public IActionResult Disarm() { /*This function calls the action Disarm on the device. * The function does not get a feedback*/ DeviceMgr.CallDeviceAction(Configs.DEVICE_NAME, eDeviceAction.Disarm, serviceClient).Wait(); return(Ok("Disarm Command was sent to Device Device!")); // TODO - change to logger }
public IActionResult AlarmOn() { /*This function calls the action ALARM on the device. * The function does not get a feedback*/ this.alarm.status = eDeviceAction.Alarm; DeviceMgr.CallDeviceAction(Configs.DEVICE_NAME, eDeviceAction.Alarm, serviceClient).Wait(); return(Ok("ALARM!! Command was sent to Device Device! BUZZZZZZ")); // TODO - change to logger }
public IActionResult Arm() { /*This function calls the action Arm on the device. * The function does not get a feedback*/ DeviceMgr.CallDeviceAction(Configs.DEVICE_NAME, eDeviceAction.Arm, serviceClient).Wait(); //Console.WriteLine("THIS IS A TEST!"); return(Ok("Arm Command was sent to Device Device!")); // TODO - change to logger }