private void IncorrectAccusation(Clue accusation)
        string accusedCharacterName = NPCInteraction.activeCharacter.Name;
        string missingTags          = string.Empty;

        // Check if we have the right tags first.
        string[] requiredAccusationTags = DialogueHandler.GetRequiredAccusationClueTags();

        // Since we only need to accuse one clue and have to have the other unlocked, make sure
        // we passed in one of them and have them unlocked in the Journal.
        if (requiredAccusationTags.Contains(accusation.ClueTag))
            // We passed in a correct clue, now let's make sure we have them unlocked in the journal.
            foreach (string tag in requiredAccusationTags)
                if (!Journal.Instance.HasDiscoveredClue(tag))
                    missingTags += tag + ", ";
            missingTags = "You did not pass in the correct clue.";

        //result += "MISSING TAGS: " + missingTags + "\n";

        //if (DialogueHandler.GetCulpritName() != accusedCharacterName)
        //    result += "You did not accuse the correct character. The culprit was actually " + DialogueHandler.GetCulpritName();

    /// <summary>
    /// Accuses the last character talked to of the murder.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="accusationBasis">The Clue that the player determined as the reason for the murder.</param>
    public void AccuseCharacter(Clue accusationBasis)
        // Check if we have the right tags first.
        string[] requiredAccusationTags = DialogueHandler.GetRequiredAccusationClueTags();

        // Since we only need to accuse one clue and have to have the other unlocked, make sure
        // we passed in one of them and have them unlocked in the Journal.
        if (requiredAccusationTags.Contains(accusationBasis.ClueTag))
            // We passed in a correct clue, now let's make sure we have them unlocked in the journal.
            foreach (string tag in requiredAccusationTags)
                if (!Journal.Instance.HasDiscoveredClue(tag))
        // We didn't pass in a correct clue to begin with, so
        // automatically an incorrect accusation.

        // We passed in the right clues. Now let's make sure we are accusing the right character!
        string characterAccused = NPCInteraction.activeCharacter.Name;
        string culpritName      = DialogueHandler.GetCulpritName();

        // The name's match! We chose correctly.
        if (characterAccused == culpritName)
        // The name's mismatched, so incorrect accusation.