public void AddDeltDex(DeltDexClass newDex) { if (!deltDex.Exists(x => == newDex.pinNumber)) { deltDex.Add(ConvertDexToData(newDex)); UIManager.StartMessage((newDex.nickname + " was added to " + playerName + "'s DeltDex!")); #if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID) // Update leaderboard AchievementManager.Inst.UpdateDeltDexCount(deltDex.Count); #endif // Update DeltDexUI on next load UIManager.allDexesLoaded = false; // Sort Dexes by pin number, from highest->lowest (since lower pin = older members) deltDex.Sort(delegate(DeltDexData dataA, DeltDexData dataB) { if ( > { return(-1); } else { return(1); } }); } }
public DeltDexData ConvertDexToData(DeltDexClass dex) { DeltDexData newDexData = new DeltDexData(); newDexData.nickname = dex.nickname; newDexData.actualName = dex.deltName; = dex.pinNumber; newDexData.rarity = dex.rarity; return(newDexData); }
// Add new DeltDex Data entry to player DeltDexData newDeltDexData(DeltDexClass deltDex) { DeltDexData ddd = new DeltDexData(); ddd.actualName = deltDex.deltName; ddd.nickname = deltDex.nickname; = deltDex.pinNumber; ddd.rarity = deltDex.rarity; return(ddd); }
public void PresentEvolveUI(DeltemonClass evolvingDelt, DeltDexClass nextEvol) { Image prevEvolImage = EvolveUI.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Image>(); Image nextEvolImage = EvolveUI.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <Image>(); // Set images for evolution animation prevEvolImage.sprite = evolvingDelt.deltdex.frontImage; nextEvolImage.sprite = nextEvol.frontImage; EvolveUI.SetActive(true); // Set battle image to new image PlayerDeltInfo.Image.sprite = evolvingDelt.deltdex.backImage; }
void EvolveDelt() { DeltemonClass evolvingDelt = State.PlayerState.DeltInBattle; DeltDexClass nextEvol = evolvingDelt.GetNextEvolution(); // Open Evolve UI BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue(action: () => BattleManager.Inst.BattleUI.PresentEvolveUI(evolvingDelt, nextEvol)); // Text for before evolution animation if (GameManager.Inst.pork) { BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("WHAT IS PORKKENING?!?"); BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("TIME TO BECOME A HONKING BOAR!"); } else { // REFACTOR_TODO: Get some random text variation in here // REFACTOR_TODO: Make a random text generator that takes a text ID and returns a string or string[] BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("Yo..."); BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("What's happening?"); } // Start evolution animation, wait to end // REFACTOR_TODO: This animation had a ending trigger as well: is that needed? BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue(enumerator: BattleManager.Inst.Animator.DeltAnimation("Evolve", true)); // 6.5 seconds // Text for after evolution animation if (GameManager.Inst.pork) { BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("A NEW PORKER IS BORN!"); BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("A gush of pink bacon-smelling amneotic fluid from the evolution stains the ground."); BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue("I wish this could have happened somewhere more private."); } else { BattleManager.AddToBattleQueue(evolvingDelt.nickname + " has evolved into " + nextEvol.nickname + "!"); } // If Delt's name is not custom nicknamed by the player, make it the evolution's nickname if (evolvingDelt.nickname == evolvingDelt.deltdex.nickname) { evolvingDelt.nickname = nextEvol.nickname; } // Set the deltdex to the evolution's deltdex // Note: This is how the Delt stays evolved evolvingDelt.deltdex = nextEvol; // Add dex to deltDex if not there already GameManager.Inst.AddDeltDex(evolvingDelt.deltdex); }
// Loads DeltDex information into Dex Overview UI public void LoadIntoDeltdexOverview(int i) // REFACTOR_TODO: Make this function not terrible and get references to all of these { DeltDexData ddd = GameManager.Inst.deltDex[i]; curOverviewDex = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Deltemon/DeltDex/" + ddd.nickname + "DD"); DeltDexClass dex = curOverviewDex.transform.GetComponent <DeltDexClass>(); // Set background colors based on major DeltDexOverviewUI.GetComponent <Image>().color = dex.major1.background; if (dex.major2.majorName == "NoMajor") { DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(false); } else { DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().color = dex.major2.background; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(true); } if (GameManager.Inst.pork) { // Set front and back image, respectively DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(1).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = PorkSprite; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = PorkManager.Inst.PorkSprite; // Set names and description DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(5).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "What is " + dex.nickname + "!?"; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(6).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Ribbert " + dex.deltName + " Rinderson";; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(7).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = dex.description; } else { // Set front and back image, respectively DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(1).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = dex.frontImage; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = dex.backImage; // Set names and description DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(5).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = dex.nickname; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(6).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = dex.deltName; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(7).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = dex.description; } // Set major images DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(3).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = dex.major1.majorImage; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(3).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().preserveAspect = true; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(4).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = dex.major2.majorImage; DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(4).gameObject.GetComponent <Image>().preserveAspect = true; // Create base values string short total = 0; string baseValues = ""; for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++) { total += dex.BVs[index]; baseValues += System.Environment.NewLine + dex.BVs[index]; } baseValues.Insert(0, total.ToString()); // Set stats DeltDexOverviewUI.GetChild(8).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = baseValues; // Set evolution buttons, onclick to load that evolution's dex to overview if (dex.prevEvol != null) { prevEvol.gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(true); int dexIndex = GameManager.Inst.deltDex.FindIndex(dd => dd.actualName == dex.prevEvol.deltName); if (dexIndex != -1) { prevEvol.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = dex.prevEvol.nickname; EvolButtonListener(prevEvol, dexIndex); } else { if (GameManager.Inst.pork) { prevEvol.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "What is!?"; } else { prevEvol.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "???"; } } } else { prevEvol.gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(false); } if (dex.nextEvol != null) { nextEvol.gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(true); int dexIndex = GameManager.Inst.deltDex.FindIndex(dd => dd.actualName == dex.nextEvol.deltName); if (dexIndex != -1) { nextEvol.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = dex.nextEvol.nickname; EvolButtonListener(nextEvol, dexIndex); } else { if (GameManager.Inst.pork) { nextEvol.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "What is!?"; } else { nextEvol.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = "???"; } } } else { nextEvol.gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(false); } // Present UI when loaded if (!DeltDexOverviewUI.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { DeltDexOverviewUI.gameObject.SetActiveIfChanged(true); } }
// Load House Delts into the scroll view public void ShowHouseDelts() { hideMoveOverviews(); HouseScrollView.SetActive(true); PosseScrollView.SetActive(false); ShowHouseButtonImage.color = Color.yellow; ShowPosseButtonImage.color = Color.magenta; if (!houseDeltsLoaded) { houseDeltsLoaded = true; int i = 0; // Destroy previous list foreach (Transform child in HouseContentTransform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } queryResults.Clear(); // Load house Delts into UI foreach (DeltemonData houseDelt in GameMan.houseDelts) { DeltDexClass tmpDex = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("Deltemon/DeltDex/" + houseDelt.deltdexName + "DD")).GetComponent <DeltDexClass>(); // Do not show Delts that do not match search query if (isSearch) { // Check names, pin, level, item, and majors if (!(houseDelt.nickname.Contains(nameQuery) || houseDelt.deltdexName.Contains(nameQuery) || tmpDex.nickname.Contains(nameQuery))) { continue; } else if ((tmpDex.pinNumber < pinQuery) || (houseDelt.level < levelQuery)) { continue; } else if (itemQuery && string.IsNullOrEmpty(houseDelt.itemName)) { continue; } else if (!majorQuery.Contains(tmpDex.major1) && !majorQuery.Contains(tmpDex.major2)) { continue; } // Add if query fits queryResults.Add(houseDelt); } else { queryResults = new List <DeltemonData>(GameMan.houseDelts); } GameObject li = Instantiate(DeltListItem, HouseContentTransform); Text[] texts = li.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); texts[0].text = houseDelt.nickname; texts[1].text = "Lv. " + houseDelt.level; li.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = tmpDex.major1.background; if (tmpDex.major2.majorName == "NoMajor") { li.transform.GetChild(3).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tmpDex.major1.majorImage; li.GetComponent <Image>().color = tmpDex.major1.background; } else { li.transform.GetChild(4).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tmpDex.major1.majorImage; li.transform.GetChild(5).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tmpDex.major2.majorImage; li.GetComponent <Image>().color = tmpDex.major2.background; } Button b = li.transform.GetChild(6).gameObject.GetComponent <Button>(); AddListener(b, i, true); li.transform.localScale =; i++; } } // If BankUI not open, slide it in. if (!BankUI.activeInHierarchy) { BankUI.SetActive(true); BankUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", true); // If not a search query, slide out Option Menu if (!isSearch) { OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", false); } } }
// When user selects starter from button public void SelectStarter(DeltDexClass selectedStarter) { starter = emptyDelt; starter.deltdex = selectedStarter; starter.nickname = selectedStarter.nickname; }