public DataBlockImport()
     this.CreateWithId    = false;
     this.Save            = SaveTypes.CreateUpdate;
     this.Delete          = DeleteTypes.None;
     this.UpdateInactive  = false;
     this.UpdateIdentical = false;
        private void fileDelete(NeoAssets.Mongo.NeoVirtFS rec, DeleteTypes dType)
            // Remove file node from main file, move to the deleted list

            // Don't forget to mark the dtim

            rec.Stat.st_dtim = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            rec.DeleteType   = dType;

            // Upsert to the deleted collection  - maybe this should be in a unit of work?

            var filter = Builders <NeoAssets.Mongo.NeoVirtFS> .Filter.Eq(x => x._id, rec._id);

            var insert = NeoVirtFSDeletedCol.ReplaceOneAsync(filter, rec, options: new ReplaceOptions {
                IsUpsert = true

            // Remove from the original collection
