        public void put(DeliveryPizzaLib.Manager.Order order)
            string[] pizzaSizes  = { "S", "M", "L" };
            double[] pizzaPrices = { 7.00, 8.00, 10.00 };
            int      x;
            double   firstTotal;
            double   grandTotal;
            double   firstTotals;

            string[] pizzaTop  = { "P", "O", "I", "B", "G" };
            double[] topPrices = { 0, 50 };
            int      y;

            Console.WriteLine("Select your pizza size(Your choices are S, M or L)");
            string userPizzaSize = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("How many Pizzas would you like");
            double numPizzas = Cnovert.ToDouble(console.ReadLine());

            for (x = 0; x < pizzaSizes.Length; ++x)
                if (userPizzaSize == pizzaSizes[x])
                    firstTotal = numPizzas * pizzaPrices[x];
                    Console.WriteLine("You ordered {0} pizzas,numPizzas");
                    Console.WriteLine("Your total is {0:}", firstTotal);

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like any extra toppings for $0.50,", firstTotal);
            string top = Console.ReadLine();

            if (top == "y")
                Console.WriteLine("\n Our toppings are :\n");
                Console.WriteLine("\n Select the first letter of your pizza toppings\n" + "(Your chjoices are P,O,I)");

                string userPizza = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("How many pizza toppings would you like?");
                double numTop = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                (y = 0; y < pizzaTop.Length; ++y)
                    if (userpizzaTop == pizzaTop[y])
                        firstTotals = numTop * .50;
                        firstTotal  = numPizzas * pizzaPrices[x];
                        Console.WriteLine("You ordered {0}pizza topping.", numTop);
                        grandTotal = firstTotals + firstTotal;
                        Console.WriteLine("Your total will be {0:c}.", grandTotal);

                        // stub
 void IDatabase.put(DeliveryPizzaLib.Manager.Order order)
     // stub