/// <summary>
        /// 获取生产线的所有设备集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strAssemblyLineId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DeviceInfoCollection GetAssemblyLineDevices(string strAssemblyLineId)
                DeviceInfoCollection infos = new DeviceInfoCollection();
                string strSQL = "select *from v_assemblylinedevices where AssemblyLineId=?AssemblyLineId";
                List <MySqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List <MySqlParameter>
                    new MySqlParameter("?AssemblyLineId", strAssemblyLineId)
                DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo();

                CreateDataList <DeviceInfo>(infos, strSQL, sqlParameters, info, null);

                foreach (DeviceInfo item in infos)
                    string strDeviceId           = item.DeviceId;
                    SensorInfoCollection sensors = GetSensorInfos(strDeviceId);
                    item.Sensors = sensors;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        private void ProcessDeviceData(string deviceinfo)
            string[] devices = deviceinfo.Split(
                new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" },
            List <SDBDeviceInfo> deviceInfoList = new List <SDBDeviceInfo>();


            foreach (string item in devices)
                string[] onedevice = item.Split(DeviceToken,

                SDBDeviceInfo devinfo = new SDBDeviceInfo(onedevice[0].TrimEnd(), onedevice[1].TrimEnd(), onedevice[2].TrimEnd());


                DeviceInfoCollection.Add(devinfo.Serial, devinfo);

            lock (this.lockDeviceInfoList)
                this.deviceInfoList = deviceInfoList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the virtual machine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelKey">The model key of the virtual machine</param>
        /// <param name="editionKey">The edition key of the virtual machine</param>
        /// <param name="devices">Devices to create the machine</param>
        private SpectrumMachine(string modelKey, string editionKey, DeviceInfoCollection devices)
            // --- Store model information
            ModelKey   = modelKey;
            EditionKey = editionKey;

            // --- Create the engine and set up properties
            SpectrumVm = new SpectrumEngine(devices);

            Cpu = new CpuZ80(SpectrumVm.Cpu);

            var roms = new List <ReadOnlyMemorySlice>();

            for (var i = 0; i < SpectrumVm.RomConfiguration.NumberOfRoms; i++)
                roms.Add(new ReadOnlyMemorySlice(SpectrumVm.RomDevice.GetRomBytes(i)));
            Roms = new ReadOnlyCollection <ReadOnlyMemorySlice>(roms);

            PagingInfo = new MemoryPagingInfo(SpectrumVm.MemoryDevice);
            Memory     = new SpectrumMemoryContents(SpectrumVm.MemoryDevice, SpectrumVm.Cpu);

            var ramBanks = new List <MemorySlice>();

            if (SpectrumVm.MemoryConfiguration.RamBanks != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < SpectrumVm.MemoryConfiguration.RamBanks; i++)
                    ramBanks.Add(new MemorySlice(SpectrumVm.MemoryDevice.GetRamBank(i)));
            RamBanks = new ReadOnlyCollection <MemorySlice>(ramBanks);

            Keyboard              = new KeyboardEmulator(SpectrumVm);
            ScreenConfiguration   = SpectrumVm.ScreenConfiguration;
            ScreenRenderingTable  = new ScreenRenderingTable(SpectrumVm.ScreenDevice);
            ScreenBitmap          = new ScreenBitmap(SpectrumVm.ScreenDevice);
            ScreenRenderingStatus = new ScreenRenderingStatus(SpectrumVm);
            BeeperConfiguration   = SpectrumVm.AudioConfiguration;
            BeeperSamples         = new AudioSamples(SpectrumVm.BeeperDevice);
            BeeperProvider        = SpectrumVm.BeeperProvider;
            SoundConfiguration    = SpectrumVm.SoundConfiguration;
            SoundProvider         = SpectrumVm.SoundProvider;
            AudioSamples          = new AudioSamples(SpectrumVm.SoundDevice);
            Breakpoints           = new CodeBreakpoints(SpectrumVm.DebugInfoProvider);

            // --- Hook device events
            SpectrumVm.TapeLoadDevice.LoadCompleted += (s, e) => FastLoadCompleted?.Invoke(s, e);
            SpectrumVm.TapeSaveDevice.LeftSaveMode  += (s, e) => LeftSaveMode?.Invoke(s, e);

            // --- Initialize machine state
            _clockProvider           = GetProvider <IClockProvider>();
            _physicalFrameClockCount = _clockProvider.GetFrequency() / (double)SpectrumVm.BaseClockFrequency *
            MachineState = VmState.None;
            ExecutionCompletionReason = ExecutionCompletionReason.None;
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取工厂所有生产线上设备集合(简单数据)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strAssemblyLineId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DeviceInfoCollection GetSmallFactoryDevices(string strFactoryId)
                DeviceInfoCollection infos = new DeviceInfoCollection();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFactoryId))
                    string strSQL = "select *from v_assemblylinedevices where FactoryId=?FactoryId";
                    List <MySqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List <MySqlParameter>
                        new MySqlParameter("?FactoryId", strFactoryId)
                    DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo();

                    CreateDataList <DeviceInfo>(infos, strSQL, sqlParameters, info, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a class instance using a collection of devices
        /// </summary>
        public SpectrumEngine(DeviceInfoCollection deviceData)
            DeviceData = deviceData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deviceData));

            // --- Check for Spectrum Next
            var nextInfo = GetDeviceInfo <INextFeatureSetDevice>();

            NextDevice = nextInfo?.Device;

            // --- Prepare the memory device
            var memoryInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IMemoryDevice>();

            MemoryDevice        = memoryInfo?.Device ?? new Spectrum48MemoryDevice();
            MemoryConfiguration = (IMemoryConfiguration)memoryInfo?.ConfigurationData;

            // --- Prepare the port device
            var portInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IPortDevice>();

            PortDevice = portInfo?.Device ?? new Spectrum48PortDevice();

            // --- Init the CPU
            var cpuConfig = GetDeviceConfiguration <IZ80Cpu, ICpuConfiguration>();
            var mult      = 1;

            if (cpuConfig != null)
                BaseClockFrequency = cpuConfig.BaseClockFrequency;
                mult = cpuConfig.ClockMultiplier;
                if (mult < 1)
                    mult = 1;
                else if (mult >= 2 && mult <= 3)
                    mult = 2;
                else if (mult >= 4 && mult <= 7)
                    mult = 4;
                else if (mult > 8)
                    mult = 8;
            ClockMultiplier = mult;
            Cpu             = new Z80Cpu(MemoryDevice,
                                         cpuConfig?.SupportsNextOperations ?? false,
                UseGateArrayContention = MemoryConfiguration.ContentionType == MemoryContentionType.GateArray

            // --- Init the ROM
            var romInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IRomDevice>();

            RomProvider      = (IRomProvider)romInfo.Provider;
            RomDevice        = romInfo.Device ?? new SpectrumRomDevice();
            RomConfiguration = (IRomConfiguration)romInfo.ConfigurationData;

            // --- Init the clock
            var clockInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IClockDevice>();

            Clock = (IClockProvider)clockInfo.Provider
                    ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("The virtual machine needs a clock provider!");

            // --- Init the screen device
            var screenInfo    = GetDeviceInfo <IScreenDevice>();
            var pixelRenderer = (IScreenFrameProvider)screenInfo.Provider;

            ScreenConfiguration = new ScreenConfiguration((IScreenConfiguration)screenInfo.ConfigurationData);
            ScreenDevice        = screenInfo.Device ?? new Spectrum48ScreenDevice();

            // --- Init the beeper device
            var beeperInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IBeeperDevice>();

            AudioConfiguration = (IAudioConfiguration)beeperInfo?.ConfigurationData;
            BeeperProvider     = (IBeeperProvider)beeperInfo?.Provider;
            BeeperDevice       = beeperInfo?.Device ?? new BeeperDevice();

            // --- Init the keyboard device
            var keyboardInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IKeyboardDevice>();

            KeyboardProvider = (IKeyboardProvider)keyboardInfo?.Provider;
            KeyboardDevice   = keyboardInfo?.Device ?? new KeyboardDevice();

            // --- Init the interrupt device
            InterruptDevice = new InterruptDevice(InterruptTact);

            // --- Init the tape device
            var tapeInfo = GetDeviceInfo <ITapeDevice>();

            TapeProvider = (ITapeProvider)tapeInfo?.Provider;
            TapeDevice   = tapeInfo?.Device
                           ?? new TapeDevice(TapeProvider);

            // === Init optional devices
            // --- Init the sound device
            var soundInfo = GetDeviceInfo <ISoundDevice>();

            SoundConfiguration = (IAudioConfiguration)soundInfo?.ConfigurationData;
            SoundProvider      = (ISoundProvider)soundInfo?.Provider;
            SoundDevice        = soundInfo == null
                ? null
                : soundInfo.Device ?? new SoundDevice();

            // --- Init the DivIDE device
            var divIdeInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IDivIdeDevice>();

            DivIdeDevice = divIdeInfo?.Device;

            // --- Carry out frame calculations
            _frameTacts             = ScreenConfiguration.ScreenRenderingFrameTactCount;
            PhysicalFrameClockCount = Clock.GetFrequency() / (double)BaseClockFrequency * _frameTacts;
            FrameCount              = 0;
            Overflow                = 0;
            _frameCompleted         = true;
            _lastBreakpoint         = null;
            RunsInMaskableInterrupt = false;

            // --- Attach providers

            // --- Attach optional providers
            if (SoundProvider != null)

            // --- Collect Spectrum devices

            // --- Collect optional devices
            if (SoundDevice != null)
            if (NextDevice != null)
            if (DivIdeDevice != null)

            // --- Now, prepare devices to find each other
            foreach (var device in _spectrumDevices)

            // --- Prepare bound devices
            _frameBoundDevices = _spectrumDevices
                                 .OfType <IFrameBoundDevice>()
            _cpuBoundDevices = _spectrumDevices
                               .OfType <ICpuOperationBoundDevice>()

            DebugInfoProvider = new SpectrumDebugInfoProvider();

            // --- Init the ROM
            InitRom(RomDevice, RomConfiguration);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a class instance using a collection of devices
        /// </summary>
        public SpectrumEngine(DeviceInfoCollection deviceData, string ulaIssue = "3")
            DeviceData = deviceData ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(deviceData));
            UlaIssue   = ulaIssue == "3" ? "3" : "2";

            // --- Prepare the memory device
            var memoryInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IMemoryDevice>();

            MemoryDevice        = memoryInfo?.Device ?? new Spectrum48MemoryDevice();
            MemoryConfiguration = (IMemoryConfiguration)memoryInfo?.ConfigurationData;

            // --- Prepare the port device
            var portInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IPortDevice>();

            PortDevice = portInfo?.Device ?? new Spectrum48PortDevice();

            // --- Init the CPU
            var cpuConfig = GetDeviceConfiguration <IZ80Cpu, ICpuConfiguration>();
            var mult      = 1;

            if (cpuConfig != null)
                BaseClockFrequency = cpuConfig.BaseClockFrequency;
                mult = cpuConfig.ClockMultiplier;
                if (mult < 1)
                    mult = 1;
                else if (mult >= 2 && mult <= 3)
                    mult = 2;
                else if (mult >= 4 && mult <= 7)
                    mult = 4;
                else if (mult > 8)
                    mult = 8;
            ClockMultiplier = mult;
            Cpu             = new Z80Cpu(MemoryDevice,
                                         cpuConfig?.SupportsNextOperations ?? false)
                UseGateArrayContention = MemoryConfiguration.ContentionType == MemoryContentionType.GateArray

            // --- Init the ROM
            var romInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IRomDevice>();

            RomProvider      = (IRomProvider)romInfo.Provider;
            RomDevice        = romInfo.Device ?? new SpectrumRomDevice();
            RomConfiguration = (IRomConfiguration)romInfo.ConfigurationData;

            // --- Init the screen device
            var screenInfo    = GetDeviceInfo <IScreenDevice>();
            var pixelRenderer = (IScreenFrameProvider)screenInfo.Provider;

            ScreenConfiguration = new ScreenConfiguration((IScreenConfiguration)screenInfo.ConfigurationData);
            ScreenDevice        = screenInfo.Device ?? new Spectrum48ScreenDevice();
            ShadowScreenDevice  = new Spectrum48ScreenDevice();

            // --- Init the beeper device
            var beeperInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IBeeperDevice>();

            AudioConfiguration = (IAudioConfiguration)beeperInfo?.ConfigurationData;
            BeeperProvider     = (IBeeperProvider)beeperInfo?.Provider;
            BeeperDevice       = beeperInfo?.Device ?? new BeeperDevice();

            // --- Init the keyboard device
            var keyboardInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IKeyboardDevice>();

            KeyboardProvider = (IKeyboardProvider)keyboardInfo?.Provider;
            KeyboardDevice   = keyboardInfo?.Device ?? new KeyboardDevice();

            // --- Init the Kempston device
            var kempstonInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IKempstonDevice>();

            KempstonProvider = (IKempstonProvider)kempstonInfo?.Provider;
            KempstonDevice   = kempstonInfo?.Device ?? new KempstonDevice();

            // --- Init the interrupt device
            InterruptDevice = new InterruptDevice(InterruptTact);

            // --- Init the tape device
            var tapeSaveInfo = GetDeviceInfo <ITapeSaveDevice>();

            TapeSaveProvider = (ITapeSaveProvider)tapeSaveInfo?.Provider;
            var tapeLoadInfo = GetDeviceInfo <ITapeLoadDevice>();

            TapeLoadProvider = (ITapeLoadProvider)tapeLoadInfo?.Provider;
            var tapeDevice = new TapeDevice(TapeLoadProvider, TapeSaveProvider);

            TapeLoadDevice = tapeDevice;
            TapeSaveDevice = tapeDevice;

            // === Init optional devices
            // --- Init the sound device
            var soundInfo = GetDeviceInfo <ISoundDevice>();

            SoundConfiguration = (IAudioConfiguration)soundInfo?.ConfigurationData;
            SoundProvider      = (ISoundProvider)soundInfo?.Provider;
            SoundDevice        = soundInfo == null
                ? null
                : soundInfo.Device ?? new SoundDevice();

            // --- Init the floppy device
            var floppyInfo = GetDeviceInfo <IFloppyDevice>();

            if (floppyInfo != null)
                FloppyDevice        = floppyInfo.Device;
                FloppyConfiguration = (IFloppyConfiguration)floppyInfo.ConfigurationData ?? new FloppyConfiguration();

            // --- Carry out frame calculations
            FrameTacts        = ScreenConfiguration.ScreenRenderingFrameTactCount;
            FrameCount        = 0;
            Overflow          = 0;
            HasFrameCompleted = true;
            _lastBreakpoint   = null;

            // --- Attach providers

            // --- Attach optional providers
            if (SoundProvider != null)

            // --- Collect Spectrum devices

            // --- Collect optional devices
            if (SoundDevice != null)
            if (FloppyDevice != null)

            // --- Now, prepare devices to find each other
            foreach (var device in _spectrumDevices)

            // --- Prepare bound devices
            _frameBoundDevices = _spectrumDevices
                                 .OfType <IRenderFrameBoundDevice>()
            _cpuBoundDevices = _spectrumDevices
                               .OfType <ICpuOperationBoundDevice>()

            DebugInfoProvider = new SpectrumDebugInfoProvider();

            // --- Init the ROM
            InitRom(RomDevice, RomConfiguration);
        /// <summary>
        /// 生产线启动生产流程
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strAssemblyLineId"></param>
        public void StartProcess(string strAssemblyLineId, string strCreateUser, DeviceAction deviceAction)
                DataHelper       dataHelper = new DataHelper();
                DataLogHelper    logHelper  = new DataLogHelper();
                AssemblyLineInfo assembly   = dataHelper.GetAssemblyLine(strAssemblyLineId);
                int iSleepUnit = 1000;

                if (assembly != null)
                    DeviceInfoCollection devices = dataHelper.GetAssemblyLineDevices(strAssemblyLineId);

                    TechnologicalProcess process = dataHelper.GetTechnologicalProcess(assembly.ProcessId);

                    DateTime dtMainStart = DateTime.Now;
                    #region 主工艺流程日志记录
                    ProcessLog proLog = new ProcessLog()
                        AssemblyLineId      = strAssemblyLineId,
                        ProcessId           = process.ProcessId,
                        Created             = DateTime.Now,
                        CreateUser          = strCreateUser,
                        ProcessStatus       = SysHelper.Enums.ProcessStatusType.Start,
                        ProduceMaterialType = SysHelper.Enums.MaterialTypeEnum.Z,
                        Production          = decimal.Zero,
                        TakeTime            = 0

                    int iExProcessNum = 3;

                    #region 工艺子流程循环

                    for (int iExIndex = 1; iExIndex <= iExProcessNum; iExIndex++)
                        TeExProcess exProcess = dataHelper.GetTeExProcess(process.ProcessId, iExIndex);

                        if (exProcess != null)
                            DateTime dtExStart = DateTime.Now;
                            #region 子工艺流程日志记录

                            ExProcessLog exLog = new ExProcessLog()
                                ProcessLogId        = proLog.ProcessLogId,
                                ExProcessId         = exProcess.ExProcessId,
                                Created             = DateTime.Now,
                                CreateUser          = strCreateUser,
                                ProcessStatus       = SysHelper.Enums.ProcessStatusType.Start,
                                ProduceMaterialType = SysHelper.Enums.MaterialTypeEnum.Z,
                                Production          = decimal.Zero,
                                TakeTime            = 0

                            bool isStartExProcess = false;

                            #region 判断启动的设备参数是否达到启动条件

                            DeviceProduceLog deviceLog = logHelper.GetDeviceProduceLog(exProcess.StartDeviceId, exProcess.ParType);

                            if (deviceLog != null)
                                if (deviceLog.ParValue.Value >= exProcess.ParValue)
                                    isStartExProcess = true;

                            while (!isStartExProcess)
                                int iStartSleep = iSleepUnit * 10;

                                deviceLog = logHelper.GetDeviceProduceLog(exProcess.StartDeviceId, exProcess.ParType);
                                if (deviceLog != null)
                                    if (deviceLog.ParValue.Value >= exProcess.ParValue)
                                        isStartExProcess = true;


                            if (isStartExProcess)
                                #region 循环启动设备

                                foreach (ExProcessStep step in exProcess.Steps)
                                    foreach (DeviceInfo device in devices)
                                        if (device.ProcessDeviceId == step.ProcessDeviceId)
                                            string strDeviceId = device.DeviceId;
                                            foreach (ExProcessStepPars par in step.StepPars)
                                                #region 记录操作的日志
                                                DeviceActionLog actionLog = new DeviceActionLog()
                                                    DeviceId   = strDeviceId,
                                                    Created    = DateTime.Now,
                                                    CreateUser = strCreateUser,
                                                    SensorId   = par.SensorId,
                                                    ActionType = par.ActionType,
                                                    ParType    = par.ParType,
                                                    ParUnit    = par.ParUnit,
                                                    ParValue   = par.ParValue,
                                                    ToDeviceId = string.Empty,
                                                    ToSensorId = string.Empty


                                                if (deviceAction(strDeviceId, par.SensorId, par.ActionType, par.ParType, par.ParValue))
                                                    if (par.ParTime > 0)
                                                        int iSleepSet = par.ParTime * 60 * iSleepUnit;

                                                    if (par.IsFinish)

                            DateTime dtExEnd = DateTime.Now;

                            TimeSpan tSpan = dtExEnd - dtExStart;
                            exLog.TakeTime      = Convert.ToInt32(tSpan.TotalMinutes);
                            exLog.FinishTime    = dtExEnd;
                            exLog.ProcessStatus = SysHelper.Enums.ProcessStatusType.End;
                            //exLog.ProduceMaterialType = SysHelper.Enums.MaterialTypeEnum.



                    DateTime dtMainEnd = DateTime.Now;
                    TimeSpan mSpan     = dtMainEnd - dtMainStart;
                    proLog.TakeTime      = Convert.ToInt32(mSpan.TotalMinutes);
                    proLog.FinishTime    = dtMainEnd;
                    proLog.ProcessStatus = SysHelper.Enums.ProcessStatusType.End;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;