        public async Task HealTreeWithoutBoundaryProofs()
            DbContext dbContext = new DbContext(_logger, _logManager);


            Keccak rootHash = dbContext.RemoteStateTree.RootHash;

            ProcessAccountRange(dbContext.RemoteStateTree, dbContext.LocalStateTree, 1, rootHash, TestItem.Tree.AccountsWithPaths);

            SyncPeerMock mock = new SyncPeerMock(dbContext.RemoteStateDb, dbContext.RemoteCodeDb);

            SafeContext ctx = PrepareDownloader(dbContext, mock);

            await ActivateAndWait(ctx, dbContext, 1024);

            DetailedProgress data = ctx.TreeFeed.GetDetailedProgress();

            Assert.AreEqual(dbContext.RemoteStateTree.RootHash, dbContext.LocalStateTree.RootHash);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, data.RequestedNodesCount);   // 4 boundary proof nodes stitched together => 0
        public async Task HealBigSquezedRandomTree()
            DbContext dbContext = new DbContext(_logger, _logManager);

            int pathPoolCount = 100_000;

            Keccak[] pathPool = new Keccak[pathPoolCount];
            SortedDictionary <Keccak, Account> accounts = new();
            int updatesCount   = 0;
            int deletionsCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < pathPoolCount; i++)
                byte[] key = new byte[32];
                Keccak keccak = new Keccak(key);
                pathPool[i] = keccak;

            // generate Remote Tree
            for (int accountIndex = 0; accountIndex < 10000; accountIndex++)
                Account account = TestItem.GenerateRandomAccount();
                Keccak  path    = pathPool[TestItem.Random.Next(pathPool.Length - 1)];

                dbContext.RemoteStateTree.Set(path, account);
                accounts[path] = account;


            int startingHashIndex = 0;
            int endHashIndex      = 0;
            int blockJumps        = 5;

            for (int blockNumber = 1; blockNumber <= blockJumps; blockNumber++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                    endHashIndex = startingHashIndex + 1000;

                    ProcessAccountRange(dbContext.RemoteStateTree, dbContext.LocalStateTree, blockNumber, dbContext.RemoteStateTree.RootHash,
                                        accounts.Where(a => a.Key >= pathPool[startingHashIndex] && a.Key <= pathPool[endHashIndex]).Select(a => new PathWithAccount(a.Key, a.Value)).ToArray());

                    startingHashIndex = endHashIndex + 1;

                for (int accountIndex = 0; accountIndex < 1000; accountIndex++)
                    Account account = TestItem.GenerateRandomAccount();
                    Keccak  path    = pathPool[TestItem.Random.Next(pathPool.Length - 1)];

                    if (accounts.ContainsKey(path))
                        if (TestItem.Random.NextSingle() > 0.5)
                            dbContext.RemoteStateTree.Set(path, account);
                            accounts[path] = account;
                            dbContext.RemoteStateTree.Set(path, null);
                        dbContext.RemoteStateTree.Set(path, account);
                        accounts[path] = account;


            endHashIndex = startingHashIndex + 1000;
            while (endHashIndex < pathPool.Length - 1)
                endHashIndex = startingHashIndex + 1000;
                if (endHashIndex > pathPool.Length - 1)
                    endHashIndex = pathPool.Length - 1;

                ProcessAccountRange(dbContext.RemoteStateTree, dbContext.LocalStateTree, blockJumps, dbContext.RemoteStateTree.RootHash,
                                    accounts.Where(a => a.Key >= pathPool[startingHashIndex] && a.Key <= pathPool[endHashIndex]).Select(a => new PathWithAccount(a.Key, a.Value)).ToArray());

                startingHashIndex += 1000;

            SyncPeerMock mock = new SyncPeerMock(dbContext.RemoteStateDb, dbContext.RemoteCodeDb);

            dbContext.LocalStateTree.RootHash = dbContext.RemoteStateTree.RootHash;
            SafeContext ctx = PrepareDownloader(dbContext, mock);

            await ActivateAndWait(ctx, dbContext, 9);

            DetailedProgress data = ctx.TreeFeed.GetDetailedProgress();

            _logger.Info($"REQUESTED NODES TO HEAL: {data.RequestedNodesCount}");
            Assert.IsTrue(data.RequestedNodesCount < accounts.Count / 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the social networking report
        /// </summary>
        public void Generate(Status StatusCallback, WriteRows WriteRowsCallback, DetailedProgress DetailedProgressCallback)
            // Look up each colleague in the database
            DataTable ColleagueRows = DB.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Setnb, First, Middle, Last FROM " + FirstDegreeDB + ".Colleagues ORDER BY Setnb");
            int       RowCount      = ColleagueRows.Rows.Count;

            for (int Row = 0; Row < RowCount; Row++)
                // Get the social network for the colleague
                DataRow ColleagueRow = ColleagueRows.Rows[Row];

                if ((ColleaguesToInclude.Count == 0 || ColleaguesToInclude.Contains(ColleagueRow["Setnb"].ToString().ToLower())) &&
                    string    Colleague = ColleagueRow["Setnb"].ToString();
                    Hashtable Network   = GetSocialNetwork(Colleague);

                    // Send back status
                    string Name = ColleagueRow["First"].ToString();
                    if (ColleagueRow["Middle"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                        Name += " " + ColleagueRow["Middle"].ToString();
                    Name += " " + ColleagueRow["Last"].ToString();

                    if (StatusCallback != null)
                        StatusCallback(Row + 1, RowCount, Colleague, Name);

                    // The report must be in ascending order.
                    string[] Keys = new string[Network.Keys.Count];
                    Network.Keys.CopyTo(Keys, 0);

                    // Declare a DataTable to store the current subset of the report
                    DataTable Results = new DataTable();

                    // Generate the rows for each colleague and roll them onto the end of the report
                    for (int i = 0; i < Network.Keys.Count; i++)
                        // Get the second degere stars
                        string            Star = Keys[i].ToString();
                        SecondDegreeStars secondDegreeStars = new SecondDegreeStars(DB, Colleague, FirstDegreeDB, Star, SecondDegreeDB);

                        // Make sure the second degere stars are processed in order
                        for (int j = 0; j < secondDegreeStars.Setnbs.Count; j++)
                            if (DetailedProgressCallback != null)
                                DetailedProgressCallback(i + 1, Network.Keys.Count + 1, j + 1, secondDegreeStars.Setnbs.Count + 1);

                            // Roll the report rows onto the end of the report
                            string SecondDegree = secondDegreeStars.Setnbs[j].ToString();
                            Results = RollUpReportRows(Results, RowsForColleagueStarSecondDegree(Colleague, Star, SecondDegree));

                        if (DetailedProgressCallback != null)
                            DetailedProgressCallback(Network.Keys.Count + 1, Network.Keys.Count + 1,
                                                     secondDegreeStars.Setnbs.Count + 1, secondDegreeStars.Setnbs.Count + 1);

                    // Write the report rows
                    if (WriteRowsCallback != null)