public override void AfterCreate(EntryEvent <TKey, TVal> ev) { m_numAfterCreate++; TKey key = (TKey)ev.Key; DeltaTestImpl value = ev.NewValue as DeltaTestImpl; if (value == null) { FwkTest <TKey, TVal> .CurrentTest.FwkException(" Value in afterCreate cannot be null : key = {0} ", key.ToString()); return; } if (value.GetIntVar() != 0 && value.GetFromDeltaCounter() != 0) { ValidateIncreamentByOne(key, value); } Int32 mapValue = value.GetIntVar(); Int64 deltaValue = value.GetFromDeltaCounter(); m_latestValues[key] = mapValue; m_ValidateMap[key] = deltaValue; }
public override void AfterUpdate(EntryEvent <TKey, TVal> ev) { m_numAfterUpdate++; TKey key = ev.Key; DeltaTestImpl oldValue = ev.OldValue as DeltaTestImpl; DeltaTestImpl newValue = ev.NewValue as DeltaTestImpl; if (newValue == null) { FwkTest <TKey, TVal> .CurrentTest.FwkException(" newValue in afterUpdate cannot be null : key = {0} ", key.ToString()); return; } if (oldValue == null) { ValidateIncreamentByOne(key, newValue); } else { Int32 mapValue1; m_latestValues.TryGetValue(key, out mapValue1); Int32 mapValue2 = mapValue1; // CacheableInt32 mapValue2 = m_latestValues[key] as CacheableInt32; Int32 diff = newValue.GetIntVar() - mapValue2; if (diff != 1) { FwkTest <TKey, TVal> .CurrentTest.FwkException("difference expected in newValue and oldValue is 1 , but it was not" + " for key {0} & newVal = {1} oldValue = {2} map count = {3} : {4}", key.ToString(), newValue.GetIntVar(), mapValue2, m_latestValues.Count, m_latestValues.ToString()); return; } } Int32 mapValue = newValue.GetIntVar(); Int64 deltaValue = newValue.GetFromDeltaCounter(); m_latestValues[key] = mapValue; m_ValidateMap[key] = deltaValue; }