public async Task Request()
            var serverSupportsChannels = ServerSupportsChannels();

            commandOutputProvider.Debug(serverSupportsChannels ? "This Octopus Server supports channels" : "This Octopus Server does not support channels");

            commandOutputProvider.Debug("Finding project: {Project:l}", ProjectName);

            project = await Repository.Projects.FindByName(ProjectName).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (project == null)
                throw new CouldNotFindException("a project named", ProjectName);

            plan = await BuildReleasePlan(project).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VersionNumber))
                versionNumber = VersionNumber;
                commandOutputProvider.Debug("Using version number provided on command-line: {Version:l}", versionNumber);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plan.ReleaseTemplate.NextVersionIncrement))
                versionNumber = plan.ReleaseTemplate.NextVersionIncrement;
                commandOutputProvider.Debug("Using version number from release template: {Version:l}", versionNumber);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plan.ReleaseTemplate.VersioningPackageStepName))
                versionNumber = plan.GetActionVersionNumber(plan.ReleaseTemplate.VersioningPackageStepName);
                commandOutputProvider.Debug("Using version number from package step: {Version:l}", versionNumber);
                throw new CommandException(
                          "A version number was not specified and could not be automatically selected.");

                plan.IsViableReleasePlan() ? LogEventLevel.Information : LogEventLevel.Warning,
                "Release plan for {Project:l} {Version:l}" + System.Environment.NewLine + "{Plan:l}",
                ProjectName, versionNumber, plan.FormatAsTable()
            if (plan.HasUnresolvedSteps())
                throw new CommandException(
                          "Package versions could not be resolved for one or more of the package packageSteps in this release. See the errors above for details. Either ensure the latest version of the package can be automatically resolved, or set the version to use specifically by using the --package argument.");
            if (plan.ChannelHasAnyEnabledSteps() == false)
                if (serverSupportsChannels)
                    throw new CommandException($"Channel {plan.Channel.Name} has no available steps");
                    throw new CommandException($"Plan has no available steps");

            if (plan.HasStepsViolatingChannelVersionRules())
                if (IgnoreChannelRules)
                    commandOutputProvider.Warning("At least one step violates the package version rules for the Channel '{Channel:l}'. Forcing the release to be created ignoring these rules...", plan.Channel.Name);
                    throw new CommandException(
                              $"At least one step violates the package version rules for the Channel '{plan.Channel.Name}'. Either correct the package versions for this release, let Octopus select the best channel by omitting the --channel argument, select a different channel using --channel=MyChannel argument, or ignore these version rules altogether by using the --ignoreChannelRules argument.");

            if (IgnoreIfAlreadyExists)
                commandOutputProvider.Debug("Checking for existing release for {Project:l} {Version:l} because you specified --ignoreexisting...", ProjectName, versionNumber);
                    var found = await Repository.Projects.GetReleaseByVersion(project, versionNumber)

                    if (found != null)
                        commandOutputProvider.Information("A release of {Project:l} with the number {Version:l} already exists, and you specified --ignoreexisting, so we won't even attempt to create the release.", ProjectName, versionNumber);
                catch (OctopusResourceNotFoundException)
                    // Expected
                    commandOutputProvider.Debug("No release exists - the coast is clear!");

            if (WhatIf)
                // We were just doing a dry run - bail out here
                if (DeployToEnvironmentNames.Any())
                    commandOutputProvider.Information("[WhatIf] This release would have been created using the release plan and deployed to {Environments:l}", DeployToEnvironmentNames.CommaSeperate());
                    commandOutputProvider.Information("[WhatIf] This release would have been created using the release plan");
                // Actually create the release!
                commandOutputProvider.Debug("Creating release...");

                release = await Repository.Releases.Create(new ReleaseResource(versionNumber, project.Id, plan.Channel?.Id)
                    ReleaseNotes     = ReleaseNotes,
                    SelectedPackages = plan.GetSelections()
                }, ignoreChannelRules : IgnoreChannelRules)

                commandOutputProvider.Information("Release {Version:l} created successfully!", release.Version);
                commandOutputProvider.ServiceMessage("setParameter", new { name = "octo.releaseNumber", value = release.Version });
                commandOutputProvider.TfsServiceMessage(ServerBaseUrl, project, release);

                await DeployRelease(project, release).ConfigureAwait(false);
        protected override void Execute()
            Log.Debug("This Octopus Server {0} channels", ServerSupportsChannels() ? "supports" : "does not support");

            Log.Debug("Finding project: " + ProjectName);
            var project = Repository.Projects.FindByName(ProjectName);

            if (project == null)
                throw new CouldNotFindException("a project named", ProjectName);

            var plan = BuildReleasePlan(project);

            string versionNumber;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VersionNumber))
                versionNumber = VersionNumber;
                Log.Debug("Using version number provided on command-line: " + versionNumber);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plan.ReleaseTemplate.NextVersionIncrement))
                versionNumber = plan.ReleaseTemplate.NextVersionIncrement;
                Log.Debug("Using version number from release template: " + versionNumber);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plan.ReleaseTemplate.VersioningPackageStepName))
                versionNumber = plan.GetActionVersionNumber(plan.ReleaseTemplate.VersioningPackageStepName);
                Log.Debug("Using version number from package step: " + versionNumber);
                throw new CommandException("A version number was not specified and could not be automatically selected.");

            if (plan.IsViableReleasePlan())
                Log.Information($"Release plan for {ProjectName} {versionNumber}{Environment.NewLine}{plan.FormatAsTable()}");
                Log.Warning($"Release plan for {ProjectName} {versionNumber}{Environment.NewLine}{plan.FormatAsTable()}");

            if (plan.HasUnresolvedSteps())
                throw new CommandException("Package versions could not be resolved for one or more of the package steps in this release. See the errors above for details. Either ensure the latest version of the package can be automatically resolved, or set the version to use specifically by using the --package argument.");

            if (plan.HasStepsViolatingChannelVersionRules())
                if (IgnoreChannelRules)
                    Log.Warning($"At least one step violates the package version rules for the Channel '{plan.Channel.Name}'. Forcing the release to be created ignoring these rules...");
                    throw new CommandException($"At least one step violates the package version rules for the Channel '{plan.Channel.Name}'. Either correct the package versions for this release, let Octopus select the best channel by omitting the --channel argument, select a different channel using --channel=MyChannel argument, or ignore these version rules altogether by using the --ignoreChannelRules argument.");

            if (IgnoreIfAlreadyExists)
                Log.Debug($"Checking for existing release for {ProjectName} {versionNumber} because you specified --ignoreexisting...");
                    var found = Repository.Projects.GetReleaseByVersion(project, versionNumber);
                    if (found != null)
                        Log.Information($"A release of {ProjectName} with the number {versionNumber} already exists, and you specified --ignoreexisting, so we won't even attempt to create the release.");
                catch (OctopusResourceNotFoundException)
                    // Expected
                    Log.Debug("No release exists - the coast is clear!");

            if (WhatIf)
                // We were just doing a dry run - bail out here
                Log.Information("[WhatIf] This release would have been created using the release plan{0}",
                                DeployToEnvironmentNames.Any() ? $" and deployed to {DeployToEnvironmentNames.CommaSeperate()}" : string.Empty);
                // Actually create the release!
                Log.Debug("Creating release...");
                var release = Repository.Releases.Create(new ReleaseResource(versionNumber, project.Id, plan.Channel?.Id)
                    ReleaseNotes     = ReleaseNotes,
                    SelectedPackages = plan.GetSelections()
                }, ignoreChannelRules: IgnoreChannelRules);
                Log.Information($"Release {release.Version} created successfully!");
                Log.ServiceMessage("setParameter", new { name = "octo.releaseNumber", value = release.Version });
                Log.TfsServiceMessage(ServerBaseUrl, project, release);

                DeployRelease(project, release);