public async void TestUpload() { var file = Path.Combine("data", "logo.png"); var r = await Cloudinary.UploadAsync(new ImageUploadParams() { PublicId = "testing1", File = new FileDescription("logo.png", this.ReadFile(file)), Folder = "test" }); Assert.Equal("test/testing1", r.PublicId); Assert.Null(r.Error); var getResult = await Cloudinary.GetResourceAsync(new GetResourceParams("test/testing1")); Assert.Null(getResult.Error); Assert.Equal(getResult.PublicId, "test/testing1"); var delPar = new DelResParams(); delPar.PublicIds.Add("test/testing1"); var delResult = await Cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delPar); Assert.Null(delResult.Error); getResult = await Cloudinary.GetResourceAsync(new GetResourceParams("test/testing1")); Assert.NotNull(getResult.Error); }
public async Task <bool> DeleteFile(string fileName) { Guard.WhenArgument( fileName, GlobalConstants.FileNameRequiredExceptionMessage).IsNullOrWhiteSpace().Throw(); var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { fileName }, Invalidate = true }; DelResResult delResult = null; try { delResult = await; } catch (Exception) { // Log stuff } return(delResult.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK); }
public static DelResResult DeleteResources(this Cloudinary cloudinary, params string[] publicIds) { var parameters = new DelResParams(); parameters.PublicIds.AddRange(publicIds); return(cloudinary.DeleteResources(parameters)); }
public string DeleteProducts() { var AllProducts = repo.GetAll().ToList(); string status = "No Products To Delete"; foreach (var product in AllProducts) { if (product.quantityAvailable < 1) { status = "Product To Delete Found"; var publicId = this.GetPublicId(product.productImageUrl); var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { publicId }, Invalidate = true }; var deleteresult = cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams); repo.Delete(product.Id); status += product.prodCode + " - Deleted"; } repo.Commit(); } return(status); }
public DelResResult DeleteResources(params string[] publicIds) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams(); p.PublicIds.AddRange(publicIds); return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public void TestDeleteResultDeleteCountProperty() { // should allow deleting resources by transformations var publicId = GetUniquePublicId(); var transformations = new List <Transformation> { m_simpleTransformation, m_simpleTransformationAngle, m_explicitTransformation }; var uploadParams = new ImageUploadParams() { File = new FileDescription(m_testImagePath), PublicId = publicId, Tags = m_apiTag, EagerTransforms = transformations }; m_cloudinary.Upload(uploadParams); var delParams = new DelResParams { Transformations = transformations }; delParams.PublicIds.Add(publicId); DelResResult delResult = m_cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams); Assert.IsNotNull(delResult.Deleted, delResult.Error?.Message); Assert.AreEqual(1, delResult.DeletedCounts.Count); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteUserByEmail(string email) { var response = new { status = 404, errors = new List <string>() { "Account Not Found" } }; var otherResponse = new { status = 401, errors = new List <string>() { "Not Authorized" } }; // Find this user by looking for the specific id var user = await _context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(user => user.Email == email); if (user == null) { // There wasn't a user with that id so return a `404` not found return(NotFound(response)); } var currentUser = await _context.Users.FindAsync(GetCurrentUserId()); if (currentUser.Tier < 3) { return(Unauthorized(response)); } //Caputes photos id's of the vehicle being deleted var photos = user.Media .Where(photo => photo.PublicId != "") .Select(photo => photo.PublicId).ToList(); // Removes Media Files From Cloudinary var cloudinaryClient = new Cloudinary(new Account(CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET)); var delResParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>(photos) }; cloudinaryClient.DeleteResources(delResParams); // Tell the database we want to remove this record _context.Users.Remove(user); // Tell the database to perform the deletion await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Return a copy of the deleted data return(Ok(user)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(IFormCollection collection) { var id = Convert.ToInt64(collection["ImageId"]); var image = _databaseConnection.Images.Find(id); var imageFile = image.FilePath.Replace("/cloudmab/image/upload/v1517001994/", ""); //upload image via Cloudinary API Call var account = new Account( new AppConfig().CloudinaryAccoutnName, new AppConfig().CloudinaryApiKey, new AppConfig().CloudinaryApiSecret); var cloudinary = new Cloudinary(account); var delParams = new DelResParams { PublicIds = new List <string> { imageFile }, Invalidate = true }; await cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delParams); var tags = _databaseConnection.ImageTags.Where(n => n.ImageId == image.ImageId); foreach (var item in tags) { _databaseConnection.ImageTags.RemoveRange(item); } var imageActions = _databaseConnection.ImageActions.Where(n => n.ImageId == image.ImageId); foreach (var item in imageActions) { _databaseConnection.ImageActions.RemoveRange(item); } var imageComments = _databaseConnection.ImageComments.Where(n => n.ImageId == image.ImageId); foreach (var item in imageComments) { _databaseConnection.ImageComments.RemoveRange(item); } var imageReports = _databaseConnection.ImageReports.Where(n => n.ImageId == image.ImageId); foreach (var item in imageReports) { _databaseConnection.ImageReports.RemoveRange(item); } _databaseConnection.Images.Remove(image); _databaseConnection.SaveChanges(); //display notification TempData["display"] = "You have successfully deleted the Image from your Library!"; TempData["notificationtype"] = NotificationType.Success.ToString(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public DelResResult DeleteResourcesByPrefix(string prefix) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { Prefix = prefix }; return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public DelResResult DeleteResourcesByTag(string tag) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { Tag = tag }; return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public DelResResult DeleteAllResources(bool keepOriginal, string nextCursor) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { All = true, KeepOriginal = keepOriginal, NextCursor = nextCursor }; return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public DelResResult DeleteAllResources() { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { All = true }; return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public DelResResult DeleteResourcesByTag(string tag, bool keepOriginal, string nextCursor) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { Tag = tag, KeepOriginal = keepOriginal, NextCursor = nextCursor }; return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public DelResResult DeleteResourcesByPrefix(string prefix, bool keepOriginal, string nextCursor) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { Prefix = prefix, KeepOriginal = keepOriginal, NextCursor = nextCursor }; return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public DelResResult DeleteResources(ResourceType type, params string[] publicIds) { DelResParams p = new DelResParams() { ResourceType = type }; p.PublicIds.AddRange(publicIds); return(DeleteResources(p)); }
public async Task <DelResResult> DeleteImage(string publicId) { var delParams = new DelResParams { PublicIds = new List <string> { publicId }, Invalidate = true }; return(_cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams)); }
public async Task DeleteImages(params string[] publicIds) { var delParams = new DelResParams { PublicIds = publicIds.ToList(), Invalidate = true }; await cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delParams); }
public async Task DeleteBeats(params string[] publicIds) { var delParams = new DelResParams { PublicIds = publicIds.ToList(), Invalidate = true, ResourceType = ResourceType.Video, }; await this.cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delParams); }
public void DeletePictureAsync(string fileName) { var delResParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string> { fileName } }; var delResult = _cloudinaryUtility.DeleteResources(delResParams); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteAddress(int id) { // Find this vehicle by looking for the specific id var address = await _context.Addresses .FirstOrDefaultAsync(dealer => dealer.Id == id); if (address == null) { // There wasn't a vehicle with that id so return a `404` not found return(NotFound()); } // Find the user information of the user that called a delete request var user = await _context.Users.FindAsync(GetCurrentUserId()); if (user.Tier < 3) { // Make a custom error response var response = new { status = 401, errors = new List <string>() { "Not Authorized" } }; // Return our error with the custom response return(Unauthorized(response)); } // Caputes photos id's of the vehicle being deleted var photos = address.Media .Where(photo => photo.PublicId != "") .Select(photo => photo.PublicId).ToList(); // Removes Media Files From Cloudinary var cloudinaryClient = new Cloudinary(new Account(CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET)); var delResParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>(photos) }; cloudinaryClient.DeleteResources(delResParams); // Tell the database we want to remove this record _context.Addresses.Remove(address); // Tell the database to perform the deletion await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Return a copy of the deleted data return(Ok(address)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteDeveloper([FromRoute] int?id, [FromForm] int formId) { if (id != formId) { return(BadRequest()); } var devForDeletion = await _repo.GetDeveloper(id); if (devForDeletion == null) { return(NotFound()); } List <string> photosForDeletion = new List <string>(); if (devForDeletion.PhotoId != null) { photosForDeletion.Add(devForDeletion.PhotoId); } if (devForDeletion.Games.ToList().Count > 0) { foreach (Game game in devForDeletion.Games) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(game.PhotoId)) { photosForDeletion.Add(game.PhotoId); } } } if (photosForDeletion.Count > 0) { var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = photosForDeletion }; _cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams); } _repo.Delete(devForDeletion); if (await _repo.SaveAll()) { SetMessage("info", "Developer deleted"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } SetMessage("danger", "Something went wrong. Could not complete request"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public void DeleteResource(string publicId) { var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { publicId }, Invalidate = true }; _cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams); }
public async Task DeleteAsync(string publicId) { var delParams = new DelResParams { ResourceType = ResourceType.Image, PublicIds = new List <string> { publicId } }; await cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delParams); }
public async Task <DelResResult> DeleteResourcesAsync(DelResParams parameters) { var url = Api.ApiUrlV.Add("resources").Add(Api.GetCloudinaryParam(parameters.ResourceType)); using ( var response = await Api.CallAsync(HttpMethod.Delete, new UrlBuilder((string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Tag) ? url.Add(parameters.Type) : url.Add("tags").Add(parameters.Tag)).BuildUrl(), parameters.ToParamsDictionary()).ToString(), null, null, null)) { return(await DelResResult.Parse(response)); } }
public static void DeleteImage(Cloudinary cloudinary, string name) { var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { name }, Invalidate = true, }; cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams); }
public async Task <DelResResult> DeleteResource(string publicId) { var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { publicId }, Invalidate = true }; return(await _cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delParams)); }
public async Task DeleteImage(Cloudinary cloudinary, string name) { var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { name }, Invalidate = true, }; await cloudinary.DeleteResourcesAsync(delParams); }
public void DeleteCloudinaryRecipeImage(string imageName) { CloudinaryDotNet.Cloudinary cloudinaryDelete = new CloudinaryDotNet.Cloudinary(cloudinaryAccount); var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName) }, Invalidate = true }; DelResResult result = cloudinaryDelete.DeleteResources(delParams); }
/// <summary> /// Delete image from cloudinary /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public void DeleteImage(string name) { var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { name }, Invalidate = true, ResourceType = ResourceType.Image }; this.cloudinary.DeleteResources(delParams); }
private static void DeleteCloudinaryProfileImage(string username, string applicationName) { Cloudinary cloudinaryDelete = new Cloudinary(cloudinaryAccount); string profileImageURL = String.Format(@"{0}/{1}/{2}", cloudinaryAccountsFolder, applicationName, username); var delParams = new DelResParams() { PublicIds = new List <string>() { profileImageURL }, Invalidate = true }; DelResResult result = cloudinaryDelete.DeleteResources(delParams); }