        public void DemoDiffOfAdditionToLargeText()
            var text1 = @"I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.

I am the very model of a cartoon individual,
My animation's comical, unusual, and whimsical,
I'm quite adept at funny gags, comedic theory I have read,
From wicked puns and stupid jokes to anvils that drop on your head.";

            var text2 = @"I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.

I am the very model of a cartoon individual,
My animation's comical, unusual, and whimsical,
I'm quite adept at funny gags, comedic theory I have read,
From wicked puns and stupid jokes to anvils that drop on your head.

And that is all I have to say about that.";

            var sut = new DiffMatchPatch();

            sut.DiffTimeout = 0;
            var diffs = sut.DiffMain(text1, text2);

            var patches = sut.PatchMake(diffs);
            var patch   = sut.PatchToText(patches);

        public static void Patch(this TableOperations <MeterConfiguration> meterConfigurationTable, MeterConfiguration meterConfiguration, string newConfigText)
            string unpatchedText = Unpatch(meterConfigurationTable, meterConfiguration);

            DiffMatchPatch patchProvider = new DiffMatchPatch();
            List <Patch>   patches       = patchProvider.PatchMake(newConfigText, unpatchedText);

            if (patches.Count > 0)
                MeterConfiguration newConfiguration = new MeterConfiguration();
                newConfiguration.MeterID       = meterConfiguration.MeterID;
                newConfiguration.ConfigKey     = meterConfiguration.ConfigKey;
                newConfiguration.ConfigText    = newConfigText;
                newConfiguration.RevisionMajor = newConfiguration.RevisionMajor + 1;
                newConfiguration.RevisionMinor = 0;

                meterConfiguration.DiffID     = meterConfigurationTable.Connection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT @@IDENTITY");
                meterConfiguration.ConfigText = patchProvider.PatchToText(patches);
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.BENConfig)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                DateTime lastWriteTime = DateTime.ParseExact(string.Join(",", fi.Name.Split(',').Take(2)), "yyMMdd,HHmmssfff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // see if there is already a record that matches this file
                ConfigFileChanges configFileChanges = new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1} AND LastWriteTime = {2}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, $"{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}.cfg", lastWriteTime);

                // if a record already exists for this file skip it.  There was probably an error.
                if (configFileChanges != null)
                configFileChanges = new ConfigFileChanges();

                // create new record
                configFileChanges.MeterID       = meterDataSet.Meter.ID;
                configFileChanges.FileName      = $"{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}.cfg";
                configFileChanges.LastWriteTime = lastWriteTime;
                configFileChanges.Text          = meterDataSet.Text.Replace("\r", "");

                string[] data          = File.ReadAllLines(meterDataSet.FilePath);
                int[]    channelCounts = data[1].Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x.Replace("A", "").Replace("D", ""))).ToArray();
                int      totalChannels = channelCounts[0];

                // get portion of cfg file that contains channel mappings
                string relevantPortion = string.Join("\n", data.Take(2 + totalChannels));

                // get the previous record for this file
                ConfigFileChanges lastChanges = new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecord("LastWriteTime DESC", new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1} AND LastWriteTime < {2}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, $"{meterDataSet.Meter.AssetKey}.cfg", lastWriteTime));

                // if there were no previous records for this file
                if (lastChanges == null)
                    lastChanges      = new ConfigFileChanges();
                    lastChanges.Text = configFileChanges.Text.Replace("\r", "");
                    // make diffs
                    DiffMatchPatch dmp  = new DiffMatchPatch();
                    List <Diff>    diff = dmp.DiffMain(relevantPortion, relevantPortion);

                    configFileChanges.Html    = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");
                    configFileChanges.Changes = 0;
                    string[] data2          = lastChanges.Text.Split('\n');
                    int[]    channelCounts2 = data2[1].Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x.Replace("A", "").Replace("D", ""))).ToArray();
                    int      totalChannels2 = channelCounts2[0];

                    // get portion of cfg file that contains channel mappings
                    string relevantPortion2 = string.Join("\n", data2.Take(2 + totalChannels2));

                    // make diffs
                    DiffMatchPatch dmp   = new DiffMatchPatch();
                    List <Diff>    diff  = dmp.DiffMain(relevantPortion2, relevantPortion);
                    List <Patch>   patch = dmp.PatchMake(relevantPortion2, relevantPortion);

                    configFileChanges.Html    = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");
                    configFileChanges.Changes = patch.Count;

                    if (patch.Count == 0)

                // write new record to db
                meterDataSet.ConfigChanges = configFileChanges.Changes;

                new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).AddNewRecord(configFileChanges);
        public bool Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            if (meterDataSet.Type != DataSetType.Config)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings"))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(meterDataSet.FilePath);

                // see if there is already a record that matches this file
                ConfigFileChanges configFileChanges = new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1} AND LastWriteTime = {2}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, fi.Name, fi.LastWriteTime);

                // if a record already exists for this file skip it.  There was probably an error.
                if (configFileChanges != null)
                configFileChanges = new ConfigFileChanges();

                // create new record
                configFileChanges.MeterID       = meterDataSet.Meter.ID;
                configFileChanges.FileName      = fi.Name;
                configFileChanges.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime;
                configFileChanges.Text          = meterDataSet.Text;

                // get the previous record for this file
                ConfigFileChanges lastChanges = new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).QueryRecord("LastWriteTime DESC", new RecordRestriction("MeterID = {0} AND FileName = {1} AND LastWriteTime < {2}", meterDataSet.Meter.ID, fi.Name, fi.LastWriteTime));

                // if there were no previous records for this file, just diff it against itself because we need an intial record.
                if (lastChanges == null)
                    lastChanges      = new ConfigFileChanges();
                    lastChanges.Text = meterDataSet.Text;
                    DiffMatchPatch dmp   = new DiffMatchPatch();
                    List <Diff>    diff  = dmp.DiffMain(lastChanges.Text, configFileChanges.Text);
                    List <Patch>   patch = dmp.PatchMake(lastChanges.Text, configFileChanges.Text);

                    configFileChanges.Html    = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");
                    configFileChanges.Changes = patch.Count;

                    // write new record to db
                    meterDataSet.ConfigChanges = configFileChanges.Changes;
                    // make diffs
                    DiffMatchPatch dmp   = new DiffMatchPatch();
                    List <Diff>    diff  = dmp.DiffMain(lastChanges.Text, configFileChanges.Text);
                    List <Patch>   patch = dmp.PatchMake(lastChanges.Text, configFileChanges.Text);

                    if (patch.Count == 0)

                    configFileChanges.Html    = dmp.DiffPrettyHtml(diff).Replace("&para;", "");
                    configFileChanges.Changes = patch.Count;

                    // write new record to db
                    meterDataSet.ConfigChanges = configFileChanges.Changes;
                new TableOperations <ConfigFileChanges>(connection).AddNewRecord(configFileChanges);
