private void GetDefaultDevicePowerInfo(string customerId) { var deviceSummaryList = _customerEquipmentService.GetCustomerEquipmentTable(customerId); if (deviceSummaryList == null) { return; } List <EquipmentDTO> deviceList = new List <EquipmentDTO>(); deviceSummaryList.areaList.ForEach(a => a.switchingRoomList.ForEach(r => { var result = r.equipmentList.Where(e => e.equipmentType != 0); deviceList.AddRange(result); })); deviceList = deviceList.Distinct(new EquipmentIdComparer()).ToList(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { DeviceList.Clear(); DeviceList = new ObservableCollection <EquipmentDTO>(deviceList); SelectedPowerDevice = DeviceList.Count != 0 ? DeviceList[0] : null; SelectedPowerFactorDevice = DeviceList.Count != 0 ? DeviceList[0] : null; })); if (SelectedPowerDevice != null) { GetDevicePowerInfoTaskAsync(SelectedPowerDevice.equipmentId.ToString(), DateTime.Now); } if (SelectedPowerFactorDevice != null) { GetDevicePowerFactorTaskAsync(SelectedPowerFactorDevice.equipmentId.ToString(), DateTime.Now); } }
internal void DiscoverDevices() { DeviceList.Clear(); CameraList.Clear(); foreach (var userCamera in SavedCameras) { if (userCamera.DeviceInfo != null) { try { DeviceList.Add(userCamera.DeviceInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (userCamera.Camera != null) { try { CameraList.Add(userCamera.Camera); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } DiscoverUsbDevices(); IPCameraFactory.DiscoverDevices(); }
internal void Initialize() { DeviceList.Clear(); ComponentList.Clear(); ExecutionEnvironmentList.Clear(); NodeList.Clear(); }
public void LoadDevices() { DeviceList.Clear(); if (Devices.Count > 0) { foreach (IDevice item in Devices) { if (item.Name == CommonDefine.UserSetting) { continue; } DeviceList.Add(new DeviceNode(item)); } //User setting always be the last one in the devices menu. IDevice iUserSetting = Devices.GetDevice(CommonDefine.UserSetting); if (iUserSetting != null) { DeviceList.Add(new DeviceNode(iUserSetting)); } } else { LoadDefault(); } }
public async Task BuildDeviceList() { await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { if (DeviceList != null) { DeviceList.Clear(); } RaisePropertyChanged("ShowEmptyErrorMessage"); }); if (m_remoteSystemWatcher != null) { m_remoteSystemWatcher.Stop(); } RemoteSystemAccessStatus accessStatus = await RemoteSystem.RequestAccessAsync(); if (accessStatus == RemoteSystemAccessStatus.Allowed) { m_remoteSystemWatcher = RemoteSystem.CreateWatcher(); // Subscribing to the event raised when a new remote system is found by the watcher. m_remoteSystemWatcher.RemoteSystemAdded += RemoteSystemWatcher_RemoteSystemAdded; // Subscribing to the event raised when a previously found remote system is no longer available. m_remoteSystemWatcher.RemoteSystemRemoved += RemoteSystemWatcher_RemoteSystemRemoved; m_remoteSystemWatcher.Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// The devices list changed /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void BluetoothLEDevices_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { string msg = string.Empty; lock (deviceListLock) { if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { foreach (ObservableBluetoothLEDevice newDev in e.NewItems) { if (ShouldShow(newDev)) { DeviceList.Add(newDev); } } } else if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) { foreach (ObservableBluetoothLEDevice oldDev in e.OldItems) { DeviceList.Remove(oldDev); } } else if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset) { DeviceList.Clear(); } } UpdateDeviceList(); }
public void Refresh(bool refr_1 = true, bool refr_2 = true, bool refr_3 = true) { if (refr_1) { DeviceList.Clear(); DeviceList.AddRange(PubMaster.Mod.DevSql.QueryDeviceList()); } }
public void RefreshList() { DeviceList.Clear(); numDevices = VIWrapper.ListDevices(); for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { DeviceList.Add(VIWrapper.GetDeviceName(i)); } }
void BindDeviceList() { var list = _blueToothService.GetDeviceList(); DeviceList.Clear(); foreach (var item in list) { DeviceList.Add(item); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { if (hasOnDisposingCalled == false) { hasOnDisposingCalled = true; OnDisposing(EventArgs.Empty); if (disposed) { return; } } // dispose managed objects, and dispose objects that implement IDisposable if (EachDeviceStatusMonitoringTimer != null) { EachDeviceStatusMonitoringTimer.Dispose(); EachDeviceStatusMonitoringTimer = null; } if (OnDeviceConnectedDelayTimer != null) { OnDeviceConnectedDelayTimer.Stop(); OnDeviceConnectedDelayTimer.Dispose(); OnDeviceConnectedDelayTimer = null; } if (OnDeviceDisconnectedDelayTimer != null) { OnDeviceDisconnectedDelayTimer.Stop(); OnDeviceDisconnectedDelayTimer.Dispose(); OnDeviceDisconnectedDelayTimer = null; } if (MessageReceivingForm != null) { MessageReceivingForm.CurrentDevice = null; } if (DeviceList != null) { foreach (var device in DeviceList) { device.Close(); } DeviceList.Clear(); DeviceList = null; } if (MessageReceivingForm != null) { MessageReceivingForm.Dispose(); MessageReceivingForm = null; } } // release any unmanaged objects and set the object references to null disposed = true; OnDisposed(EventArgs.Empty); }
private void CommandScanExecute() { try { DeviceList.Clear(); DeviceList = new ObservableCollection <BluetoothDevice>(_Adapter.GetBluetoothDevices()); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Error in fetching devices!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Clear all values /// </summary> public void Clear() { FileSystemCreationTime = DateTime.MinValue; FileSystemModificationTime = DateTime.MinValue; DatasetID = 0; DatasetName = string.Empty; FileExtension = string.Empty; AcqTimeStart = DateTime.MinValue; AcqTimeEnd = DateTime.MinValue; ScanCount = 0; FileSizeBytes = 0; DeviceList.Clear(); InstrumentFiles.Clear(); OverallQualityScore = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Get Bluetooth device list with DependencyService /// </summary> void BindDeviceList() { var list = _blueToothService.GetDeviceList(); DeviceList.Clear(); if (list != null) { foreach (var item in list) { DeviceList.Add(item); } } else { DeviceList.Add("Bağlanılacak Cihaz Yok"); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposed) { return; } if (disposing) { if (hasOnDisposingCalled == false) { hasOnDisposingCalled = true; OnDisposing(EventArgs.Empty); if (disposed) { return; } } // dispose managed objects, and dispose objects that implement IDisposable #if false if (EachDeviceStatusMonitoringTimer != null) { EachDeviceStatusMonitoringTimer.Dispose(); EachDeviceStatusMonitoringTimer = null; } #endif if (DeviceList != null) { foreach (var device in DeviceList) { device.Close(); } DeviceList.Clear(); DeviceList = null; } } // release any unmanaged objects and set the object references to null disposed = true; OnDisposed(EventArgs.Empty); }
public bool InitDevice() { SettingView = false; AuthProcessView = false; ThermostatAPI api = Global.Instance.ThermostatAPI; Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; string token = localSettings.Values["NestAccessToken"] as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { Setting(); return(false); } else { api.ApplyAccessToken(token); Task <bool> t = Task.Run(async() => await api.GetDevices()); t.Wait(); if (t.Result) { int count = DeviceList.Count; if (0 == count) { foreach (ThermostatDevice d in api.ThermostatDevices) { FanDuration nfd = DurationList.Where(L => L.Duration == d.fan_timer_duration.ToString()).SingleOrDefault(); Models.Thermostat nts = new Models.Thermostat(d); nts.Duration = nfd; nts.RollDuration = nfd; nts.Tick = 1; //("C" == nts.temperature_scale) ? 1 : 2; nts.FanRun = nts.fan_timer_active == true; nts.FanStop = nts.fan_timer_active == false; if (d == api.ThermostatDevices.First()) { nts.FanBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); nts.FanBallBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); nts.Duration.Brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0xcb, 0x00)); nts.Duration.BallBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xff, 0xff, 0xcb, 0x00)); } DeviceList.Add(nts); } } else { if (api.ThermostatDevices.Count < count) { DeviceList.Clear(); } foreach (ThermostatDevice d in api.ThermostatDevices) { FanDuration nfd = DurationList.Where(L => L.Duration == d.fan_timer_duration.ToString()).SingleOrDefault(); Models.Thermostat tm = DeviceList.Where(T => T.device_id == d.device_id).SingleOrDefault(); if (null == tm || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tm.device_id)) { Models.Thermostat nts = new Models.Thermostat(d); nts.Duration = nfd; nts.RollDuration = nfd; nts.Tick = 1; //("C" == nts.temperature_scale) ? 1 : 2; nts.FanRun = nts.fan_timer_active == true; nts.FanStop = nts.fan_timer_active == false; DeviceList.Add(nts); continue; } if (null != tm || false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(tm.device_id)) { tm.Update(d, nfd); } } } if (firstInit) { firstInit = false; OnTemperatureSetting = true; } return(true); } else { Setting(); } return(false); } }
static bool InitDevice() { Task <bool> t = Task.Run(async() => await ThermostatAPI.GetDevices()); t.Wait(); if (t.Result) { int count = DeviceList.Count; if (0 == count) { foreach (ThermostatDevice d in ThermostatAPI.ThermostatDevices) { FanDuration nfd = DurationList.Where(L => L.Duration == d.fan_timer_duration.ToString()).SingleOrDefault(); Thermostat nts = new Thermostat(d); nts.Duration = nfd; nts.RollDuration = nfd; nts.Tick = 1; //("C" == nts.temperature_scale) ? 1 : 2; nts.FanRun = nts.fan_timer_active == true; nts.FanStop = nts.fan_timer_active == false; DeviceList.Add(nts); } } else { if (ThermostatAPI.ThermostatDevices.Count < count) { DeviceList.Clear(); } foreach (ThermostatDevice d in ThermostatAPI.ThermostatDevices) { FanDuration nfd = DurationList.Where(L => L.Duration == d.fan_timer_duration.ToString()).SingleOrDefault(); Thermostat tm = DeviceList.Where(T => T.device_id == d.device_id).SingleOrDefault(); if (null == tm || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tm.device_id)) { Thermostat nts = new Thermostat(d); nts.Duration = nfd; nts.RollDuration = nfd; nts.Tick = 1; //("C" == nts.temperature_scale) ? 1 : 2; nts.FanRun = nts.fan_timer_active == true; nts.FanStop = nts.fan_timer_active == false; DeviceList.Add(nts); continue; } if (null != tm || false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(tm.device_id)) { tm.Update(d, nfd); } } } return(true); } return(false); }
public void ClearDeviceList() { DeviceList.Clear(); }
public void Reset() { _devices.Clear(); StoppedScanning(); }