        public async Task Can_Receive_Query_Response_On_Observer()
            var recipientPeerId = PeerIdHelper.GetPeerId();

            var hp            = new HashProvider(HashingAlgorithm.GetAlgorithmMetadata("keccak-256"));
            var lastDeltaHash = hp.ComputeMultiHash(ByteUtil.GenerateRandomByteArray(32));

            var collection = new List <DeltaIndex>();

            //// this matches the fake mock
            for (uint x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                var delta = new Delta
                    PreviousDeltaDfsHash = lastDeltaHash.Digest.ToByteString()

                var index = new DeltaIndex
                    Height = 10,
                    Cid    = delta.ToByteString()

                lastDeltaHash = hp.ComputeMultiHash(ByteUtil.GenerateRandomByteArray(32));

            var deltaHistoryResponse = new PeerDeltaHistoryResponse(recipientPeerId, collection);

            var response = await _peerDeltaHistoryRequest.DeltaHistoryAsync(recipientPeerId).ConfigureAwait(false);

文件: DeltaWindow.cs 项目: shoff/ngit
        /// <exception cref="NGit.Errors.MissingObjectException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="NGit.Errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="NGit.Errors.LargeObjectException"></exception>
        private DeltaIndex Index(DeltaWindowEntry ent)
            DeltaIndex idx = ent.index;

            if (idx == null)
                    idx = new DeltaIndex(Buffer(ent));
                catch (OutOfMemoryException noMemory)
                    LargeObjectException.OutOfMemory e;
                    e = new LargeObjectException.OutOfMemory(noMemory);
                    throw e;
                if (0 < maxMemory)
                    loaded += idx.GetIndexSize() - idx.GetSourceSize();
                ent.index = idx;
        private void Scan(byte[] raw, int end)
            // We scan the input backwards, and always insert onto the
            // front of the chain. This ensures that chains will have lower
            // offsets at the front of the chain, allowing us to prefer the
            // earlier match rather than the later match.
            int lastHash = 0;
            int ptr      = end - DeltaIndex.BLKSZ;

                int key  = DeltaIndex.HashBlock(raw, ptr);
                int tIdx = key & tableMask;
                int head = table[tIdx];
                if (head != 0 && lastHash == key)
                    // Two consecutive blocks have the same content hash,
                    // prefer the earlier block because we want to use the
                    // longest sequence we can during encoding.
                    entries[head] = (((long)key) << 32) | ptr;
                    int eIdx = ++entryCnt;
                    entries[eIdx] = (((long)key) << 32) | ptr;
                    next[eIdx]    = head;
                    table[tIdx]   = eIdx;
                lastHash = key;
                ptr     -= DeltaIndex.BLKSZ;
            }while (0 <= ptr);
        public virtual void TestLimitObjectSize_Length130InsertFails()
            src = GetRng().NextBytes(130);
            dst = GetRng().NextBytes(130);
            DeltaIndex di = new DeltaIndex(src);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(di.Encode(actDeltaBuf, dst, src.Length));
        public virtual void TestIndexSize()
            src = GetRng().NextBytes(1024);
            DeltaIndex di = new DeltaIndex(src);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1860, di.GetIndexSize());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("DeltaIndex[2 KiB]", di.ToString());
        public virtual void TestLimitObjectSize_Length130CopyFails()
            src = GetRng().NextBytes(130);
            Copy(0, 130);
            dst = dstBuf.ToByteArray();
            // The header requires 4 bytes for these objects, so a target length
            // of 5 is bigger than the copy instruction and should cause an abort.
            DeltaIndex di = new DeltaIndex(src);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(di.Encode(actDeltaBuf, dst, 5));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(4, actDeltaBuf.Size());
        public virtual void TestLimitObjectSize_Length130CopyOk()
            src = GetRng().NextBytes(130);
            Copy(0, 130);
            dst = dstBuf.ToByteArray();
            DeltaIndex di = new DeltaIndex(src);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(di.Encode(actDeltaBuf, dst, dst.Length));
            byte[] actDelta = actDeltaBuf.ToByteArray();
            byte[] expDelta = expDeltaBuf.ToByteArray();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(BinaryDelta.Format(expDelta, false), BinaryDelta.
                                            Format(actDelta, false));
 protected virtual void SetUp()
     underlying = new HashIndex <string>();
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(5, underlying.Count);
     spillover = new DeltaIndex <string>(underlying);
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        private void DoTest()
            dst = dstBuf.ToByteArray();
            DeltaIndex di = new DeltaIndex(src);

            di.Encode(actDeltaBuf, dst);
            byte[] actDelta = actDeltaBuf.ToByteArray();
            byte[] expDelta = expDeltaBuf.ToByteArray();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(BinaryDelta.Format(expDelta, false), BinaryDelta.
                                            Format(actDelta, false));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(actDelta.Length > 0, "delta is not empty");
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(src.Length, BinaryDelta.GetBaseSize(actDelta));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dst.Length, BinaryDelta.GetResultSize(actDelta));
            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(dst, BinaryDelta.Apply(src, actDelta));
        public async Task Can_Process_DeltaHeightRequest_Correctly()
            var fakeContext = Substitute.For <IChannelHandlerContext>();
            var deltaHistoryRequestMessage = new DeltaHistoryRequest();

            var channeledAny = new ObserverDto(fakeContext,

            var observableStream = new[] { channeledAny }.ToObservable(_testScheduler);


            var response = new DeltaHistoryResponse();
            var hp            = new HashProvider(HashingAlgorithm.GetAlgorithmMetadata("keccak-256"));
            var lastDeltaHash = hp.ComputeMultiHash(ByteUtil.GenerateRandomByteArray(32));

            for (uint x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                var delta = new Delta
                    PreviousDeltaDfsHash = lastDeltaHash.Digest.ToByteString()

                var index = new DeltaIndex
                    Height = 10,
                    Cid    = delta.ToByteString()

                lastDeltaHash = hp.ComputeMultiHash(ByteUtil.GenerateRandomByteArray(32));

            await fakeContext.Channel.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(1)
            .WriteAndFlushAsync(response.ToProtocolMessage(PeerIdHelper.GetPeerId(), CorrelationId.GenerateCorrelationId())).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <param name="deltaHeightRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="channelHandlerContext"></param>
        /// <param name="senderPeerId"></param>
        /// <param name="correlationId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override DeltaHistoryResponse HandleRequest(DeltaHistoryRequest deltaHeightRequest,
                                                              IChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext,
                                                              PeerId senderPeerId,
                                                              ICorrelationId correlationId)
            Guard.Argument(deltaHeightRequest, nameof(deltaHeightRequest)).NotNull();
            Guard.Argument(channelHandlerContext, nameof(channelHandlerContext)).NotNull();
            Guard.Argument(senderPeerId, nameof(senderPeerId)).NotNull();

            Logger.Debug("PeerId: {0} requests: {1} deltas from height: {2}", senderPeerId, deltaHeightRequest.Range, deltaHeightRequest.Height);

            // @TODO actually get this from some where for now provide a bunch of fake linked deltas
            var response      = new DeltaHistoryResponse();
            var lastDeltaHash = _hashProvider.ComputeMultiHash(ByteUtil.GenerateRandomByteArray(32));

            for (uint x = 0; x < deltaHeightRequest.Range; x++)
                var delta = new Delta
                    PreviousDeltaDfsHash = lastDeltaHash.Digest.ToByteString()

                var index = new DeltaIndex
                    Height = deltaHeightRequest.Height,
                    Cid    = delta.ToByteString()

                lastDeltaHash = _hashProvider.ComputeMultiHash(ByteUtil.GenerateRandomByteArray(32));

        // CDM 2007: I wonder what this does differently from segmentWordsWithMarkov???
        private List <TaggedWord> BasicSegmentWords(string s)
            // We don't want to accidentally register words that we don't know
            // about in the wordIndex, so we wrap it with a DeltaIndex
            DeltaIndex <string> deltaWordIndex = new DeltaIndex <string>(wordIndex);
            int length = s.Length;

            //    Set<String> POSes = (Set<String>) POSDistribution.keySet();  // 1.5
            // best score of span
            double[][] scores = new double[length][];
            // best (last index of) first word for this span
            int[][] splitBacktrace = new int[length][];
            // best tag for word over this span
            int[][] POSbacktrace = new int[length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                Arrays.Fill(scores[i], double.NegativeInfinity);
            // first fill in word probabilities
            for (int diff = 1; diff <= 10; diff++)
                for (int start = 0; start + diff <= length; start++)
                    int           end     = start + diff;
                    StringBuilder wordBuf = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int pos = start; pos < end; pos++)
                    string word = wordBuf.ToString();
                    //        for (String tag : POSes) {  // 1.5
                    foreach (string tag in POSes)
                        IntTaggedWord itw      = new IntTaggedWord(word, tag, deltaWordIndex, tagIndex);
                        double        newScore = lex.Score(itw, 0, word, null) + Math.Log(lex.GetPOSDistribution().ProbabilityOf(tag));
                        if (newScore > scores[start][end])
                            scores[start][end]         = newScore;
                            splitBacktrace[start][end] = end;
                            POSbacktrace[start][end]   = itw.Tag();
            // now fill in word combination probabilities
            for (int diff_1 = 2; diff_1 <= length; diff_1++)
                for (int start = 0; start + diff_1 <= length; start++)
                    int end = start + diff_1;
                    for (int split = start + 1; split < end && split - start <= 10; split++)
                        if (splitBacktrace[start][split] != split)
                        // only consider words on left
                        double newScore = scores[start][split] + scores[split][end];
                        if (newScore > scores[start][end])
                            scores[start][end]         = newScore;
                            splitBacktrace[start][end] = split;
            IList <TaggedWord> words = new List <TaggedWord>();
            int start_1 = 0;

            while (start_1 < length)
                int           end     = splitBacktrace[start_1][length];
                StringBuilder wordBuf = new StringBuilder();
                for (int pos = start_1; pos < end; pos++)
                string word = wordBuf.ToString();
                string tag  = tagIndex.Get(POSbacktrace[start_1][end]);
                words.Add(new TaggedWord(word, tag));
                start_1 = end;
            return(new List <TaggedWord>(words));
        /// <summary>Do max language model markov segmentation.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Do max language model markov segmentation.
        /// Note that this algorithm inherently tags words as it goes, but that
        /// we throw away the tags in the final result so that the segmented words
        /// are untagged.  (Note: for a couple of years till Aug 2007, a tagged
        /// result was returned, but this messed up the parser, because it could
        /// use no tagging but the given tagging, which often wasn't very good.
        /// Or in particular it was a subcategorized tagging which never worked
        /// with the current forceTags option which assumes that gold taggings are
        /// inherently basic taggings.)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="s">A String to segment</param>
        /// <returns>The list of segmented words.</returns>
        private List <IHasWord> SegmentWordsWithMarkov(string s)
            // We don't want to accidentally register words that we don't know
            // about in the wordIndex, so we wrap it with a DeltaIndex
            DeltaIndex <string> deltaWordIndex = new DeltaIndex <string>(wordIndex);
            int length = s.Length;
            //    Set<String> POSes = (Set<String>) POSDistribution.keySet();  // 1.5
            int numTags = POSes.Count;

            // score of span with initial word of this tag
            double[][][] scores = new double[length][][];
            // best (length of) first word for this span with this tag
            int[][][] splitBacktrace = new int[length][][];
            // best tag for second word over this span, if first is this tag
            int[][][] POSbacktrace = new int[length][][];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length + 1; j++)
                    Arrays.Fill(scores[i][j], double.NegativeInfinity);
            // first fill in word probabilities
            for (int diff = 1; diff <= 10; diff++)
                for (int start = 0; start + diff <= length; start++)
                    int           end     = start + diff;
                    StringBuilder wordBuf = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int pos = start; pos < end; pos++)
                    string word = wordBuf.ToString();
                    foreach (string tag in POSes)
                        IntTaggedWord itw   = new IntTaggedWord(word, tag, deltaWordIndex, tagIndex);
                        double        score = lex.Score(itw, 0, word, null);
                        if (start == 0)
                            score += Math.Log(initialPOSDist.ProbabilityOf(tag));
                        scores[start][end][itw.Tag()]         = score;
                        splitBacktrace[start][end][itw.Tag()] = end;
            // now fill in word combination probabilities
            for (int diff_1 = 2; diff_1 <= length; diff_1++)
                for (int start = 0; start + diff_1 <= length; start++)
                    int end = start + diff_1;
                    for (int split = start + 1; split < end && split - start <= 10; split++)
                        foreach (string tag in POSes)
                            int tagNum = tagIndex.AddToIndex(tag);
                            if (splitBacktrace[start][split][tagNum] != split)
                            Distribution <string> rTagDist = markovPOSDists[tag];
                            if (rTagDist == null)
                            // this happens with "*" POS
                            foreach (string rTag in POSes)
                                int    rTagNum  = tagIndex.AddToIndex(rTag);
                                double newScore = scores[start][split][tagNum] + scores[split][end][rTagNum] + Math.Log(rTagDist.ProbabilityOf(rTag));
                                if (newScore > scores[start][end][tagNum])
                                    scores[start][end][tagNum]         = newScore;
                                    splitBacktrace[start][end][tagNum] = split;
                                    POSbacktrace[start][end][tagNum]   = rTagNum;
            int             nextPOS = ArrayMath.Argmax(scores[0][length]);
            List <IHasWord> words   = new List <IHasWord>();
            int             start_1 = 0;

            while (start_1 < length)
                int           split   = splitBacktrace[start_1][length][nextPOS];
                StringBuilder wordBuf = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i_1 = start_1; i_1 < split; i_1++)
                string word = wordBuf.ToString();
                // String tag = tagIndex.get(nextPOS);
                // words.add(new TaggedWord(word, tag));
                words.Add(new Word(word));
                if (split < length)
                    nextPOS = POSbacktrace[start_1][length][nextPOS];
                start_1 = split;
 public static DeltaIndexDao ToDao <TProto>(DeltaIndex protoBuff, IMapperProvider mapperProvider)
     where TProto : IMessage
     return(mapperProvider.Mapper.Map <DeltaIndexDao>(protoBuff));
文件: DeltaWindow.cs 项目: shoff/ngit
 private static long EstimateSize(ObjectToPack ent)
        internal LexicalizedParserQuery(LexicalizedParser parser)
            this.op = parser.GetOp();
            BinaryGrammar      bg         = parser.bg;
            UnaryGrammar       ug         = parser.ug;
            ILexicon           lex        = parser.lex;
            IDependencyGrammar dg         = parser.dg;
            IIndex <string>    stateIndex = parser.stateIndex;
            IIndex <string>    wordIndex  = new DeltaIndex <string>(parser.wordIndex);
            IIndex <string>    tagIndex   = parser.tagIndex;

            this.debinarizer     = new Debinarizer(op.forceCNF);
            this.boundaryRemover = new BoundaryRemover();
            if (op.doPCFG)
                if (op.testOptions.iterativeCKY)
                    pparser = new IterativeCKYPCFGParser(bg, ug, lex, op, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex);
                    pparser = new ExhaustivePCFGParser(bg, ug, lex, op, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex);
                pparser = null;
            if (op.doDep)
                if (!op.testOptions.useFastFactored)
                    dparser = new ExhaustiveDependencyParser(dg, lex, op, wordIndex, tagIndex);
                    dparser = null;
                dparser = null;
            if (op.doDep && op.doPCFG)
                if (op.testOptions.useFastFactored)
                    MLEDependencyGrammar mledg = (MLEDependencyGrammar)dg;
                    int numToFind = 1;
                    if (op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood > 0)
                        numToFind = op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood;
                    bparser = new FastFactoredParser(pparser, mledg, op, numToFind, wordIndex, tagIndex);
                    IScorer scorer = new TwinScorer(pparser, dparser);
                    //Scorer scorer = parser;
                    if (op.testOptions.useN5)
                        bparser = new BiLexPCFGParser.N5BiLexPCFGParser(scorer, pparser, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex);
                        bparser = new BiLexPCFGParser(scorer, pparser, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex);
                bparser = null;
            subcategoryStripper = op.tlpParams.SubcategoryStripper();
 internal virtual void Set(ObjectToPack @object)
     this.@object = @object;
     this.index   = null;
     this.buffer  = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new metadata source as a delta from a baseline metadata source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseline"></param>
        public CompressedMetadataStore(CompressedMetadataStore baseline)
            Version = CurrentVersion;

            DeltaIndex = baseline.DeltaIndex + 1;

            // Generate a file name that follows the indexed naming scheme.
            if (DeltaIndex == 1)
                // If this is the first delta from a baseline, take the file name and add -1 to the end (before the extension)
                FilePath = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(baseline.FilePath)}-{DeltaIndex}{Path.GetExtension(baseline.FilePath)}";
                // If this is a higher delta from a baseline, make sure the current file matches the naming scheme
                if (!TryGetDeltaIndexFromFilePath(baseline.FilePath, out ulong parsedIndex, out string baseFileName))
                    throw new Exception("Baseline file naming scheme is corrupt. Expected [file name]-[delta index].zip.");

                // If it does, add the version to the base file name, before the extension
                FilePath = $"{baseFileName}-{DeltaIndex.ToString()}.zip";

            OutputFile = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(FilePath));

            BaselineSource   = baseline;
            BaselineChecksum = baseline.Checksum;

            // Record the end of the index range for the baseline
            BaselineIndexesEnd = baseline.IndexToIdentity.Keys.Count - 1;

            BaselineIdentities = new SortedSet <Identity>(baseline.IndexToIdentity.Values);

            Identities      = new SortedSet <Identity>(baseline.Identities);
            IndexToIdentity = new Dictionary <int, Identity>(baseline.IndexToIdentity);
            IdentityToIndex = new Dictionary <Identity, int>(baseline.IdentityToIndex);
            ProductsTree    = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(baseline.ProductsTree);
            UpdateTypeMap   = new Dictionary <int, uint>(baseline.UpdateTypeMap);

            Updates    = new ConcurrentDictionary <Identity, Update>(baseline.Updates);
            Categories = new ConcurrentDictionary <Identity, Update>(baseline.Categories);

            // Create update placeholders

            UpstreamSource = baseline.UpstreamSource;

            // Populate indexes
            UpdatesIndex         = Updates;
            CategoriesIndex      = Categories;
            ProductsIndex        = Categories.Values.OfType <Product>().ToDictionary(p => p.Identity);
            ClassificationsIndex = Categories.Values.OfType <Classification>().ToDictionary(c => c.Identity);
            DetectoidsIndex      = Categories.Values.OfType <Detectoid>().ToDictionary(d => d.Identity);

            Filter           = BaselineSource.Filter;
            CategoriesAnchor = BaselineSource.CategoriesAnchor;

            UpstreamAccountGuid = BaselineSource.UpstreamAccountGuid;
            UpstreamAccountName = BaselineSource.UpstreamAccountName;

            UpdateTitlesIndex = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            // Initialize bundles information

            // Initialize prerequisites information

            // Initialize update classification and product information

            // Initialize files index

            // Initialize superseding index

            // Initialize driver indexes

            // Initialize KB articles index