void Update() { health.GetComponent <Text>().text = pHealth.ToString() + " / " + pHealthLevel.ToString(); if (pHealth <= 0) { AIPath aiPath = GetComponent <AIPath>(); aiPath.canMove = false; StrengthSkill strSkill = GetComponent <StrengthSkill>(); StrengthSkill.clickOnEnemy = false; StrengthSkill.strAtt = false; strSkill.ePos = null; DefenseSkill defSkill = GetComponent <DefenseSkill>(); DefenseSkill.clickOnEnemy = false; DefenseSkill.defAtt = false; defSkill.ePos = null; MagicSkill.magTar = null; pHealth = Mathf.RoundToInt(0.5f * pHealthLevel); transform.position = new Vector3(-0.087f, -6.31f, 0f); aiPath.target = transform; aiPath.canMove = false; //for (int i = 0; i < pHealth; i++) // heart[i].GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 255); theDM.dLines = new string[1]; theDM.dLines[0] = "You have died and respawned back at the village. You have lost 100 coins."; theDM.currentLine = 0; theDM.ShowDialog(); StartCoroutine(WaitForDeath()); PlayerEngine pEng = GetComponent <PlayerEngine>(); pEng.RespawnPlayer(); } if (countDown <= coolDown) { countDown += Time.deltaTime; if (healSpellButton != null) { healSpellButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = (25 - countDown).ToString("0.00"); } } else if (healSpellButton != null) { healSpellButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Ready"; } }
void Start() { player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerEngine>().gameObject; strSkill = player.GetComponent <StrengthSkill>(); defSkill = player.GetComponent <DefenseSkill>(); magSkill = player.GetComponent <MagicSkill>(); theQM = FindObjectOfType <QuestManager>(); theDM = FindObjectOfType <DialogManager>(); pDef = DefenseSkill.defLvl; bossAnim = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>(); nameO = "Ezekiel"; }
void Start() { if (!exists) { exists = true; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } transform.position = player.transform.position; aiPath = player.GetComponent <AIPath>(); strSkill = player.GetComponent <StrengthSkill>(); defSkill = player.GetComponent <DefenseSkill>(); }
void Start() { anim = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>(); foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.CompareTag("Enemy")) { eHealth = 10f; eSpeed = 0.5f; eCoinReward = 5; eDefense = 3f; eStrength = 1f; eRange = 5.75f; roamRange = 1.5f; coolDown = 3f; eWeak = 2; ePower = 0; questName = "Enemy"; Aggro = false; } else if (child.CompareTag("Chicken")) { eHealth = 3f; eSpeed = 0.75f; eCoinReward = 2; eDefense = 1f; eStrength = 1f; eRange = 3f; roamRange = 4f; coolDown = 2f; questName = "Chicken"; Aggro = false; } else if (child.CompareTag("Zombie")) { eHealth = 10f; eSpeed = 0.3f; eCoinReward = 15; eDefense = 5f; eStrength = 5f; eRange = 5.75f; roamRange = 4f; coolDown = 3f; eWeak = 2; ePower = 0; questName = "Zombie"; Aggro = true; } else if (child.CompareTag("Skeleton")) { eHealth = 15f; eSpeed = 0.75f; eCoinReward = 20; eDefense = 7f; eStrength = 7f; eRange = 5.75f; roamRange = 8f; coolDown = 1f; eWeak = 0; ePower = 2; questName = "Skeleton"; Aggro = true; } else if (child.CompareTag("Goblin")) { eHealth = 20f; eSpeed = 0.6f; eCoinReward = 50; eDefense = 15f; eStrength = 15f; eRange = 3.75f; roamRange = 5f; coolDown = 2f; eWeak = 1; ePower = 0; questName = "Goblin"; Aggro = false; } } player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); eTar = Instantiate(eTarget, transform.position, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <RoamTarget>(); eTar.spawner = spawner; eTar.enemy = gameObject; aiPath = GetComponent <AIPath>(); theQM = FindObjectOfType <QuestManager>(); theDM = FindObjectOfType <DialogManager>(); spawnScript = spawner.GetComponent <SpawnEnemy>(); strSkill = player.GetComponent <StrengthSkill>(); defSkill = player.GetComponent <DefenseSkill>(); magSkill = player.GetComponent <MagicSkill>(); nAggro = Aggro; countDown = coolDown; startPos = transform.position; aiPath.speed = eSpeed; roaming = true; pDef = DefenseSkill.defLvl; }