文件: Core.cs 项目: ryanww/FrameWork
        //===================// Constructor //===================//

        static Core()
            startTime = new Stopwatch();

            Sources         = new Dictionary <ushort, Source>();
            Zones           = new Dictionary <ushort, Zone>();
            Displays        = new Dictionary <ushort, Display>();
            Interfaces      = new Dictionary <ushort, Interface>();
            Lifts           = new Dictionary <ushort, Lift>();
            Lights          = new Dictionary <ushort, Light>();
            Shades          = new Dictionary <ushort, Shade>();
            HVACs           = new Dictionary <ushort, HVAC>();
            SecurityKeypads = new Dictionary <ushort, SecurityKeypad>();

            ZoneList           = new List <Zone>();
            SourceList         = new List <Source>();
            DisplayList        = new List <Display>();
            InterfaceList      = new List <Interface>();
            LiftList           = new List <Lift>();
            LightList          = new List <Light>();
            ShadeList          = new List <Shade>();
            HVACList           = new List <HVAC>();
            SecurityKeypadList = new List <SecurityKeypad>();

            RegZones = RegInterfaces = StartupCounter = 0;

            startupCompleteEvent += new DelegateEmpty(StartupCompleteEventHandler);

            // Begin 30 second timer to allow class objects to register with Core
            startupTimer = new CTimer(startupTimerHandler, startupTickInterval);

            CrestronConsole.PrintLine("..."); // Send newline to console for prettification
            ConsoleMessage("[STARTUP] FrameWork Core Initialized, waiting for assets...");

            // Create default 'Off' Source
            RegisterSource(new Source("Off", 0, 169, 169));
 public static void EmtpyGroup(DelegateEmpty e)
     // no deterministic
     Contract.Assert(e(1) == 10);
 public IAsyncResult BeginEmpty(bool expunge, AsyncCallback callback)
     this._delegateEmpty = this.Empty;
     return this._delegateEmpty.BeginInvoke(expunge, callback, this._delegateEmpty);