private void GetRandomUsers(object obj) { Task.Run(async() => { this.LoadingMessageHUD = "Performing download..."; this.IsLoadingHUD = true; var result = await WebBll.GetRandomUsers(); this.IsLoadingHUD = false; if (result.Error == null) { RandomUsers = result.Response.ToObservable(); } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); }); } }); }
public void GetPaginatedRandomUsers(object obj) { Task.Run(async() => { this.LoadingMessageHUD = "Performing download..."; this.IsLoadingHUD = true; var result = await WebBll.GetPaginatedRandomUsers(pageIndex); pageIndex++; this.IsLoadingHUD = false; if (result.Error == null) { using (var updated = PaginatedRandomUsers.BeginMassUpdate()) { PaginatedRandomUsers.AddRange(result.Response); } } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); }); } }); }
private void LoadResources() { this.LoadingMessageHUD = "Loading..."; this.IsLoadingHUD = true; this.AppLogic.LoadRandomUsers().ContinueWith((result) => { this.IsLoadingHUD = false; var response = result.Result; if (response.Error == null) { Users = AppLogic.ObservableRandomUsers; GenderChart = new DonutChart() { Entries = AppLogic.GetUsersByGender() }; AgeChart = new BarChart() { Entries = AppLogic.GetUsersByAgeGroup() }; Nationalities = AppLogic.GetUniqueNationalities().ToObservableCollection(); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = response.Error.Message }); } }); }
private void HttpPostMethod(object obj) { Task.Run(async() => { var result = await WebBll.PostDataExample(); if (result.Error == null) { var pp = result.Response; DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Success", Message = $"The person's new id for {pp.FirstName} {pp.LastName} is {pp.Id}" }); } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); }); } }); }
public AppViewModel() { LoadAllPeople("AppViewModel", null).ContinueWith((t) => { }); AddPerson = new CoreCommand(async(obj) => { var result = await this.SqliteDb.AddOrUpdate <Person>(NewPerson); if (result.Success) { NewPerson = new Person(); await LoadAllPeople("AddPerson", () => { Navigation.PushNonAwaited <PageTwo>(); }); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); } }); ViewPeople = new Command(async(obj) => { await LoadAllPeople("ViewPeople", () => { Navigation.PushNonAwaited <PageTwo>(); }); }); }
private async void ShowPrompt_ClosingWithGameStillOpened(Action successAction) { await Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(async() => { var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_CloseGame_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_CloseGame_Text") as string; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNoCancel(title, content); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { ConfigManager.GameManager.GameProcess.Kill(); AllowedToCloseWithGameOpen = true; if (successAction != null) { successAction.Invoke(); } } else if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { AllowedToCloseWithGameOpen = true; if (successAction != null) { successAction.Invoke(); } } else if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { AllowedToCloseWithGameOpen = false; } })); }
public AppViewModel() { LoadAllPeople("AppViewModel", null).ContinueWith((t) => { }); AddPerson = new CoreCommand(async(obj) => { var result = await this.LiteDb.Insert(NewPerson); if (result.Success) { NewPerson = new Person(); await LoadAllPeople("AddPerson", async() => { await Navigation.PushAsync(new PageTwo()); }); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); } }); ViewPeople = new CoreCommand(async(obj) => { await Navigation.PushAsync(new PageTwo()); }); }
public override void OnViewMessageReceived(string key, object obj) { switch (key) { case CoreSettings.LoadResources: var result = DataBLL.GetCarouselData(); if (result.Error == null) { ItemSource = result.Response.ToObservable <CarouselBindingObject>(); } CardCollection = DataBLL.GetCardViewList().ToObservable <CardViewContent>(); break; case CoreSettings.ReleaseResources: break; case CoreSettings.PhoneCallBack: Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Completed", Message = "Phone call action has been complete and action logged" }); }); break; } }
private async void DeleteSkinPackButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MoreButton.ContextMenu.IsOpen = false; var skinPack = GetParent().LoadedSkinPacks.SelectedItem as MCSkinPack; if (skinPack == null) { return; } var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = this.FindResource("Dialog_Item_SkinPack_Text") as string; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, skinPack.DisplayName); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { try { Directory.Delete(skinPack.Directory, true); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); } GetParent().ReloadSkinPacks(); } }
private void DialogClickMethod(object obj) { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Test", Message = "This is just a message" }); }
private void FABClickedMethod(object obj) { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "FAB Button", Message = "The button was clicked" }); }
private void MakeCallMethod(object obj) { Task.Run(async() => { try { var status = await CrossPermissions.Current.CheckPermissionStatusAsync(Permission.Phone); if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted) { if (await CrossPermissions.Current.ShouldShowRequestPermissionRationaleAsync(Permission.Phone)) { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Permission", Message = "The application needs access to the phone." }); } var results = await CrossPermissions.Current.RequestPermissionsAsync(new[] { Permission.Phone }); status = results[Permission.Location]; } if (status == PermissionStatus.Granted) { Communication.PlaceCall(CommunicationNumber.ToString()); } else if (status != PermissionStatus.Unknown) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Issue", Message = "There was a problem accessing the phone." }); }); } } catch (Exception) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = "The application experience an error accessing the phone." }); }); } }); }
private async void DeleteInstallationButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = this.FindResource("Dialog_Item_Installation_Text") as string; MenuItem button = sender as MenuItem; var installation = button.DataContext as BLInstallation; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, installation.DisplayName_Full); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { LauncherModel.Default.Config.Installation_Delete(installation); } }
public async void InvokeKillGame() { if (ConfigManager.GameManager.GameProcess != null) { var title = Application.Current.FindResource("Dialog_KillGame_Title") as string; var content = Application.Current.FindResource("Dialog_KillGame_Text") as string; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { GameProcess.Kill(); } } }
private async void RemoveProfileButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var profile = Properties.LauncherSettings.Default.CurrentProfile; var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = this.FindResource("Dialog_Item_Profile_Text") as string; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, profile); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { ConfigManager.RemoveProfile(profile); } }
private async void DeleteInstallationButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = this.FindResource("Dialog_Item_Installation_Text") as string; MenuItem button = sender as MenuItem; var installation = button.DataContext as Classes.MCInstallation; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, installation.DisplayName); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { ConfigManager.DeleteInstallation(installation); ConfigManager.MainThread.RefreshInstallationList(); } }
private void BlurNewMethod(object obj) { BlurOverlay.Show(); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Blurred Background", Message = "Click okay to close", Callback = (result) => { BlurOverlay.Hide(); } }); }); }
private async void Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem button = sender as MenuItem; var mod = button.DataContext as Classes.DungeonsMod; var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = "mod"; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, mod.Name); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { mod.Delete(); RefreshModsList(); } }
private async void Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button button = sender as Button; var version = button.DataContext as Classes.MCVersion; var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = this.FindResource("Dialog_Item_Version_Text") as string; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, version.DisplayName); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { ConfigManager.GameManager.Remove(version); GetParent().RefreshVersionsList(); } }
public async Task AddToFavorites(RandomUser user) { var result = await this.SqliteDb.AddOrUpdate <RandomUser>(user); result.Error?.LogException(); if (!result.Success) { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); } else { Favorites.Add(user); } }
private void BindingTextChangedMethod(object obj) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BindingTextValue) && BindingTextValue.Length > 2) { int num; var valid = int.TryParse(BindingTextValue, out num); if (!valid) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = "Can't you even follow directions?" }); }); } } }
private async Task LoadAllPeople(string caller, Action callBack) { var allResult = await SqliteDb.GetAll <Person>(); if (allResult.Error == null) { People = allResult.Response.ToObservable <Person>(); callBack?.Invoke(); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = allResult.Error.Message }); } }
public async Task RemoveFavorites(RandomUser user) { var result = await this.SqliteDb.DeleteByCorrelationID <RandomUser>(user.CorrelationID); result.Error?.LogException(); if (!result.Success) { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); } else { Favorites.Remove(user); } }
private void EncryptTextMethod(object obj) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptedText)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClearText)) { var result = CryptoBLL.EncryptText(ClearText); if (result.Error == null) { EncryptedText = result.Response; ClearText = string.Empty; } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); }); } } } else { var result = CryptoBLL.DecryptText(EncryptedText); if (result.Error == null) { ClearText = result.Response; EncryptedText = string.Empty; } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); }); } } }
private async Task SaveToPhone() { if (SelectedDeviceCalendar != null) { var evt = Appt.ToCalendarEvent(); evt.DeviceCalendar = SelectedDeviceCalendar; var response = await CalendarEvent.CreateCalendarEvent(evt); if (response.result) { try { var id = response.model.Id; var c = await CalendarEvent.GetCalendarEvent(id); c.StartTime = c.StartTime.AddHours(2); c.EndTime = c.EndTime.AddHours(2); c.ReminderMinutes = 90; c.Description = "hello kitty"; var updateResponse = await CalendarEvent.UpdateCalendarEvent(c); if (updateResponse.result) { var x = "success update"; } } catch (Exception ex) { var excep = ex; } Appt = new Appointment(); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Calendar Event Failed", Message = "There was an issues saving the calendar event" }); } } }
public override void OnInit() { Task.Run(async() => { var results = await SqliteDb.GetAll <Person>(); if (results.Success) { People = results.Response.ToObservable(); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = results.Error.Message, ButtonTitles = new string[] { "Okay" } }); } }); }
public override void OnInit() { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { LoadingMessageHUD = "Loading..."; IsLoadingHUD = true; var results = await this.SomeLogic.GetRandomUsers(); IsLoadingHUD = false; if (results.ex == null) { Users = results.users.ToObservable(); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = results.ex.Message }); } }); }
private async void DeleteSkinButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var skinPack = GetParent().LoadedSkinPacks.SelectedItem as MCSkinPack; var skin = GetParent().SkinPreviewList.SelectedItem as MCSkin; int index = GetParent().SkinPreviewList.SelectedIndex; if (skin != null && skinPack != null) { var title = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Title") as string; var content = this.FindResource("Dialog_DeleteItem_Text") as string; var item = this.FindResource("Dialog_Item_Skin_Text") as string; var result = await DialogPrompt.ShowDialog_YesNo(title, content, item, skinPack.GetLocalizedSkinName(skin.localization_name)); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { skinPack.RemoveSkin(index); GetParent().ReloadSkinPacks(); } } }
public override void OnViewMessageReceived(string key, object obj) { if (key == CoreSettings.DeletePersonTag && obj != null) { var pk = (string)obj; this.LiteDb.Delete <Person>(pk).ContinueWith(async(t) => { if (t.Result.Success) { await LoadAllPeople("OnViewMessageReceived", null); } else { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = t.Result.Error.Message }); } }); } }
public void GetDbAppointments(object obj) { Task.Run(async() => { this.LoadingMessageHUD = "Sqlite loading..."; this.IsLoadingHUD = true; var result = await DataBLL.GetAllAppointments(); this.IsLoadingHUD = false; if (result.Error == null) { Appointments = result.Response.ToObservable(); } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { DialogPrompt.ShowMessage(new Prompt() { Title = "Error", Message = result.Error.Message }); }); } }); }