        public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)

            // This screen name value will remain set on the tracker and sent with
            // hits until it is set to a new value or to null.
            Gai.SharedInstance.DefaultTracker.Set(GaiConstants.ScreenName, "View Controller");


            var bundle = Foundation.NSBundle.MainBundle;
            //var resource = bundle.PathForResource("splashipad", "mp4");

            //May need to comment... experimenting with performance cost of loading video
            var fileName = (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad)? "globalairphone" : "globalairtablet";

            var resource = bundle.PathForResource(fileName, "mov");

//// set the video
            VideoUrl = new Foundation.NSUrl(resource, false);

            FillMode = ScalingMode.ResizeAspectFill;

            this.PerformSegue("loginSegue", this);
        public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)


// This screen name value will remain set on the tracker and sent with
// hits until it is set to a new value or to null.
            Gai.SharedInstance.DefaultTracker.Set(GaiConstants.ScreenName, "Page View");


            StepActivated?.Invoke(this, new MultiStepProcessStepEventArgs {
                Index = StepIndex

            bool needsToReturnToPreviousStep = false;
            //Ensure required fields are input
            string validationMessage = string.Empty;

            if (Settings.Email == null || Settings.Email == string.Empty)
                validationMessage           = "Please input a valid email address";
                needsToReturnToPreviousStep = true;
            if (Settings.Password == null || Settings.Password == string.Empty)
                validationMessage           = "Please input a valid password";
                needsToReturnToPreviousStep = true;
            if (Settings.FirstName == null || Settings.FirstName == string.Empty)
                validationMessage           = "Please input your first name";
                needsToReturnToPreviousStep = true;
            if (Settings.LastName == null || Settings.LastName == string.Empty)
                validationMessage           = "Please input your last name";
                needsToReturnToPreviousStep = true;
            if (Settings.Phone == null || Settings.Phone == string.Empty)
                validationMessage           = "Please input your cell phone number";
                needsToReturnToPreviousStep = true;
            if (Settings.LocationPickerSelectedId == 0)
                validationMessage           = "Please select your location";
                needsToReturnToPreviousStep = true;
            if (needsToReturnToPreviousStep)
                HelperMethods.SendBasicAlert("Validation", validationMessage);
                RegistrationViewController registrationVC = (RegistrationViewController)((MultiStepProcessHorizontalViewController)this.ParentViewController).ContainerViewController;
                var secondStep = registrationVC.Steps[1];
                InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                    registrationVC._pageViewController.SetViewControllers(new[] { secondStep as UIViewController }, UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection.Reverse, true, (finished) =>
                        if (finished)
                            //finalStep.StepActivated(this, new MultiStepProcessStepEventArgs());

            //Register events
            PilotSwitch.ValueChanged += PilotSwitch_ValueChanged;
            NextButton.TouchUpInside += NextButton_TouchUpInside;