private void vesselChange(Vessel v) { currentCrew.Clear(); if (resetting) { StopCoroutine("delayedReset"); } StartCoroutine("delayedReset", false); }
private static IEnumerator parseProgressTree() { loaded = false; int timer = 0; while (ProgressTracking.Instance == null && timer < 500) { timer++; yield return(null); } if (timer >= 500) { Debug.Log("[Progress Tracking Parser] Progress Parser Timed Out"); loaded = false; yield break; } while (timer < 10) { timer++; yield return(null); } bodySubTrees.Clear(); standardNodes.Clear(); intervalNodes.Clear(); pointsOfInterest.Clear(); loadIntervalNodes(); loadStandardNodes(); loadPOINodes(); for (int i = 0; i < ProgressTracking.Instance.celestialBodyNodes.Length; i++) { CelestialBodySubtree b = ProgressTracking.Instance.celestialBodyNodes[i]; loadNextBodyNode(b); } updateCompletionRecord(); loaded = true; onProgressParsed.Fire(); Debug.Log("[Progress Tracking Parser] Progress Nodes Loaded..."); }
protected override void OnUnregister() { suitableVessels.Clear(); CleanupWaypoints(); if (!registered) { return; } registered = false; GameEvents.VesselSituation.onOrbit.Remove(vesselOrbit); GameEvents.onVesselCreate.Remove(newVesselCheck); GameEvents.onPartCouple.Remove(dockCheck); GameEvents.onVesselSOIChanged.Remove(soiChange); }
public override void CleanupWaypoints() { if (!waypointsOn || !useWaypoints) { return; } foreach (Waypoint w in wps.Values) { if (w == null) { continue; } WaypointManager.RemoveWaypoint(w); } waypointsOn = false; wps.Clear(); }
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode gameNode) { base.OnLoad(gameNode); if (gameNode.HasNode(configNodeName)) { ConfigNode settingsNode = gameNode.GetNode(configNodeName); InterestedVessels.Clear(); var vesselNodes = settingsNode.GetNodes(InterestedVessel.configNodeName); foreach (ConfigNode vesselNode in vesselNodes) { InterestedVessel interestedVessel = InterestedVessel.Load(vesselNode); if (interestedVessel != null) { ProtoVessel key = interestedVessel.protovessel; InterestedVessels.Add(key, interestedVessel); } } } Utilities.Log("OnLoad: ", gameNode); }
public static void ClearLists() { List.Clear(); ModuleDict.Clear(); }
internal void resetMissionsList() { missionList.Clear(); }
public static IEnumerator loadContracts() { if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode != Game.Modes.CAREER) { yield break; } loaded = false; int i = 0; //Agency modifiers don't seem to work unless I wait a few frames before loading contracts while (i < 5) { i++; yield return(null); } Debug.Log("[Contract Parser] Loading All Contracts..."); activeContracts.Clear(); offeredContracts.Clear(); completedContracts.Clear(); failedContracts.Clear(); declinedContracts.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < ContractSystem.Instance.Contracts.Count; j++) { Contract c = ContractSystem.Instance.Contracts[j]; if (c == null) { Debug.Log("[Contract Parser] Error in loading null contract from master list"); continue; } contractContainer cc = new contractContainer(c); if (cc.Root == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("[Contract Parser] Error while loading contract of type {0}; skipping", c.GetType().Name)); continue; } switch (cc.Root.ContractState) { case Contract.State.Active: addActiveContract(cc); continue; case Contract.State.Offered: addOfferedContract(cc); continue; case Contract.State.Completed: addCompletedContract(cc); continue; case Contract.State.Cancelled: case Contract.State.DeadlineExpired: case Contract.State.Failed: addFailedContract(cc); continue; default: continue; } } for (int j = 0; j < ContractSystem.Instance.ContractsFinished.Count; j++) { Contract c = ContractSystem.Instance.ContractsFinished[j]; if (c == null) { Debug.Log("[Contract Parser] Error in loading contract from finished list"); continue; } contractContainer cc = new contractContainer(c); if (cc.Root == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("[Contract Parser] Error while loading finished contract of type {0}; skipping", c.GetType().Name)); continue; } switch (cc.Root.ContractState) { case Contract.State.Active: addActiveContract(cc); continue; case Contract.State.Offered: addOfferedContract(cc); continue; case Contract.State.Completed: addCompletedContract(cc); continue; case Contract.State.Cancelled: case Contract.State.DeadlineExpired: case Contract.State.Failed: addFailedContract(cc); continue; default: continue; } } if (contractReflection.CCLoaded) { RefreshCCOfferedContracts(); } loaded = true; onContractsParsed.Fire(); Debug.Log("[Contract Parser] Finished Loading All Contracts"); }
public static void clearAnomalies() { anomalies.Clear(); }