        public override void InitOutfit()
            AddItem(new Backpack());
            AddItem(new ElvenBoots(0x96D));

            Item item;

            item     = new StuddedLegs();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedGloves();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedGorget();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedChest();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedArms();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new DiamondMace();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;
        public TylAriadne()
            : base(AIType.AI_Vendor, FightMode.None, 2, 1, 0.5, 2)
            Name       = "Tyl Ariadne";
            Title      = "the Parrying Instructor";
            BodyValue  = 0x190;
            Hue        = 0x8374;
            HairItemID = 0;

            InitStats(100, 100, 25);

            SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Parry, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Healing, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Meditation, 120.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Focus, 120.0);

            AddItem(new Backpack());
            AddItem(new ElvenBoots(0x96D));

            Item item;

            item     = new StuddedLegs();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedGloves();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedGorget();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedChest();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new StuddedArms();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;

            item     = new DiamondMace();
            item.Hue = 0x96D;
        public override void GenerateLoot()
            AddLoot(LootPack.FilthyRich, 5);
            AddLoot(LootPack.HighScrolls, 3);
            AddLoot(LootPack.MedScrolls, 4);
            AddLoot(LootPack.LowScrolls, 6);
            AddLoot(LootPack.Gems, 5);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseWeapon weapon = Loot.RandomWeapon(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(33))
                case 0: weapon = new BattleAxe(); break;

                case 1: weapon = new ExecutionersAxe(); break;

                case 2: weapon = new LargeBattleAxe(); break;

                case 3: weapon = new WarAxe(); break;

                case 4: weapon = new Bow(); break;

                case 5: weapon = new Crossbow(); break;

                case 6: weapon = new HeavyCrossbow(); break;

                case 7: weapon = new WarHammer(); break;

                case 8: weapon = new WarMace(); break;

                case 9: weapon = new Bardiche(); break;

                case 10: weapon = new Halberd(); break;

                case 11: weapon = new Spear(); break;

                case 12: weapon = new QuarterStaff(); break;

                case 13: weapon = new Katana(); break;

                case 14: weapon = new Longsword(); break;

                case 15: weapon = new VikingSword(); break;

                case 16: weapon = new CompositeBow(); break;

                case 17: weapon = new CrescentBlade(); break;

                case 18: weapon = new DoubleBladedStaff(); break;

                case 19: weapon = new Lance(); break;

                case 20: weapon = new PaladinSword(); break;

                case 21: weapon = new Scythe(); break;

                case 22: weapon = new Daisho(); break;

                case 23: weapon = new Lajatang(); break;

                case 24: weapon = new NoDachi(); break;

                case 25: weapon = new Tetsubo(); break;

                case 26: weapon = new Yumi(); break;

                case 27: weapon = new ElvenCompositeLongbow(); break;

                case 28: weapon = new OrnateAxe(); break;

                case 29: weapon = new RadiantScimitar(); break;

                case 30: weapon = new WarCleaver(); break;

                case 31: weapon = new WildStaff(); break;

                default: weapon = new DiamondMace(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(weapon, 5, 35, 50);
                weapon.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseArmor armor = Loot.RandomArmor(true);
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: armor = new CrusaderGauntlets(); break;

                case 1: armor = new CrusaderGorget(); break;

                case 2: armor = new CrusaderLeggings(); break;

                case 3: armor = new CrusaderSleeves(); break;

                default: armor = new CrusaderBreastplate(); break;

                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(armor, 5, 35, 50);
                armor.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.20)
                BaseClothing clothing = Loot.RandomClothing(true);
                BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(clothing, 5, 35, 50);
                clothing.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseShield shield = new MetalKiteShield();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(shield, 5, 35, 50);
                shield.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel bracelet = new GoldBracelet();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(bracelet, 5, 35, 50);
                bracelet.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel earrings = new GoldEarrings();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(earrings, 5, 35, 50);
                earrings.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel necklace = new GoldNecklace();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(necklace, 5, 35, 50);
                necklace.Hue = 1461;


            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.10)
                BaseJewel ring = new GoldRing();
                if (Core.AOS)
                    BaseRunicTool.ApplyAttributesTo(ring, 5, 35, 50);
                ring.Hue = 1461;

        public override void OnAfterSpawn()

            Region reg = Region.Find(this.Location, this.Map);

            string World = Server.Misc.Worlds.GetMyWorld(this.Map, this.Location, this.X, this.Y);

            int clothColor = 0;
            int shieldType = 0;
            int helmType   = 0;
            int cloakColor = 0;

            Item weapon = new VikingSword(); weapon.Delete();

            if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Whisper")
                clothColor = 0x96D;             shieldType = 0x1B72;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x972;             weapon = new Longsword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Town of Glacial Hills")
                clothColor = 0x482;             shieldType = 0x1B74;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x542;             weapon = new Kryss();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Springvale")
                clothColor = 0x595;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x593;             weapon = new Pike();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the City of Elidor")
                clothColor = 0x665;             shieldType = 0x1B7B;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x664;             weapon = new Katana();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Islegem")
                clothColor = 0x7D1;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x7D6;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "Greensky Village")
                clothColor = 0x7D7;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x7DA;             weapon = new Bardiche();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Port of Dusk")
                clothColor = 0x601;             shieldType = 0x1B76;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x600;             weapon = new Cutlass();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Port of Starguide")
                clothColor = 0x751;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x758;             weapon = new BladedStaff();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Portshine")
                clothColor = 0x847;             shieldType = 0x1B7A;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x851;             weapon = new Mace();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Ranger Outpost")
                clothColor = 0x598;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x83F;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (World == "the Land of Lodoria")               // ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the City of Lodoria" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Castle of Knowledge" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Lodoria City Park" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Village of Lodoria" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Lodoria Cemetery" )
                clothColor = 0x6E4;             shieldType = 0x1BC4;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x6E7;             weapon = new Scimitar();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Lunar City of Dawn")
                clothColor = 0x9C4;             shieldType = 0x1B76;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x9C4;             weapon = new DiamondMace();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "The Town of Devil Guard" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "The Farmland of Devil Guard")
                clothColor = 0x430;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0;                 weapon = new LargeBattleAxe();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Town of Moon")
                clothColor = 0x8AF;             shieldType = 0x1B72;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x972;             weapon = new Longsword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Grey")
                clothColor = 0;                 shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x763;             weapon = new Halberd();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the City of Montor")
                clothColor = 0x96F;             shieldType = 0x1B74;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x529;             weapon = new Broadsword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Fawn")
                clothColor = 0x59D;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x59C;             weapon = new DoubleAxe();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Yew")
                clothColor = 0x83C;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x850;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "Iceclad Fisherman's Village" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Town of Mountain Crest" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "Glacial Coast Village")
                clothColor = 0x482;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x47E;             weapon = new Bardiche();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Undercity of Umbra")
                clothColor = 0x964;             shieldType = 0x1BC3;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x966;             weapon = new BoneHarvester();
            else if (World == "the Island of Umber Veil")
                clothColor = 0xA5D;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x96D;             weapon = new Halberd();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the City of Kuldara")
                clothColor = 0x965;             shieldType = 0x1BC3;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x845;             weapon = new Maul();
            else if (World == "the Isles of Dread")
                clothColor = 0x978;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x2645;              cloakColor = 0x973;             weapon = new OrnateAxe();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Barako")
                clothColor = 0x515;             shieldType = 0x1B72;    helmType = 0x2645;              cloakColor = 0x58D;             weapon = new WarMace();
            else if (World == "the Savaged Empire")               // ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Village of Kurak" )
                clothColor = 0x515;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x59D;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (World == "the Serpent Island")               // ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the City of Furnace" )
                clothColor = 0x515;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x2FBB;              cloakColor = 0;                 weapon = new Halberd();
            else             // if ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the City of Britain" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Britain Castle Grounds" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "Lord British Castle" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Britain Dungeons" )
                clothColor = 0x9C4;             shieldType = 0x1BC4;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x845;             weapon = new VikingSword();

            weapon.Movable = false;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).MaxHitPoints = 1000;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).HitPoints    = 1000;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).MinDamage    = 500;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).MaxDamage    = 900;

            AddItem(new PlateChest());
            if (World == "the Serpent Island")
                AddItem(new RingmailArms());
                AddItem(new PlateArms());
            }                                                                                                                       // FOR GARGOYLES
            AddItem(new PlateLegs());
            AddItem(new PlateGorget());
            AddItem(new PlateGloves());
            AddItem(new Boots( ));

            if (helmType > 0)
                PlateHelm helm = new PlateHelm();
                helm.ItemID = helmType;
                helm.Name   = "helm";
            if (shieldType > 0)
                ChaosShield shield = new ChaosShield();
                shield.ItemID = shieldType;
                shield.Name   = "shield";

            MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, clothColor);

            if (cloakColor > 0)
                Cloak cloak = new Cloak();
                cloak.Hue = cloakColor;
