    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a Chunk.
    /// Populates the Chunk based on Fractal Brownian Motion
    /// </summary>
    private void BuildChunk()
        bool fileData = false;

        // fileData = Load();

        m_ChunkData = new Block[World.CHUNKSIZE, 2, World.CHUNKSIZE];

        for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
            for (int z = 0; z < World.CHUNKSIZE; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < World.CHUNKSIZE; x++)
                    // Block position
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                    // Block position in the World to compare to NoiseMap
                    int worldX = (int)(x + m_Chunk.transform.position.x);
                    int worldY = (int)(y + m_Chunk.transform.position.y);
                    int worldZ = (int)(z + m_Chunk.transform.position.z);

                    if (fileData)
                        m_ChunkData[x, y, z] = new Block(m_blockData.Matrix[x, y, z], pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);

                    else if (y == 1)
                        //m_ChunkData[x, y, z] = new PropPoint(m_ChunkData[x, y - 1, z].m_BlockType, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                    // World Layers from bottom to top
                    // if (Utils.FBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.1f, 4) < 0.40f)
                    //     m_ChunkData[x, y, z] = new Block(Block.EBlockType.AIR, pos,
                    //                     m_Chunk.gameObject, this);
                    //if (worldY <= Utils.GenerateCliffHeight(worldX, worldZ))
                    //    m_ChunkData[x, y, z] = new Block(Block.EBlockType.AIR, pos,
                    //                   m_Chunk.gameObject, this);
                    // if (worldY == 1)
                    //    m_ChunkData[x, y, z] = new Block(Block.EBlockType.AIR, pos,
                    //                    m_Chunk.gameObject, this);

                    //else if (worldY == 0)
                    //    m_ChunkData[x, y, z] = new Block(Block.EBlockType.BEDROCK, pos,
                    //                    m_Chunk.gameObject, this);
                    else if (worldY <= Utils.GenerateStoneHeight(worldX, worldZ))
                        if (Utils.FBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.02f, 4) < 0.42f && worldY < 16)
                            m_ChunkData[x, y, z]     = new DiamondBlock(pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                            m_ChunkData[x, y + 1, z] = new PropPoint(Block.EBlockType.DIAMOND, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                        else if (Utils.FBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.02f, 2) < 0.40f && worldY < 16)
                            m_ChunkData[x, y, z]     = new RedstoneBlock(pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                            m_ChunkData[x, y + 1, z] = new PropPoint(Block.EBlockType.REDSTONE, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                            m_ChunkData[x, y, z]     = new StoneBlock(pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                            m_ChunkData[x, y + 1, z] = new PropPoint(Block.EBlockType.STONE, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                    else if (worldY == Utils.GenerateHeight(worldX - 1, worldZ - 1)) // Grass equals the heightvalue returned by the function
                        m_ChunkData[x, y, z]     = new GrassBlock(pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                        m_ChunkData[x, y + 1, z] = new PropPoint(Block.EBlockType.GRASS, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                    else if (worldY < Utils.GenerateHeight(worldX, worldZ))
                        m_ChunkData[x, y, z]     = new DirtBlock(pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                        m_ChunkData[x, y + 1, z] = new PropPoint(Block.EBlockType.DIRT, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                        m_ChunkData[x, y, z]     = new AirBlock(pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);
                        m_ChunkData[x, y + 1, z] = new PropPoint(Block.EBlockType.AIR, pos, m_Chunk.gameObject, this, m_CubeAtlas);

                    m_CurrentStatus = EStatus.DRAW;
        // Save();
        public static Block GetBlockById(byte blockId)
            Block block = null;

            if (CustomBlockFactory != null)
                block = CustomBlockFactory.GetBlockById(blockId);

            if (block != null) return block;

            if (blockId == 0) block = new Air();
            else if (blockId == 1) block = new Stone();
            else if (blockId == 2) block = new Grass();
            else if (blockId == 3) block = new Dirt();
            else if (blockId == 4) block = new Cobblestone();
            else if (blockId == 5) block = new Planks();
            else if (blockId == 6) block = new Sapling();
            else if (blockId == 7) block = new Bedrock();
            else if (blockId == 8) block = new FlowingWater();
            else if (blockId == 9) block = new StationaryWater();
            else if (blockId == 10) block = new FlowingLava();
            else if (blockId == 11) block = new StationaryLava();
            else if (blockId == 12) block = new Sand();
            else if (blockId == 13) block = new Gravel();
            else if (blockId == 14) block = new GoldOre();
            else if (blockId == 15) block = new IronOre();
            else if (blockId == 16) block = new CoalOre();
            else if (blockId == 17) block = new Log();
            else if (blockId == 18) block = new Leaves();
            else if (blockId == 19) block = new Sponge();
            else if (blockId == 20) block = new Glass();
            else if (blockId == 21) block = new LapisOre();
            else if (blockId == 22) block = new LapisBlock();
            else if (blockId == 23) block = new Dispenser();
            else if (blockId == 24) block = new Sandstone();
            else if (blockId == 25) block = new NoteBlock();
            else if (blockId == 26) block = new Bed();
            else if (blockId == 27) block = new GoldenRail();
            else if (blockId == 28) block = new DetectorRail();
            else if (blockId == 30) block = new Cobweb();
            else if (blockId == 31) block = new TallGrass();
            else if (blockId == 32) block = new DeadBush();
            else if (blockId == 35) block = new Wool();
            else if (blockId == 37) block = new YellowFlower();
            else if (blockId == 38) block = new Flower();
            else if (blockId == 39) block = new BrownMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 40) block = new RedMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 41) block = new GoldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 42) block = new IronBlock();
            else if (blockId == 43) block = new DoubleStoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 44) block = new StoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 45) block = new Bricks();
            else if (blockId == 46) block = new Tnt();
            else if (blockId == 47) block = new Bookshelf();
            else if (blockId == 48) block = new MossStone();
            else if (blockId == 49) block = new Obsidian();
            else if (blockId == 50) block = new Torch();
            else if (blockId == 51) block = new Fire();
            else if (blockId == 52) block = new MonsterSpawner();
            else if (blockId == 53) block = new OakWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 54) block = new Chest();
            else if (blockId == 55) block = new RedstoneWire();
            else if (blockId == 56) block = new DiamondOre();
            else if (blockId == 57) block = new DiamondBlock();
            else if (blockId == 58) block = new CraftingTable();
            else if (blockId == 59) block = new Wheat();
            else if (blockId == 60) block = new Farmland();
            else if (blockId == 61) block = new Furnace();
            else if (blockId == 62) block = new LitFurnace();
            else if (blockId == 63) block = new StandingSign();
            else if (blockId == 64) block = new WoodenDoor();
            else if (blockId == 65) block = new Ladder();
            else if (blockId == 66) block = new Rail();
            else if (blockId == 67) block = new CobblestoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 68) block = new WallSign();
            else if (blockId == 69) block = new Lever();
            else if (blockId == 70) block = new StonePressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 71) block = new IronDoor();
            else if (blockId == 72) block = new WoodenPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 73) block = new RedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 74) block = new LitRedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 75) block = new UnlitRedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 76) block = new RedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 77) block = new StoneButton();
            else if (blockId == 78) block = new SnowLayer();
            else if (blockId == 79) block = new Ice();
            else if (blockId == 80) block = new Snow();
            else if (blockId == 81) block = new Cactus();
            else if (blockId == 82) block = new Clay();
            else if (blockId == 83) block = new Reeds();
            else if (blockId == 85) block = new Fence();
            else if (blockId == 86) block = new Pumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 87) block = new Netherrack();
            else if (blockId == 88) block = new SoulSand();
            else if (blockId == 89) block = new Glowstone();
            else if (blockId == 90) block = new Portal();
            else if (blockId == 91) block = new LitPumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 92) block = new Cake();
            else if (blockId == 93) block = new UnpoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 94) block = new PoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 95) block = new InvisibleBedrock();
            else if (blockId == 96) block = new Trapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 97) block = new MonsterEgg();
            else if (blockId == 98) block = new StoneBrick();
            else if (blockId == 99) block = new BrownMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 100) block = new RedMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 101) block = new IronBars();
            else if (blockId == 102) block = new GlassPane();
            else if (blockId == 103) block = new Melon();
            else if (blockId == 106) block = new Vine();
            else if (blockId == 107) block = new FenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 108) block = new BrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 109) block = new StoneBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 110) block = new Mycelium();
            else if (blockId == 111) block = new Waterlily();
            else if (blockId == 112) block = new NetherBrick();
            else if (blockId == 113) block = new NetherBrickFence();
            else if (blockId == 114) block = new NetherBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 115) block = new NetherWart();
            else if (blockId == 116) block = new EnchantingTable();
            else if (blockId == 117) block = new BrewingStand();
            else if (blockId == 120) block = new EndPortalFrame();
            else if (blockId == 121) block = new EndStone();
            else if (blockId == 122) block = new LitRedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 123) block = new RedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 126) block = new ActivatorRail();
            else if (blockId == 127) block = new Cocoa();
            else if (blockId == 128) block = new SandStoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 129) block = new EmeraldOre();
            else if (blockId == 131) block = new TripwireHook();
            else if (blockId == 132) block = new Tripwire();
            else if (blockId == 133) block = new EmeraldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 134) block = new SpruceWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 135) block = new BirchWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 136) block = new JungleWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 139) block = new CobblestoneWall();
            else if (blockId == 140) block = new FlowerPot();
            else if (blockId == 141) block = new Carrots();
            else if (blockId == 142) block = new Potatoes();
            else if (blockId == 143) block = new WoodenButton();
            else if (blockId == 144) block = new Skull();
            else if (blockId == 145) block = new Anvil();
            else if (blockId == 146) block = new TrappedChest();
            else if (blockId == 147) block = new LightWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 148) block = new HeavyWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 151) block = new DaylightDetector();
            else if (blockId == 152) block = new RedstoneBlock();
            else if (blockId == 153) block = new QuartzOre();
            else if (blockId == 155) block = new QuartzBlock();
            else if (blockId == 156) block = new QuartzStairs();
            else if (blockId == 157) block = new DoubleWoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 158) block = new WoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 159) block = new StainedHardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 161) block = new AcaciaLeaves();
            else if (blockId == 162) block = new AcaciaLog();
            else if (blockId == 163) block = new AcaciaStairs();
            else if (blockId == 164) block = new DarkOakStairs();
            else if (blockId == 167) block = new IronTrapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 170) block = new HayBlock();
            else if (blockId == 171) block = new Carpet();
            else if (blockId == 172) block = new HardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 173) block = new CoalBlock();
            else if (blockId == 174) block = new PackedIce();
            else if (blockId == 175) block = new Sunflower();
            else if (blockId == 178) block = new DaylightDetectorInverted();
            else if (blockId == 183) block = new SpruceFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 184) block = new BirchFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 185) block = new JungleFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 186) block = new DarkOakFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 187) block = new AcaciaFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 198) block = new GrassPath();
            else if (blockId == 199) block = new ItemFrame();
            else if (blockId == 243) block = new Podzol();
            else if (blockId == 244) block = new Beetroot();
            else if (blockId == 245) block = new Stonecutter();
            else if (blockId == 246) block = new GlowingObsidian();
            else if (blockId == 247) block = new NetherReactorCore();
                //				Log.DebugFormat(@"
                //	// Add this missing block to the BlockFactory
                //	else if (blockId == {1}) block = new {0}();
                //	public class {0} : Block
                //	{{
                //		internal {0}() : base({1})
                //		{{
                //		}}
                //	}}
                //", "Missing", blockId);
                block = new Block(blockId);

            return block;
    void BuildChunk()
        bool dataFromFile = Load();

        chunkData = new Block[World.chunkSize, World.chunkSize, World.chunkSize];
        for (int z = 0; z < World.chunkSize; z++)
            for (int y = 0; y < World.chunkSize; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < World.chunkSize; x++)
                    Vector3 pos    = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                    int     worldX = (int)(x + chunk.transform.position.x);
                    int     worldY = (int)(y + chunk.transform.position.y);
                    int     worldZ = (int)(z + chunk.transform.position.z);

                    if (dataFromFile)
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new Block(bd.matrix[x, y, z], pos, chunk.gameObject, this);

                    int surfaceHeight = Utils.GenHeight(worldX, worldZ);
                    if (worldY < 5)
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new BedRockBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                    else if (worldY <= Utils.GenStoneHeight(worldX, worldZ))
                        if (Utils.fBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.01f, 2) < 0.4f && worldY < 40)
                            chunkData[x, y, z] = new DiamondBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                        if (Utils.fBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.03f, 3) < 0.41f && worldY < 20)
                            chunkData[x, y, z] = new RedStoneBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                            chunkData[x, y, z] = new StoneBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                    else if (worldY == surfaceHeight)
                        if (Utils.fBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.175f, 2) < 0.35f && worldY >= 65)
                            chunkData[x, y, z] = new TreeBlock(TreeBlock.TreeType.PINE, false, true, pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                            chunkData[x, y, z] = new GrassBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                        // chunkData[x, y, z] = new GrassBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                    else if (worldY < surfaceHeight)
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new DirtBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new AirBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);

                    if (chunkData[x, y, z].bType != Block.BlockType.WATER && Utils.fBM3D(worldX, worldY, worldZ, 0.08f, 3) < 0.42f)
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new AirBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);
                    if (worldY < 65 && chunkData[x, y, z].bType == Block.BlockType.AIR)
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new WaterBlock(pos, fluid.gameObject, this);
                    if (worldY == 0)
                        chunkData[x, y, z] = new BedRockBlock(pos, chunk.gameObject, this);

                    status = ChunkStatus.DRAW;