private async void OnAddClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { foreach (var i in App.Devices) { if (i.Identifier == sID.Text) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, $"Unable to add device \"{i.Name}\" with ID \"{i.Identifier}\" because it already exists"); await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Warning", $"A device with the name \"{i.Name}\" already exists with the same ID!", "OK"); return; } } ContentDialogResult result = await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync( "Add Device", $"Are you sure you want to add the following device?\n\nName: {sName.Text}\n\nID: {sID.Text}", "No", "Yes"); if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary) { try { Logger.Log(LogType.Information, $"Attempting to add device \"{sName.Text}\" with ID \"{sID.Text}\""); Device dev = new Device { DarkMode = true, Identifier = sID.Text, Name = sName.Text, ToastType = Toast.Pencil }; App.Devices.Add(dev); DevicesJson.SaveDevices(App.Devices); App.InvokeDeviceChange(this); Logger.Log(LogType.Information, $"Successfully saved device \"{sName.Text}\" with ID \"{sID.Text}\""); await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Success", $"Device \"{sName.Text}\" added successfully!", "OK"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, $"Was unable to add device \"{sName.Text}\" with ID \"{sID.Text}\"", ex); await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Error", $"Unable to add device \"{sName.Text}\"", "OK"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, $"Was unable to add device \"{sName.Text}\" with ID \"{sID.Text}\" because an unknown error occured", ex); await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Error", "An unknown error occured trying to add the device", "OK"); } }
private void OnDeleteClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Logger.Log("Deleting current device"); try { sDeleteFlyout.Hide(); App.Devices.Remove(selectedDevice); DevicesJson.SaveDevices(App.Devices); App.InvokeDeviceChange(this); this.NavigationService.Navigate(null); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Unable to delete device/an error occured deleting the device", ex); } }
private async void OnApplyClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { selectedDevice.Name = sName.Text; selectedDevice.Identifier = sID.Text; Logger.Log(LogType.Information, "Saving device information"); try { int index = App.Devices.FindIndex((e) => { return(e == selectedDevice); }); if (index < 0) { await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Error", "Unable to save changes!", "OK"); } else { if (sToastType.SelectedIndex != 0) { await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Notice", "More toast types are coming soon!", "Great!"); return; } App.Devices[index].Name = sName.Text; sNameTitle.Content = sName.Text; App.Devices[index].Identifier = sID.Text; App.Devices[index].DarkMode = sDarkMode.IsOn; DevicesJson.SaveDevices(App.Devices); App.InvokeDeviceChange(this); await Dialog.ShowDialogAsync("Success", "Successfully applied changed to device!", "OK"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Unable to save device changes", ex); } }
private void OnDoneClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Device dev = new Device { DarkMode = true, Identifier = sID.Text, Name = sName.Text, ToastType = Toast.Pencil }; App.Devices.Add(dev); DevicesJson.SaveDevices(App.Devices); App.InvokeDeviceChange(this); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Unable to save the device from the pairing wizard", ex); } Window.GetWindow(this).Close(); }