        // Run on main thread
        private void UpdateUiWithPokemon(string pokemonUrl)
            Task.Run(async() => {
                var pokemon     = await PokemonApi.Instance.FetchResource <Pokemon> (pokemonUrl);
                var image       = await pokemon.FetchDefaultFrontImage();
                var description = await pokemon.FetchDescription();

                BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    // TODO it's not centimeters, it's not clear; charmander is supposed to be 2'0" but is 6 something in the DB
                    HeightLabel.Text               = string.Format("{0} cm", pokemon.Height);
                    WeightLabel.Text               = string.Format("{0} lbs", pokemon.Weight);
                    DescriptionLabel.Text          = description.Replace("\n", " ");
                    DescriptionLabel.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
                    DescriptionLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Justified;
                    DescriptionLabel.Lines         = 0;
                    PokemonImage.Image = image;