        private void ChangeCreateIndexOperationalProps(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context,
                                                       IList <IndexOption> options)
            DeploymentStep nextStep = context.PlanHandle.Head;

            // Loop through all steps in the deployment plan
            bool foundMainSection = false;

            while (nextStep != null)
                DeploymentStep currentStep = nextStep;
                nextStep = currentStep.Next;

                // We only want to analyze the main part of the deployment script - we'll skip
                // any steps until we pass the end of the predeployment section, and stop once
                // we hit the start of the postdeployment section
                if (currentStep is EndPreDeploymentScriptStep)
                    foundMainSection = true;

                if (!foundMainSection)
                    // Haven't gotten past predeployment yet

                if (currentStep is BeginPostDeploymentScriptStep)

                // We need to care about CreateElementSteps and AlterElementSteps for Indexes.
                DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;
                TSqlObject elementObject        = null;

                if (domStep is CreateElementStep)
                    elementObject = ((CreateElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;
                else if (domStep is AlterElementStep)
                    elementObject = ((AlterElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;

                if (elementObject != null)
                    if (Index.TypeClass.Equals(elementObject.ObjectType) && !(View.TypeClass.Equals(elementObject.GetParent().ObjectType)))
                        TSqlFragment fragment = domStep.Script;

                        IndexStatementVisitor visitor = new IndexStatementVisitor(options);
        private void FindAndRenameUnnamedDefaultConstraints(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
            DeploymentStep nextStep = context.PlanHandle.Head;

            // Loop through all steps in the deployment plan
            bool foundMainSection = false;

            while (nextStep != null)
                DeploymentStep currentStep = nextStep;
                nextStep = currentStep.Next;

                // We only want to analyze the main part of the deployment script - we'll skip
                // any steps until we pass the end of the predeployment section, and stop once
                // we hit the start of the postdeployment section
                if (currentStep is EndPreDeploymentScriptStep)
                    foundMainSection = true;

                if (!foundMainSection)
                    // Haven't gotten past predeployment yet

                if (currentStep is BeginPostDeploymentScriptStep)

                // We need to care about CreateElementSteps and AlterElementSteps for default constraints.
                DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;
                TSqlObject elementObject        = null;

                // most of the default constraints in the deployment plan seem to be deployed as Alter Table statements, but
                // just in case the default constraint was deployed as part of a Create Table (don't see how it is possible, but just being safe)
                if (domStep is CreateElementStep)
                    elementObject = ((CreateElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;
                else if (domStep is AlterElementStep)
                    elementObject = ((AlterElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;

                if (elementObject != null)
                    TSqlFragment fragment = domStep.Script;

                    // call the visitor, which in turn will auto-name these constraints
                    var visitor = new DefaultConstraintDefinitionVisitor();
        private void FindAndMakeAlterColumnsOnline(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
            DeploymentStep nextStep = context.PlanHandle.Head;

            // Loop through all steps in the deployment plan
            bool foundMainSection = false;

            while (nextStep != null)
                DeploymentStep currentStep = nextStep;
                nextStep = currentStep.Next;

                // We only want to analyze the main part of the deployment script - we'll skip
                // any steps until we pass the end of the predeployment section, and stop once
                // we hit the start of the postdeployment section
                if (currentStep is EndPreDeploymentScriptStep)
                    foundMainSection = true;

                if (!foundMainSection)
                    // Haven't gotten past predeployment yet

                if (currentStep is BeginPostDeploymentScriptStep)

                // We need to care about AlterElementSteps.
                DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;
                TSqlObject elementObject        = null;

                if (domStep is AlterElementStep)
                    elementObject = ((AlterElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;

                if (elementObject != null)
                    TSqlFragment fragment = domStep.Script;

                    // call the visitor, which in turn will auto-name these constraints
                    var visitor = new AlterTableAlterColumnVisitor();
        public void logger(DeploymentStep ds, int i)
            string msg = "";

            if (ds is CreateElementStep || ds is DropElementStep)
                DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = ds as DeploymentScriptDomStep;

                TSqlScript    script = domStep.Script as TSqlScript;
                TSqlStatement t      = script.Batches[0].Statements[0];

                msg = $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}, {i:000} - {ds.GetType().Name}: {t.GetType().Name}";
                msg = $"{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}, {i:000} - {ds.GetType().Name}: - ";

            using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText(logfilepath)) { w.WriteLine(msg); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that generates a useful description of the step.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetStepInfo(
            DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep,
            out string stepDescription,
            out TSqlObject element)
            element = null;

            // figure out what type of step we've got, and retrieve
            // either the source or target element.
            if (domStep is CreateElementStep)
                element = ((CreateElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;
            else if (domStep is AlterElementStep)
                element = ((AlterElementStep)domStep).SourceElement;
            else if (domStep is DropElementStep)
                element = ((DropElementStep)domStep).TargetElement;

            // construct the step description by concatenating the type and the fully qualified
            // name of the associated element.
            string stepTypeName = domStep.GetType().Name;

            if (element != null)
                string elementName = GetElementName(element);

                stepDescription = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1}",
                                                stepTypeName, elementName);
                // if the step has no associated element, just use the step type as the description
                stepDescription = stepTypeName;
        protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
            // Obtain the first step in the Plan from the provided context
            int            batchId  = 0;
            DeploymentStep nextStep = context.PlanHandle.Head;
            BeginPreDeploymentScriptStep beforePreDeploy = null;

            while (nextStep != null)
                DeploymentStep currentStep = nextStep;
                nextStep = currentStep.Next;

                if (currentStep is BeginPreDeploymentScriptStep)
                    beforePreDeploy = (BeginPreDeploymentScriptStep)currentStep;
                if (currentStep is SqlPrintStep)
                if (currentStep is BeginPostDeploymentScriptStep)
                if (beforePreDeploy == null)

                DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;
                if (domStep == null)

                TSqlScript script = domStep.Script as TSqlScript;
                if (script == null)

                // Loop through all the batches in the script for this step.  All the statements
                // in the batch will be enclosed in an if statement that will check the
                // table to ensure that the batch has not already been executed
                TSqlObject sqlObject;
                string     stepDescription;
                GetStepInfo(domStep, out stepDescription, out sqlObject);
                int batchCount = script.Batches.Count;

                for (int batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < batchCount; batchIndex++)
                    // Create the if statement that will contain the batch's contents
                    IfStatement            ifBatchNotExecutedStatement = CreateIfNotExecutedStatement(batchId);
                    BeginEndBlockStatement statementBlock = new BeginEndBlockStatement();
                    ifBatchNotExecutedStatement.ThenStatement = statementBlock;
                    statementBlock.StatementList = new StatementList();

                    TSqlBatch batch          = script.Batches[batchIndex];
                    int       statementCount = batch.Statements.Count;

                    // Loop through all statements in the batch, embedding those in an sp_execsql
                    // statement that must be handled this way (schemas, stored procedures,
                    // views, functions, and triggers).
                    for (int statementIndex = 0; statementIndex < statementCount; statementIndex++)
                        TSqlStatement smnt = batch.Statements[statementIndex];

                        if (IsStatementEscaped(sqlObject))
                            // "escape" this statement by embedding it in a sp_executesql statement
                            string statementScript;
                            domStep.ScriptGenerator.GenerateScript(smnt, out statementScript);
                            ExecuteStatement spExecuteSql = CreateExecuteSql(statementScript);
                            smnt = spExecuteSql;


                    // Add an insert statement to track that all the statements in this
                    // batch were executed.  Turn on nocount to improve performance by
                    // avoiding row inserted messages from the server
                    string batchDescription = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                            "{0} batch {1}", stepDescription, batchIndex);

                    PredicateSetStatement noCountOff = new PredicateSetStatement();
                    noCountOff.IsOn    = false;
                    noCountOff.Options = SetOptions.NoCount;

                    PredicateSetStatement noCountOn = new PredicateSetStatement();
                    noCountOn.IsOn    = true;
                    noCountOn.Options = SetOptions.NoCount;
                    InsertStatement batchCompleteInsert = CreateBatchCompleteInsert(batchId, batchDescription);

                    // Remove all the statements from the batch (they are now in the if block) and add the if statement
                    // as the sole statement in the batch

                    // Next batch

            // if we found steps that required processing, set up a temporary table to track the work that you are doing
            if (beforePreDeploy != null)
                // Declare a SqlCmd variables.
                // CompletedBatches variable - defines the name of the table in tempdb that will track
                // all the completed batches.  The temporary table's name has the target database name and
                // a guid embedded in it so that:
                // * Multiple deployment scripts targeting different DBs on the same server
                // * Failed deployments with old tables do not conflict with more recent deployments
                // TotalBatchCount variable - the total number of batches surrounded by if statements.  Using this
                // variable pre/post deployment scripts can also use the CompletedBatches table to make their
                // script rerunnable if there is an error during execution
                StringBuilder sqlcmdVars = new StringBuilder();
                sqlcmdVars.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CompletedBatchesSqlCmd,
                                        context.Options.TargetDatabaseName, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"));
                sqlcmdVars.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TotalBatchCountSqlCmd, batchId);

                DeploymentScriptStep completedBatchesSetVarStep = new DeploymentScriptStep(sqlcmdVars.ToString());
                base.AddBefore(context.PlanHandle, beforePreDeploy, completedBatchesSetVarStep);

                // Create the temporary table we will use to track the work that we are doing
                DeploymentScriptStep createStatusTableStep = new DeploymentScriptStep(CreateCompletedBatchesTable);
                base.AddBefore(context.PlanHandle, beforePreDeploy, createStatusTableStep);

            //   Cleanup and drop the table
            //   DeploymentScriptStep dropStep = new DeploymentScriptStep(DropCompletedBatchesTable);
            //   base.AddAfter(context.PlanHandle, context.PlanHandle.Tail, dropStep);
        protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
            DeploymentStep nextStep = context.PlanHandle.Head;

            while (nextStep != null)
                DeploymentStep currentStep = nextStep;
                nextStep = currentStep.Next;


                if (currentStep is DeploymentScriptStep)
                    DeploymentScriptStep d = currentStep as DeploymentScriptStep;

                    Regex rx = new Regex(@"\[sandbox\]");   //[\n\r]*is being dropped.  Deployment will halt if the table contains data.");
                    if (rx.IsMatch(d.GenerateTSQL()[0]))
                        base.Remove(context.PlanHandle, currentStep);

                if (currentStep is CreateElementStep)
                    DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;

                    TSqlScript    script = domStep.Script as TSqlScript;
                    TSqlStatement t      = script.Batches[0].Statements[0];

                    if (t is CreateTableStatement o)
                        SchemaObjectName ol  = o.SchemaObjectName;
                        string           ol1 = ol.SchemaIdentifier.Value;

                        if (ol1 == "sandbox" || ol1 == "unittests")
                            base.Remove(context.PlanHandle, currentStep);

                    //  Sql140ScriptGenerator s = new Sql140ScriptGenerator();
                    //  s.GenerateScript(t, out string ts);
                    //  Debug.WriteLine($"{t.GetType()}: {ts}");
                    //  DropChildObjectsStatement
                    //  DropStatisticsStatement

                if (currentStep is DropElementStep)
                    DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;
                    TSqlScript    script            = domStep.Script as TSqlScript;
                    TSqlStatement t = script.Batches[0].Statements[0];

                    //Debug.WriteLine($"{currentStep.GetType()}: {t.GetType()}");

                    if (t is DropStatisticsStatement)
                        base.Remove(context.PlanHandle, currentStep);

                    if (t is DropObjectsStatement)
                        DropObjectsStatement     o  = (DropObjectsStatement)t;
                        IList <SchemaObjectName> ol = o.Objects;
                        string ol1 = ol[0].SchemaIdentifier.Value;

                        if (ol1 == "sandbox" || ol1 == "unittests")
                            base.Remove(context.PlanHandle, currentStep);

                    //  Sql140ScriptGenerator s = new Sql140ScriptGenerator();
                    //  s.GenerateScript(t, out string ts);
                    //  Debug.WriteLine($"{t.GetType()}: {ts}");
                    //  DropChildObjectsStatement
                    //  DropStatisticsStatement

                //if (currentStep is AlterElementStep)
                //    DeploymentScriptDomStep domStep = currentStep as DeploymentScriptDomStep;
                //    TSqlScript script = domStep.Script as TSqlScript;
                //    TSqlStatement t = script.Batches[0].Statements[0];

                //    if (t is AlterProcedureStatement)
                //    {
                //        AlterProcedureStatement o = (AlterProcedureStatement)t;
                //        SchemaObjectName ol = o.Options.sch
                //        string ol1 = ol.SchemaIdentifier.Value;

                //        if (ol1 == "sandbox" || ol1 == "unittests")
                //        {
                //            base.Remove(context.PlanHandle, currentStep);
                //            continue;
                //        }
                //    }