        /// <summary>
        /// Set the control to the given value by sending a state event with the value to the
        /// control's device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">An input control on a device that has been added to the system.</param>
        /// <param name="state">New value for the input control.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="TValue">Value type of the given control.</typeparam>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// var gamepad = InputSystem.AddDevice&lt;Gamepad&gt;();
        /// Set(gamepad.leftButton, 1);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public void Set <TValue>(InputControl <TValue> control, TValue state, double time = -1, double timeOffset = 0, bool queueEventOnly = false)
            where TValue : struct
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(control));
            if (!control.device.added)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Device of control '{control}' has not been added to the system", nameof(control));

            void SetUpAndQueueEvent(InputEventPtr eventPtr)
                ////REVIEW: should we by default take the time from the device here?
                if (time >= 0)
                    eventPtr.time = time;
                eventPtr.time += timeOffset;
                control.WriteValueIntoEvent(state, eventPtr);

            // Touchscreen does not support delta events involving TouchState.
            if (control is TouchControl)
                using (StateEvent.From(control.device, out var eventPtr))
                // We use delta state events rather than full state events here to mitigate the following problem:
                // Grabbing state from the device will preserve the current values of controls covered in the state.
                // However, running an update may alter the value of one or more of those controls. So with a full
                // state event, we may be writing outdated data back into the device. For example, in the case of delta
                // controls which will reset in OnBeforeUpdate().
                // Using delta events, we may still grab state outside of just the one control in case we're looking at
                // bit-addressed controls but at least we can avoid the problem for the majority of controls.
                using (DeltaStateEvent.From(control, out var eventPtr))

            if (!queueEventOnly)
        private unsafe void ColumnGUI(Rect cellRect, InputEventPtr eventPtr, int column)
            CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect);

            switch (column)
            case (int)ColumnId.Id:
                GUI.Label(cellRect, eventPtr.id.ToString());

            case (int)ColumnId.Type:
                GUI.Label(cellRect, eventPtr.type.ToString());

            case (int)ColumnId.Device:
                GUI.Label(cellRect, eventPtr.deviceId.ToString());

            case (int)ColumnId.Size:
                GUI.Label(cellRect, eventPtr.sizeInBytes.ToString());

            case (int)ColumnId.Time:
                GUI.Label(cellRect, eventPtr.time.ToString("0.0000s"));

            case (int)ColumnId.Details:
                if (eventPtr.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                    var deltaEventPtr = DeltaStateEvent.From(eventPtr);
                    GUI.Label(cellRect, $"Format={deltaEventPtr->stateFormat}, Offset={deltaEventPtr->stateOffset}");
                else if (eventPtr.IsA <StateEvent>())
                    var stateEventPtr = StateEvent.From(eventPtr);
                    GUI.Label(cellRect, $"Format={stateEventPtr->stateFormat}");
                else if (eventPtr.IsA <TextEvent>())
                    var textEventPtr = TextEvent.From(eventPtr);
                    GUI.Label(cellRect, $"Character='{(char) textEventPtr->character}'");
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks an Input Event for any significant changes that would be considered user activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputEvent">The input event being checked for changes</param>
        /// <param name="device">The input device being checked against </param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset into the device that the event is placed</param>
        /// <param name="sizeInbytes">The size of the event in bytes</param>
        /// <returns>True if any changes exist in the event once the device has been filtered through for noise and non-significant changes.  False otherwise.</returns>
        public unsafe bool HasValidData(InputDevice device, InputEventPtr inputEvent, uint offset, uint sizeInbytes)
            if (elements.Length == 0)

            if ((offset + sizeInbytes) * 8 > device.stateBlock.sizeInBits)

            bool result = false;

            IntPtr noiseFilterPtr = InputStateBuffers.s_NoiseFilterBuffer;

            if (noiseFilterPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                IntPtr ptrToEventState = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (inputEvent.IsA <StateEvent>())
                    StateEvent *stateEvent = StateEvent.From(inputEvent);
                    ptrToEventState = stateEvent->state;
                else if (inputEvent.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                    DeltaStateEvent *stateEvent = DeltaStateEvent.From(inputEvent);
                    ptrToEventState = stateEvent->deltaState;

                if (ptrToEventState != IntPtr.Zero)
                    result = BitmaskHelpers.CheckForMaskedValues(ptrToEventState, noiseFilterPtr, offset, sizeInbytes * 8);
                    for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length && !result; i++)
                        result = elements[i].HasValidData(inputEvent, device);

    public void Events_CanCreateDeltaStateEventFromControl()
        var gamepad = InputSystem.AddDevice <Gamepad>();

        Set(gamepad.buttonSouth, 1);
        Set(gamepad.buttonNorth, 1);
        Set(gamepad.leftTrigger, 0.123f);

        using (DeltaStateEvent.From(gamepad.buttonNorth, out var eventPtr))
            Assert.That(gamepad.buttonNorth.ReadValueFromEvent(eventPtr, out var val), Is.True);
            Assert.That(val, Is.EqualTo(1).Within(0.00001));

            gamepad.buttonNorth.WriteValueIntoEvent(0f, eventPtr);


            Assert.That(gamepad.buttonNorth.ReadValue(), Is.Zero);
        private unsafe byte[] GetEventStateBuffer(InputEventPtr eventPtr, InputControl control)
            // Must be an event carrying state.
            if (!eventPtr.IsA <StateEvent>() && !eventPtr.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                throw new ArgumentException("Event must be state or delta event", "eventPtr");

            // Get state data.
            void *dataPtr;
            uint  dataSize;
            uint  stateSize;
            uint  stateOffset = 0;

            if (eventPtr.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                var deltaEventPtr = DeltaStateEvent.From(eventPtr);
                stateSize   = control.stateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes;
                stateOffset = deltaEventPtr->stateOffset;
                dataPtr     = deltaEventPtr->deltaState.ToPointer();
                dataSize    = deltaEventPtr->deltaStateSizeInBytes;
                var stateEventPtr = StateEvent.From(eventPtr);
                dataSize = stateSize = stateEventPtr->stateSizeInBytes;
                dataPtr  = stateEventPtr->state.ToPointer();

            // Copy event data.
            var buffer = new byte[stateSize];

            fixed(byte *bufferPtr = buffer)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(bufferPtr + stateOffset, dataPtr, dataSize);

        internal unsafe IntPtr GetStatePtrFromStateEvent(InputEventPtr eventPtr)
            if (!eventPtr.valid)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("eventPtr");
            if (!eventPtr.IsA <StateEvent>() && !eventPtr.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                throw new ArgumentException("Event must be a state or delta state event", "eventPtr");

            uint   stateOffset;
            FourCC stateFormat;
            uint   stateSizeInBytes;
            IntPtr statePtr;

            if (eventPtr.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                var deltaEvent = DeltaStateEvent.From(eventPtr);

                // If it's a delta event, we need to subtract the delta state offset if it's not set to the root of the device
                stateOffset      = deltaEvent->stateOffset;
                stateFormat      = deltaEvent->stateFormat;
                stateSizeInBytes = deltaEvent->deltaStateSizeInBytes;
                statePtr         = deltaEvent->deltaState;
            else if (eventPtr.IsA <StateEvent>())
                var stateEvent = StateEvent.From(eventPtr);

                stateOffset      = 0;
                stateFormat      = stateEvent->stateFormat;
                stateSizeInBytes = stateEvent->stateSizeInBytes;
                statePtr         = stateEvent->state;
                throw new ArgumentException("Event must be a state or delta state event", "eventPtr");

            // Make sure we have a state event compatible with our device. The event doesn't
            // have to be specifically for our device (we don't require device IDs to match) but
            // the formats have to match and the size must be within range of what we're trying
            // to read.
            if (stateFormat != device.m_StateBlock.format)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              "Cannot read control '{0}' from StateEvent with format {1}; device '{2}' expects format {3}",
                              path, stateFormat, device, device.m_StateBlock.format));

            // Once a device has been added, global state buffer offsets are baked into control hierarchies.
            // We need to unsubtract those offsets here.
            stateOffset += device.m_StateBlock.byteOffset;

            if (m_StateBlock.byteOffset - stateOffset + m_StateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes > stateSizeInBytes)

            return(new IntPtr(statePtr.ToInt64() - (int)stateOffset));
        public static unsafe void *GetStatePtrFromStateEvent(this InputControl control, InputEventPtr eventPtr)
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(control));
            if (!eventPtr.valid)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(eventPtr));

            uint   stateOffset;
            FourCC stateFormat;
            uint   stateSizeInBytes;
            void * statePtr;

            if (eventPtr.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                var deltaEvent = DeltaStateEvent.From(eventPtr);

                // If it's a delta event, we need to subtract the delta state offset if it's not set to the root of the device
                stateOffset      = deltaEvent->stateOffset;
                stateFormat      = deltaEvent->stateFormat;
                stateSizeInBytes = deltaEvent->deltaStateSizeInBytes;
                statePtr         = deltaEvent->deltaState;
            else if (eventPtr.IsA <StateEvent>())
                var stateEvent = StateEvent.From(eventPtr);

                stateOffset      = 0;
                stateFormat      = stateEvent->stateFormat;
                stateSizeInBytes = stateEvent->stateSizeInBytes;
                statePtr         = stateEvent->state;
                throw new ArgumentException("Event must be a state or delta state event", "eventPtr");

            // Make sure we have a state event compatible with our device. The event doesn't
            // have to be specifically for our device (we don't require device IDs to match) but
            // the formats have to match and the size must be within range of what we're trying
            // to read.
            var device = control.device;

            if (stateFormat != device.m_StateBlock.format)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Cannot read control '{control.path}' from {eventPtr.type} with format {stateFormat}; device '{device}' expects format {device.m_StateBlock.format}");

            // Once a device has been added, global state buffer offsets are baked into control hierarchies.
            // We need to unsubtract those offsets here.
            stateOffset += device.m_StateBlock.byteOffset;

            if (control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset - stateOffset + control.m_StateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes > stateSizeInBytes)

            return((byte *)statePtr - (int)stateOffset);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks an Input Event for any significant changes that would be considered user activity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputEvent">The input event being checked for changes</param>
        /// <param name="device">The input device being checked against </param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset into the device that the event is placed</param>
        /// <param name="sizeInBytes">The size of the event in bytes</param>
        /// <returns>True if any changes exist in the event once the device has been filtered through for noise and non-significant changes.  False otherwise.</returns>
        public unsafe bool EventHasValidData(InputDevice device, InputEventPtr inputEvent, uint offset, uint sizeInBytes)
            if (!inputEvent.valid)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or unset event being checked.", "inputEvent");

            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("device");

            if (IsEmpty())

            if ((offset + sizeInBytes) * 8 > device.stateBlock.sizeInBits)

            var noiseFilterPtr = InputStateBuffers.s_NoiseBitmaskBuffer;

            if (noiseFilterPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Noise Filter Buffer is uninitialized while trying to check state events for data.");

            var ptrToEventState = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (inputEvent.IsA <StateEvent>())
                var stateEvent = StateEvent.From(inputEvent);
                ptrToEventState = stateEvent->state;
            else if (inputEvent.IsA <DeltaStateEvent>())
                var stateEvent = DeltaStateEvent.From(inputEvent);
                ptrToEventState = stateEvent->deltaState;
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                                                "Invalid event type '{0}', we can only check for valid data on StateEvents and DeltaStateEvents.",

            if (MemoryHelpers.HasAnyNonZeroBitsAfterMaskingWithBuffer(ptrToEventState, noiseFilterPtr, offset, sizeInBytes * 8))

            for (var i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                if (elements[i].EventHasValidData(inputEvent, device))
