/// Start the dialogue
        void Start()
            // Ensure that we have our Implementation object
            if (dialogueUI == null)
                Debug.LogError("Implementation was not set! Can't run the dialogue!");

            // And that we have our variable storage object
            if (variableStorage == null)
                Debug.LogError("Variable storage was not set! Can't run the dialogue!");

            // Ensure that the variable storage has the right stuff in it

            // Load all scripts
            if (sourceText != null)
                foreach (var source in sourceText)
                    // load and compile the text
                    dialogue.LoadString(source.text, source.name);

            if (startAutomatically)

            if (stringGroups != null)
                // Load the string table for this language, if appropriate
                var stringsGroup = new List <LocalisedStringGroup> (stringGroups).Find(
                    entry => entry.language == (shouldOverrideLanguage ? overrideLanguage : Application.systemLanguage)

                if (stringsGroup != null)
                    foreach (var table in stringsGroup.stringFiles)

            #region Custom Components ..........................................

            // Scripts

            dialogueUIScript = GetComponent <DialogueUIScript> ();

            // Whatever components we need for styling goes here.

    public void Start()
        GameObject uiObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("UI");

        if (uiObj != null)
            dialogueUI = uiObj.GetComponent<DialogueUIScript> ();

        player = player.GetComponent<PlayerScript>();

        player.enabled = true;