private void UpdatePicInit() { if (!this.ValidateFields(5)) { this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } DesignPic p = (DesignPic)this.Master._PapaDal.Get("designPic", this.designHiddenUp.Value); if (p == null) { this.Master._Logger.Error(new AdminException (". p == null"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(0, "Red", "")); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } try { this.designPicStatusLabel.Text = p.spActive; this.designPicLastUpdateLabel.Text = p.spUploadTime; this.designPic.Src = p.PicRelativePath; } catch (Exception t) { this.Master._Logger.Error(t, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(0, "Red", "")); } }
private void DisablePic() { if (!this.ValidateFields(5)) { this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } DesignPic p = (DesignPic)this.Master._PapaDal.Get("designPic", this.designHiddenUp.Value); if (p == null) { this.Master._Logger.Error(new AdminException (". p == null"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(0, "Red", "")); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } if (p.Active == 2) { this.Master._Logger.Warn(new AdminException (". " + this.designHiddenUp.Value + " Is Already Disabled"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(8, "Red", p.PicName)); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } try { this.Master._PapaDal.Disable("designPic", this.designHiddenUp.Value); this.Master._Logger.Log(new AdminException(". " + p.PicID + " Has Been Successfully Disabled"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(7, "White", p.PicName)); } catch (Exception f) { this.Master._Logger.Log(f, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(11, "Red", p.PicName)); } }
private void RemovePic() { if (!this.ValidateFields(4)) { this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } DesignPic p = (DesignPic)this.Master._PapaDal.Get("designPic", this.designHiddenRe.Value); if (p == null) { this.Master._Logger.Error(new AdminException (". p == null"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(0, "Red", "")); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } try { if (File.Exists(p.PicFullPath)) { File.Delete(p.PicFullPath); } this.Master._PapaDal.Remove("designPic", p.PicID); this.Master._Logger.Log(new AdminException(". " + p.PicID + " Was Successfully Removed"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(12, "White", p.PicName)); this.removeUpdatePicSelector.Items.Remove (this.removeUpdatePicSelector.Items.FindByValue("s" + p.PicID)); } catch (Exception e) { this.Master._Logger.Log(e, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(13, "Red", p.PicName)); } }
private void UpdatePic() { if (!this.ValidateFields(5)) { this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } DesignPic g = (DesignPic)this.Master._PapaDal.Get("designPic", this.designHiddenUp.Value); if (g == null) { this.Master._Logger.Error(new AdminException (". g == null"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(0, "Red", "")); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } if (this.designPicUpload.Value != "") { if (!this.Master._GlobalFunctions.ValidatePicEnd(this.designPicUpload.Value)) { this.Master._Logger.Error(new AdminException (". !this.Master._GlobalFunctions.ValidatePicEnd(this.designPicUpload.Value)"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(14, "Red", this.designPicUpload.Value)); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } try { string fileName = this.designPicUpload.PostedFile.FileName; string fileNameToSave = "designPic_id-" + g.PicID + "_" + fileName; string fullPath = this.Master._GlobalFunctions.GetFullPath() + fileNameToSave; string relativePath = this.Master._GlobalFunctions.GetRelativePath() + fileNameToSave; if (File.Exists(g.PicFullPath)) { File.Delete(g.PicFullPath); } g.PicRelativePath = relativePath; this.designPicUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(fullPath); g.PicName = fileName; g.PicFullPath = fullPath; g.PicRelativePath = relativePath; } catch (Exception r) { this.Master._Logger.Error(r, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(36, "Red", this.designPicUpload.Value)); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } } try { g.LastUpdate = TimeNow.TheTimeNow; g.spLastUpdate = TimeNow.TheTimeNow.ToShortDateString(); this.Master._PapaDal.Update("designPic", g, TimeNow.TheTimeNow); this.Master._Logger.Log(new AdminException(". " + g.PicID + " Was Successfully Updated"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(17, "White", g.PicName)); this.removeUpdatePicSelector.Items.FindByValue("s" + g.PicID).Text = g.PicName; } catch (Exception e) { this.Master._Logger.Log(e, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(18, "Red", g.PicName)); } }
private void AddDesignPic() { if (!this.ValidateFields(2)) { this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } string ID = this.Master._PapaDal.GetNextAvailableID("designPic"); string fileName = this.designPicUpload.PostedFile.FileName; string fileNameToSave = "designPic_id-" + ID + "_" + fileName; string fullPath = this.Master._GlobalFunctions.GetFullPath() + fileNameToSave; string relativePath = this.Master._GlobalFunctions.GetRelativePath() + fileNameToSave; if (!this.Master._GlobalFunctions.ValidatePicEnd(this.designPicUpload.Value)) { this.Master._Logger.Error(new AdminException (". !this.Master._GlobalFunctions.ValidatePicEnd(this.designPicUpload.Value)"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(14, "Red", this.designPicUpload.Value)); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } try { this.designPicUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(fullPath); } catch (Exception y) { this.Master._Logger.Error(y, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(36, "Red", this.designPicUpload.Value)); this.ClearDesignPic(); return; } try { DesignPic p = new DesignPic { Active = 2, PicName = fileName, PicID = ID, PicFullPath = fullPath, PicRelativePath = relativePath, UploadTime = TimeNow.TheTimeNow, spUploadTime = TimeNow.TheTimeNow.ToString(), spActive = "Disable", LastUpdate = TimeNow.TheTimeNow, spLastUpdate = TimeNow.TheTimeNow.ToShortDateString() }; this.Master._PapaDal.Add("designPic", p); this.Master._Logger.Log(new AdminException(". " + p.PicID + " Was Successfully Added"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(15, "White", p.PicName)); this.removeUpdatePicSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem(p.PicName, "s" + p.PicID)); } catch (Exception e) { this.Master._Logger.Error(e, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); this.Notify(this.Master._Notifier.Notify(16, "Red", fileName)); } }
public void Start(string type) //this method create and insert values for all the lists, or update them if they are exists { //in this part, will be inserted all the text stuff //check to see witch section need to be full of values //if yes, insert them. if no, create //if no, create object and insert him to the session //the first case have explenation, same for all switch (type) { case "complexAbout": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { ComplexAbout m = new ComplexAbout { ComplexAboutID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), AboutEn = "contact us", AboutHe = "צור קשר", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.ComplexAbouts.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "studioAbout": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StudioAbout m = new StudioAbout { StudioAboutID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), AboutEn = "contact us", AboutHe = "צור קשר", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.StudioAbouts.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "designText": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { DesignText m = new DesignText { DesignTextID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), TextEn = "contact us", TextHe = "צור קשר", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.DesignTexts.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "prText": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { PrText m = new PrText { PrTextID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), TextEn = "contact us", TextHe = "צור קשר", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.PrTexts.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "mainContact": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StreamReader aben = new StreamReader(@"C:\Works\Papaito\StudioMokeUpUniteDfinal3\DataBaseReceiver\Files\ContactEn.txt"); StringBuilder contactEn = new StringBuilder(); try { while (!aben.EndOfStream) { contactEn.Append(aben.ReadLine()); } } finally { if (aben != null) { aben.Close(); } } StreamReader abhe = new StreamReader(@"C:\Works\Papaito\StudioMokeUpUniteDfinal3\DataBaseReceiver\Files\ContactHe.txt"); StringBuilder contactHe = new StringBuilder(); try { while (!abhe.EndOfStream) { string w = abhe.ReadLine(); UTF8Encoding utf8Contact = new UTF8Encoding(); byte[] theTextContact = utf8Contact.GetBytes(w); string hebrewTextContact = utf8Contact.GetString(theTextContact); contactHe.Append(hebrewTextContact); } } finally { if (abhe != null) { abhe.Close(); } } MainContact m = new MainContact { MainContactID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), ContactEn = contactEn.ToString(), ContactHe = contactHe.ToString(), LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.MainContacts.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "mainAbout": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StreamReader aben = new StreamReader(@"C:\Works\Papaito\StudioMokeUpUniteDfinal3\DataBaseReceiver\Files\AboutEn.txt"); StringBuilder aboutEn = new StringBuilder(); try { while (!aben.EndOfStream) { aboutEn.Append(aben.ReadLine()); } } finally { if (aben != null) { aben.Close(); } } StreamReader abhe = new StreamReader(@"C:\Works\Papaito\StudioMokeUpUniteDfinal3\DataBaseReceiver\Files\AboutHe.txt"); StringBuilder aboutHe = new StringBuilder(); try { while (!abhe.EndOfStream) { string y = abhe.ReadLine(); UTF8Encoding utf8About = new UTF8Encoding(); byte[] theTextAbout = utf8About.GetBytes(y); string hebrewTextAbout = utf8About.GetString(theTextAbout); aboutHe.Append(hebrewTextAbout); } } finally { if (abhe != null) { abhe.Close(); } } MainAbout m = new MainAbout { MainAboutID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), AboutEn = aboutEn.ToString(), AboutHe = aboutHe.ToString(), LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.MainAbouts.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "staffItay": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StaffItay m = new StaffItay { StaffItayID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), ItayTitleEn = "Itay Ben Margy", ItayTitleHe = "איתי בן מרגי", ItayTextEn = "test", ItayTextHe = "ניסוי", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.StaffItays.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "staffNapo": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StaffNapo m = new StaffNapo { StaffNapoID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), NapoTitleEn = "Napo", NapoTitleHe = "נאפו", NapoTextEn = "test", NapoTextHe = "ניסוי", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.StaffNapos.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "staffPerri": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StaffPerri m = new StaffPerri { StaffPerriID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), PerriTitleEn = "Perri Attia", PerriTitleHe = "פרי אטיה", PerriTextEn = "test", PerriTextHe = "ניסוי", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.StaffPerris.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "staffDudu": if (this.GetCount(type) == 0) { StaffDudu m = new StaffDudu { StaffDuduID = this.GetNextAvailableID(type), DuduTitleEn = "Dudu Bones", DuduTitleHe = "דוד 'דודו' בונס", DuduTextEn = "test", DuduTextHe = "ניסוי", LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.StaffDudus.InsertOnSubmit(m); } break; case "news": StreamReader newsREn = new StreamReader(@"C:\Works\Papaito\StudioMokeUpUniteDfinal3\DataBaseReceiver\Files\NewsEn.txt"); StringBuilder newsBEn = new StringBuilder(); List <string> listEn = new List <string>(); try { while (!newsREn.EndOfStream) { string m = newsREn.ReadLine(); if (m == "%") { listEn.Add(newsBEn.ToString()); newsBEn = new StringBuilder(); } else { newsBEn.Append(m); } } } finally { if (newsREn != null) { newsREn.Close(); } } StreamReader newsRHe = new StreamReader(@"C:\Works\Papaito\StudioMokeUpUniteDfinal3\DataBaseReceiver\Files\NewsHe.txt"); StringBuilder newsBHe = new StringBuilder(); List <string> listHe = new List <string>(); try { while (!newsRHe.EndOfStream) { UTF8Encoding utf8News = new UTF8Encoding(); string m = newsRHe.ReadLine(); if (m == "%") { byte[] theTextNews = utf8News.GetBytes(m); string hebrewTextNews = utf8News.GetString(theTextNews); listHe.Add(hebrewTextNews); newsBHe = new StringBuilder(); } else { byte[] theTextNews = utf8News.GetBytes(m); string hebrewTextNews = utf8News.GetString(theTextNews); newsBHe.Append(hebrewTextNews); } } } finally { if (newsRHe != null) { newsRHe.Close(); } } for (int i = 0; i < listHe.Count; i++) { NewsOb p20 = new NewsOb { NewsID = i.ToString(), NewsEn = listEn[i], NewsHe = listHe[i], UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.NewsObs.InsertOnSubmit(p20); } break; } //in this section, all the pics will be created and inserted to the list string ID = ""; //thr id of the object string path = "ImagesR/1.jpg"; //example of pic string pathColor = "ImagesR/4smC.jpg"; //example of color pic string pathBW = "ImagesR/4smB.jpg"; //example of black & white pic byte active = 1; //pic is enabled string spActive = "Enable"; //pic is enabled string artistNameHe = "מולה ג"; //example of hebrew artist name string artistNameEn = "Mula j"; //example of english artist name string pathProBig = "OrImage/proC43big.jpg"; //example of normal pic string pathProColor = "OrImage/proC43.jpg"; //example of small color pic string pathProBW = "OrImage/proB43.jpg"; //example of small black and white pic string textPublishHe = "שם הפירסום"; //example of name of the publish pics in hebrew string textPublishEn = "Publish Name"; //example of name of the publish pics in english string artistTextEn = @"Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text "; //example pf artist Text English string artistTextHe = @"טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט טקסט "; //example pf artist Text English for (int i = 0, z = 1; i < 30; i++, z++) //create 10 objects for each list { ID = i.ToString(); if (z == 6) { z = 1; } //the first case have explenation, same for all switch (type) { case "header": HeaderPic p1 = new HeaderPic //create new object { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.HeaderPics.InsertOnSubmit(p1); //add the object to the list break; case "lastRec": LastRecordPic p3 = new LastRecordPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPathColor = pathColor, PicPathBW = pathBW, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.LastRecordPics.InsertOnSubmit(p3); break; case "roomA": RoomAPic p4 = new RoomAPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.RoomAPics.InsertOnSubmit(p4); break; case "roomB": RoomBPic p5 = new RoomBPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.RoomBPics.InsertOnSubmit(p5); break; case "roomC": RoomCPic p6 = new RoomCPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.RoomCPics.InsertOnSubmit(p6); break; case "complexLookAround": ComplexLookAroundPic p7 = new ComplexLookAroundPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.ComplexLookAroundPics.InsertOnSubmit(p7); break; case "recordingRoom": RecordingRoomPic p9 = new RecordingRoomPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPathColor = pathColor, PicPathBW = pathBW, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.RecordingRoomPics.InsertOnSubmit(p9); break; case "controlRoom": ControlRoomPic p10 = new ControlRoomPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.ControlRoomPics.InsertOnSubmit(p10); break; case "studioLookAround": StudioLookAroundPic p11 = new StudioLookAroundPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.StudioLookAroundPics.InsertOnSubmit(p11); break; case "designPic": DesignPic p13 = new DesignPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.DesignPics.InsertOnSubmit(p13); break; case "production": //same is normal, add the songlist to the new Production object Production p14 = new Production { Active = active, ArtistNameHe = artistNameHe, ArtistNameEn = artistNameEn, ArtistTextEn = artistTextEn, ArtistTextHe = artistTextHe, PicPathMain = pathProBig, PicPathColor = pathProColor, PicPathBW = pathProBW, ProID = ID, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.Productions.InsertOnSubmit(p14); this.papaDal.SubmitChanges(); for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) //create 3 songs { string songID = this.GetNextAvailableID("song"); //get next available id for song /*this is the the * youtube embed*/ string youtube = @"<object width=""320"" height=""265""><param name=""movie"" value=""""></param><param name=""allowFullScreen"" value=""true""></param><param name=""allowscriptaccess""value=""always""></param><embed src="""" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"" allowscriptaccess=""always"" allowfullscreen=""true""width=""200"" height=""25""></embed></object>"; Song s = new Song //create new song object { Active = active, SongID = songID, SongNameHe = "זמר זמר" + y, SongNameEn = "song song" + y, YouTubePath = youtube, ProIDParent = ID, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.Songs.InsertOnSubmit(s); //add the object to the songlist this.papaDal.SubmitChanges(); } break; case "allArtistsGallery": if (i < 5) { AllArtistGallery p81 = new AllArtistGallery { AllArtistGalleryID = z.ToString(), AllArtistNameEn = "Gallery " + z.ToString(), AllArtistNameHe = "גלריה " + z.ToString(), LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.AllArtistGalleries.InsertOnSubmit(p81); } break; case "allArtists": AllArtistPic p15 = new AllArtistPic { PicID = ID, PicPath = path, TextEn = textPublishEn, TextHe = textPublishHe, Active = active, GalleryID = z.ToString(), UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.AllArtistPics.InsertOnSubmit(p15); break; case "prPic": PrPic p21 = new PrPic { Active = active, PicID = ID, PicPath = path, UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.PrPics.InsertOnSubmit(p21); break; case "publishGallery": if (i < 5) { PublishGallery p82 = new PublishGallery { PublishGalleryID = z.ToString(), PublishGalleryNameEn = "Gallery " + z.ToString(), PublishGalleryNameHe = "גלריה " + z.ToString(), LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, spLastUpdate = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; this.papaDal.PublishGalleries.InsertOnSubmit(p82); } break; case "publish": PublishPic p22 = new PublishPic { PicID = ID, PicPath = path, TextEn = textPublishEn, TextHe = textPublishHe, Active = active, TopPage = 2, TopPagePlace = 0, GalleryID = z.ToString(), UploadTime = DateTime.Now, spUploadTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(), spActive = spActive }; this.papaDal.PublishPics.InsertOnSubmit(p22); break; } //here it just save the new list with the values in session (DB) this.papaDal.SubmitChanges(); } }
public string GetNextAvailableID(string type) { int result = 0; if (type == "") { return(""); } switch (type) { case "admin": AdminUser a1 = null; while ((a1 = (AdminUser)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "complexAbout": ComplexAbout a2 = null; while ((a2 = (ComplexAbout)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "studioAbout": StudioAbout a3 = null; while ((a3 = (StudioAbout)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "designText": DesignText a4 = null; while ((a4 = (DesignText)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "prText": PrText a5 = null; while ((a5 = (PrText)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "mainContact": MainContact a6 = null; while ((a6 = (MainContact)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "mainAbout": MainAbout a7 = null; while ((a7 = (MainAbout)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "staffItay": StaffItay a8 = null; while ((a8 = (StaffItay)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "staffNapo": StaffNapo a9 = null; while ((a9 = (StaffNapo)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "staffPerri": StaffPerri a10 = null; while ((a10 = (StaffPerri)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "staffDudu": StaffDudu a11 = null; while ((a11 = (StaffDudu)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "header": HeaderPic a12 = null; while ((a12 = (HeaderPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "lastRec": LastRecordPic a13 = null; while ((a13 = (LastRecordPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "roomA": RoomAPic a14 = null; while ((a14 = (RoomAPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "roomB": RoomBPic a15 = null; while ((a15 = (RoomBPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "roomC": RoomCPic a16 = null; while ((a16 = (RoomCPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "complexLookAround": ComplexLookAroundPic a17 = null; while ((a17 = (ComplexLookAroundPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "recordingRoom": RecordingRoomPic a18 = null; while ((a18 = (RecordingRoomPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "controlRoom": ControlRoomPic a19 = null; while ((a19 = (ControlRoomPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "studioLookAround": StudioLookAroundPic a20 = null; while ((a20 = (StudioLookAroundPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "designPic": DesignPic a21 = null; while ((a21 = (DesignPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "production": Production a22 = null; while ((a22 = (Production)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "song": Song a23 = null; while ((a23 = (Song)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "allArtists": AllArtistPic a24 = null; while ((a24 = (AllArtistPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "news": NewsOb a25 = null; while ((a25 = (NewsOb)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "prPic": PrPic a26 = null; while ((a26 = (PrPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "publish": PublishPic a27 = null; while ((a27 = (PublishPic)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "publishGallery": PublishGallery a28 = null; while ((a28 = (PublishGallery)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; case "allArtistsGallery": AllArtistGallery a29 = null; while ((a29 = (AllArtistGallery)this.Get(type, result.ToString())) != null) { result += 1; } break; default: break; } return(result.ToString()); }