        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a new <see cref="DelayCommand"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufferOffset">The target buffer offset.</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The delay parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The delay state.</param>
        /// <param name="isEnabled">Set to true if the effect should be active.</param>
        /// <param name="workBuffer">The work buffer to use for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeId">The node id associated to this command.</param>
        /// <param name="newEffectChannelMappingSupported">If set to true, the new effect channel mapping for 5.1 is supported.</param>
        public void GenerateDelayEffect(uint bufferOffset, DelayParameter parameter, Memory <DelayState> state, bool isEnabled, CpuAddress workBuffer, int nodeId, bool newEffectChannelMappingSupported)
            if (parameter.IsChannelCountValid())
                DelayCommand command = new DelayCommand(bufferOffset, parameter, state, isEnabled, workBuffer, nodeId, newEffectChannelMappingSupported);

                command.EstimatedProcessingTime = _commandProcessingTimeEstimator.Estimate(command);

        public DelayState(ref DelayParameter parameter, ulong workBuffer)
            DelayLines = new DelayLine[parameter.ChannelCount];
            LowPassZ   = new float[parameter.ChannelCount];

            uint sampleRate = (uint)FixedPointHelper.ToInt(parameter.SampleRate, FixedPointPrecision) / 1000;

            for (int i = 0; i < DelayLines.Length; i++)
                DelayLines[i] = new DelayLine(sampleRate, parameter.DelayTimeMax);

            UpdateParameter(ref parameter);
        public DelayCommand(uint bufferOffset, DelayParameter parameter, Memory <DelayState> state, bool isEnabled, ulong workBuffer, int nodeId)
            Enabled    = true;
            NodeId     = nodeId;
            _parameter = parameter;
            State      = state;
            WorkBuffer = workBuffer;

            IsEffectEnabled = isEnabled;

            InputBufferIndices  = new ushort[Constants.VoiceChannelCountMax];
            OutputBufferIndices = new ushort[Constants.VoiceChannelCountMax];

            for (int i = 0; i < Parameter.ChannelCount; i++)
                InputBufferIndices[i]  = (ushort)(bufferOffset + Parameter.Input[i]);
                OutputBufferIndices[i] = (ushort)(bufferOffset + Parameter.Output[i]);
        public void UpdateParameter(ref DelayParameter parameter)
            FeedbackGain = FixedPointHelper.ToFloat(parameter.FeedbackGain, FixedPointPrecision) * 0.98f;

            float channelSpread = FixedPointHelper.ToFloat(parameter.ChannelSpread, FixedPointPrecision);

            DelayFeedbackBaseGain = (1.0f - channelSpread) * FeedbackGain;

            if (parameter.ChannelCount == 4 || parameter.ChannelCount == 6)
                DelayFeedbackCrossGain = channelSpread * 0.5f * FeedbackGain;
                DelayFeedbackCrossGain = channelSpread * FeedbackGain;

            LowPassFeedbackGain = 0.95f * FixedPointHelper.ToFloat(parameter.LowPassAmount, FixedPointPrecision);
            LowPassBaseGain     = 1.0f - LowPassFeedbackGain;
        public DelayCommand(uint bufferOffset, DelayParameter parameter, Memory <DelayState> state, bool isEnabled, ulong workBuffer, int nodeId, bool newEffectChannelMappingSupported)
            Enabled    = true;
            NodeId     = nodeId;
            _parameter = parameter;
            State      = state;
            WorkBuffer = workBuffer;

            IsEffectEnabled = isEnabled;

            InputBufferIndices  = new ushort[Constants.VoiceChannelCountMax];
            OutputBufferIndices = new ushort[Constants.VoiceChannelCountMax];

            for (int i = 0; i < Parameter.ChannelCount; i++)
                InputBufferIndices[i]  = (ushort)(bufferOffset + Parameter.Input[i]);
                OutputBufferIndices[i] = (ushort)(bufferOffset + Parameter.Output[i]);

            // NOTE: We do the opposite as Nintendo here for now to restore previous behaviour
            // TODO: Update delay processing and remove this to use RemapLegacyChannelEffectMappingToChannelResourceMapping.
            DataSourceHelper.RemapChannelResourceMappingToLegacy(newEffectChannelMappingSupported, InputBufferIndices);
            DataSourceHelper.RemapChannelResourceMappingToLegacy(newEffectChannelMappingSupported, OutputBufferIndices);