         * Launch a proble and get the results.  Probles are nothing but warp
         * engine, power core, and LRS so they are fast, single-use devices
         * that return the results quickly.
        public bool Execute()
            bool executed = false;

            _game.Debug("In Probes");

            if (IsHealthy() && getCurrentCount() > 0)
                // Target sector
                string sect = Dialogs.BasicInputDialog("Probe Launch", "Send probe to what sector?");

                // if a valid course, fire the probe
                if (sect != null)
                    string[] sects = sect.Split(',');
                    if (sects.Length == 2)
                        int row;
                        int col;

                        if (int.TryParse(sects[0], out row) && int.TryParse(sects[1], out col))
                            if (row > 0 && row <= _boardSize && col > 0 && col <= _boardSize)
                                _game.LRS.SetLRS(row - 1, col - 1);
                                _game.ComsChatter("Mr Spock says 'The probe data is coming in, Captain");
                                executed = true;

                    if (!executed)
                        _game.ComsChatter("The bridge crew are confused by your response");
                _game.ComsChatter("Mr Chekov reports that there are no probes unavailable!");
