine.MaxParticles = 256; changeScreenSize.setText("Max Particles: " + ParticleEngine.MaxParticles); }); components.Add(changeScreenSize); Button difficulityButton = new Button("Difficulity: " + difficulity.ToString(), 300, 270, 250, 50, Keys.S); difficulityButton.SetOnClickFunction(() => { switch (difficulity) { case Difficulity.IRONMAN: difficulity = Difficulity.SISSY; break; case Difficulity.SISSY: difficulity = Difficulity.REGULAR; break; case Difficulity.REGULAR: difficulity = Difficulity.IRONMAN; break; } difficulityButton.setText("Difficulity: " + difficulity.ToString()); }); components.Add(difficulityButton); Button exitButtion = new Button("Exit", 300, 340, 250, 50, Keys.Escape); exitButtion.SetOnClickFunction(() => NextGameState = null); components.Add(exitButtion); Label stateLabel = new Label("==OPTIONS==", 360, 100); components.Add(stateLabel); }
public override void SetLevel(Difficulity level) { cWaypoint = 0; firstCollision = true; diff = level; switch (diff) { case Difficulity.Tutorial: //do nothing break; case Difficulity.Beginner: currentWaypoints = waypointsBeginner; currentWaypoints[0].tag = "beginner current"; break; case Difficulity.Intermediate: currentWaypoints = waypointsIntermediate; currentWaypoints[0].tag = "intermediate current"; break; case Difficulity.Advanced: currentWaypoints = waypointsAdvanced; currentWaypoints[0].tag = "advanced current"; break; } }
private static List <string> GetRooms(Difficulity difficulity) { return(GetAllRooms().Items() .Where(room => room.Attribute is AvailableAttribute attr && (attr.Difficulity & difficulity) != 0) .OrderBy(room => room.Identificator) .Select(room => room.Identificator) .ToList()); }
public static void SetLevelForAll(Difficulity level) { foreach (var b in Behaviours) { if (b != null) { b.SetLevel(level); } } }
public AI(Difficulity d, CellE AI = CellE.o, CellE opponent = CellE.x) { difficulity = d; me = AI; him = opponent; if (me == him) { throw new ArgumentException("The AI and the opponent cant be the same sign."); } }
private void AskRoom(User user, Difficulity difficulity) { var selectedRoom = GetRandomRoom(user, difficulity); GetRoomVariables(user).Set("room", new Serializable.String(selectedRoom)); SendMessage(user, $"Ты идешь по лесу и видишь на поляне <b>{GetAllRooms().Get(selectedRoom)?.Name}</b>", GetButtons(user) ); }
public override void SetLevel(Difficulity level) { if (level != Difficulity.Tutorial) { TutorialPanelFader.FadeOut(() => { this.gameObject.SetActive(false); }); ControllerPanelFader.FadeOut(() => ControllerPanelFader.gameObject.SetActive(false)); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //inital difficulty is beginner diff = Difficulity.Beginner; currentWaypoints = waypointsBeginner; waypoint = currentWaypoints[0]; currentWaypoints[cWaypoint].gameObject.tag = "beginner current"; counter = 0; hitEnvironment = false; firstCollision = true; rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); }
public void difChange(Difficulity d) { if ((int)difficulity == (int)d) { return; } if ((int)difficulity == 0) { PvPB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard; } if ((int)difficulity == 1) { EasyB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard; } if ((int)difficulity == 2) { MediumB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard; } if ((int)difficulity == 3) { HardB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard; } if (d == Difficulity.pvp) { difficulity = Difficulity.pvp; PvPB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Popup; } if ((int)d == 1) { difficulity = Difficulity.easy; EasyB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; } if ((int)d == 2) { difficulity = Difficulity.medium; MediumB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; } if ((int)d == 3) { difficulity = Difficulity.hard; HardB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; } }
private void NextDifficultyLevel() { if (CurrentDifficulty == Difficulity.Advanced3) { //we are done with the experiment DataRecorder.RecordEvent(DataEvent.ExperimentEnded); ExperimentManager.Instance.ExperimentComplete(); return; } if (CurrentDifficulty == Difficulity.Tutorial) { StartCoroutine(StressLevelPromptCoroutine()); DataRecorder.RecordEvent(DataEvent.ExperimentStart); } CurrentDifficulty = CurrentDifficulty + 1; DataRecorder.RecordEvent(DataEvent.DifficultyLevelChanged, (int)CurrentDifficulty); //tell anybody who cares that the difficulty level changed DifficultySensitiveBehaviour.SetLevelForAll(CurrentDifficulty); Invoke("PromptForNextDifficultyLevel", AutoLevelTime); }
private void Go(User user, Difficulity difficulity) { var rooms = GetRooms(difficulity); if (rooms.Count == 0) { SendMessage(user, "Ты побродил по лесу, но так ничего и не нашел."); user.RoomManager.Leave(); } else if (user.ItemManager.Get("item/slippers") != null) { SwitchAction(user, RoomSelection); GetRoomVariables(user).Set("difficulity", new Serializable.Int((int)difficulity)); GetRoomVariables(user).Set("count", new Serializable.Int(user.Random.Next(3, 5 + 1))); AskRoom(user, difficulity); } else { var selectedRoom = GetRandomRoom(user, difficulity); SwitchRoom(user, selectedRoom); } }
private static string GetDescriptionForDifficulity(Difficulity dif) { switch (dif) { case Difficulity.Beginner: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Beginner1Description")); case Difficulity.Beginner2: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Beginner2Description")); case Difficulity.Beginner3: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Beginner3Description")); case Difficulity.Intermediate: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Intermediate1Description")); case Difficulity.Intermediate2: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Intermediate2Description")); case Difficulity.Intermediate3: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Intermediate3Description")); case Difficulity.Advanced: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Advanced1Description")); case Difficulity.Advanced2: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Advanced2Description")); case Difficulity.Advanced3: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_Advanced3Description")); case Difficulity.End: return(StringManager.GetString("NextLevelPanel_EndDescription")); default: return("[ERR: No Description available]"); } }
private void MoveTableForDifficulty(Difficulity level) { switch (level) { case Difficulity.Beginner: case Difficulity.Intermediate: case Difficulity.Advanced: SetDistanceFromPlayer(2f); break; case Difficulity.Beginner2: case Difficulity.Intermediate2: case Difficulity.Advanced2: SetDistanceFromPlayer(1.25f); break; case Difficulity.Beginner3: case Difficulity.Intermediate3: case Difficulity.Advanced3: SetDistanceFromPlayer(0.5f); break; } }
private static string GetRandomRoom(User user, Difficulity difficulity) { var rooms = GetRooms(difficulity); return(rooms[user.Random.Next(rooms.Count)]); }
public override void SetLevel(Difficulity level) { _lastSetDifficulity = level; MoveTableForDifficulty(level); //the animations are played in BoxDoneMoving }
public override void SetLevel(Difficulity level) { DifficultyText.text = string.Format(DifficultyStringFormat, Enum.GetName(typeof(Difficulity), level)); }
public AvailableAttribute(string identifier, Difficulity difficulity) : base(identifier) { Difficulity = difficulity; }
public abstract void SetLevel(Difficulity level);
public GameForm(Difficulity difficulity) { InitializeComponent(); Ai = new AI(difficulity); status = GameStatus.X_turn; this.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => { CenterizeAllControls(); }; GameFinished += OnGameFinished; AIthread = new Thread(AI); //Debug waste helpL.Enabled = false; EasyB.Enabled = false; MediumB.Enabled = false; HardB.Enabled = false; PvPB.Enabled = false; ReWriteB.Enabled = false; Undo.Enabled = false; helpL.Visible = false; EasyB.Visible = false; MediumB.Visible = false; HardB.Visible = false; PvPB.Visible = false; ReWriteB.Visible = false; Undo.Visible = false; //end of debug waste this.difficulity = difficulity; if (Program.Game == null) { Program.Game = this; } else { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); return; } ThreadPool.init(); CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; IsXTurn = true; ended = false; game = new GameLogic(); cellsP = new PictureBox[3, 3]; // Box1.Click+= CellClick; cellsP[0, 0] = Box1; cellsP[0, 1] = Box2; cellsP[0, 2] = Box3; cellsP[1, 0] = Box4; cellsP[1, 1] = Box5; cellsP[1, 2] = Box6; cellsP[2, 0] = Box7; cellsP[2, 1] = Box8; cellsP[2, 2] = Box9; Ximg = Box1.BackgroundImage; Oimg = Box2.BackgroundImage; clearImg = Box3.BackgroundImage; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (!(i == 0 && j == 0)) { cellsP[i, j].Click += CellClick; } } } Clear(); PvPB.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Popup; this.FormClosing += (x, y) => { if (Program.Game == this) { Program.Game = null; } }; this.BackColor = Color.Empty; this.BackgroundImage = null; Color left, right; left = Color.Salmon; right = Color.DarkViolet; if (this.difficulity == Difficulity.easy) { left = Color.Green; right = Color.White; } if (this.difficulity == Difficulity.medium) { left = Color.Orange; right = Color.Green; } if (this.difficulity == Difficulity.hard) { left = Color.Red; right = Color.Orange; } if (this.difficulity == Difficulity.pvp) { left = Color.Navy; right = Color.Red; } Bitmap bitmap = CreateGradient(left, right, new Tools.Imageing.Resolution(Width, Height)); this.BackgroundImage = Image.FromHbitmap(bitmap.GetHbitmap()); CenterizeAllControls(); }
void Awake() { Instance = this; CurrentDifficulty = Difficulity.Tutorial; }
public AvailableAttribute(string identifier, Difficulity difficulity, string rootId) : base(identifier) { Difficulity = difficulity; RootId = rootId; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { tilesParent = new GameObject(); = "Tiles Parent"; rocksParent = new GameObject(); = "Rocks Parent"; frameParent = new GameObject(); = "Frame Parent"; fenceParent = new GameObject(); = "Fence Parent"; revealedTilesCount = 0; int smallRocksCount = 0; if (LoadMap && data.revealedCount > 0 && data != null) { difficulity = data.difficulity; xSize = data.mapX; zSize = data.mapZ; bombCount = smallRocksCount = data.bombCount; map = data.numbersMap; tileCount = xSize * zSize; tiles = new GameObject[xSize, zSize]; revealedTilesCount = data.revealedCount; for (int i = 0; i < xSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < zSize; j++) { SpawnTile(i, j, data.revealedMap[i, j], data.flaggedMap[i, j]); } } } else { switch (difficulity) { case Difficulity.Easy: xSize = zSize = 8; bombCount = 10; smallRocksCount = 10; break; case Difficulity.Medium: xSize = zSize = 16; bombCount = 40; smallRocksCount = 40; break; case Difficulity.Hard: xSize = 16; zSize = 30; bombCount = 99; smallRocksCount = 99; break; case Difficulity.Costum: break; default: break; } map = new sbyte[xSize, zSize]; tiles = new GameObject[xSize, zSize]; tileCount = xSize * zSize; revealedTilesCount = 0; // GenerateBombs(); // GenerateNumbers(); SpawnMap(); } SpawnSmallRocks(smallRocksCount); GenerateFrame(); GenerateFences(); Vector3 center = new Vector3(Mathf.RoundToInt(xSize / 2), 0.5f, Mathf.RoundToInt(zSize / 2)); player.transform.position = center; tiles[Mathf.RoundToInt(center.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(center.z)].gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetFloat("Vector1_9DB77AC7", .5f); center.y = -0.25f; water.transform.position = center; center.y = -5f; ground.transform.position = center; }