/// <summary>
        /// Send a single image generated from the Default Value Manager and
        /// the given Modality Worklist Item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNewSeries">Boolean indicating if this image is part of a new
        /// Series or not.</param>
        /// <param name="modalityWorklistItem">Worklist Item used to provide overruling values for
        /// the Image header.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean indicating success or failure.</returns>
        public bool SendModalityImagesStored(bool startNewSeries, DicomQueryItem modalityWorklistItem)
            if (modalityWorklistItem == null)

            // Update the default SeriesEntity values for the next Storage Message
            if (startNewSeries == true)

            // Use modality Worklist Item to help construct the Storage Message
            // Get the attribute values to copy
            DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator worklistItemComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("WorklistItemComparator");
            DicomComparator dicomWorklistItemComparator = worklistItemComparator.InitializeDicomComparator(modalityWorklistItem.DicomMessage);

            // Also try to use the MPPS InProgress Message to help construct the Storage Message
            DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator mppsInProgressComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("MppsInProgressComparator");
            DicomComparator dicomMppsInProgressComparator = null;

            if (_nCreateSetMppsInProgress != null)
                dicomMppsInProgressComparator = mppsInProgressComparator.InitializeDicomComparator(_nCreateSetMppsInProgress);

            // Create the Storage message
            DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator       storageComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("StorageComparator");
            DvtkHighLevelInterface.Dicom.Messages.DicomMessage cStoreInstance    = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Dicom.Messages.DicomMessage(DvtkData.Dimse.DimseCommand.CSTORERQ);
            GenerateTriggers.MakeCStoreInstance(DefaultValueManager, cStoreInstance);
            storageComparator.PopulateDicomMessage(cStoreInstance, dicomWorklistItemComparator);
            if (dicomMppsInProgressComparator != null)
                storageComparator.PopulateDicomMessage(cStoreInstance, dicomMppsInProgressComparator);

            // Trigger the C-STORE-RQ Instance
            DicomTrigger trigger = new DicomTrigger(TransactionNameEnum.RAD_8);

            trigger.HandleInSingleAssociation = true;

            // Update the default InstanceEntity values for the next Storage Message

            // RAD-8 - trigger the ImageArchive
            return(TriggerActorInstances(ActorTypeEnum.ImageArchive, trigger, true));
        protected virtual void SetDefaultValues()
            Dictionary <string, object> defaultValues = DefaultValueManager.GetValues(WebFormId, _userConnection);

            foreach (string key in defaultValues.Keys)
                string         columnName  = key;
                string         columnValue = !defaultValues[key].Equals(null) ? defaultValues[key].ToString() : string.Empty;
                FormFieldsData formData    = FormFieldsData.FirstOrDefault(data => data.name == columnName);
                if (formData == null)
                    CreateFormFieldsData(columnName, columnValue);
                else if (formData.value.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    formData.value = columnValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Stop the Actor.
        /// </summary>
        public void StopActor()
            switch (_actorState)
            case ActorStateEnum.ActorStarted:
                ICollection hl7Servers = _hl7Servers.Values;
                foreach (Hl7Server hl7Server in hl7Servers)

                ICollection hl7Clients = _hl7Clients.Values;
                foreach (Hl7Client hl7Client in hl7Clients)

                ICollection dicomServers = _dicomServers.Values;
                foreach (DicomServer dicomServer in dicomServers)

                ICollection dicomClients = _dicomClients.Values;
                foreach (DicomClient dicomClient in dicomClients)

                _actorState          = ActorStateEnum.ActorStopped;
                _defaultValueManager = null;

                // actor either not configured or already stopped
        private bool TriggerModalityProcedureStepInProgress(DicomQueryItem modalityWorklistItem)
            // Use modality Worklist Item to help construct the MPPS InProgress Message
            // Get the attribute values to copy
            DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator worklistItemComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("WorklistItemComparator");
            DicomComparator dicomWorklistItemComparator = worklistItemComparator.InitializeDicomComparator(modalityWorklistItem.DicomMessage);

            DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator mppsInProgressComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("MppsInProgressComparator");
            mppsInProgressComparator.PopulateDicomMessage(_nCreateSetMppsInProgress, dicomWorklistItemComparator);

            // Trigger the N-CREATE-RQ MPPS InProgress
            DicomTrigger trigger = new DicomTrigger(TransactionNameEnum.RAD_6);


            // Update the default PerformedProcedureStepEntity values for the next MPPS In-Progress

            // RAD-6 - trigger the PerformedProcedureStepManager
            return(TriggerActorInstances(ActorTypeEnum.PerformedProcedureStepManager, trigger, true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Send all the images found in the given storage directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storageDirectory">Given storage directory - containing storage DCM files.</param>
        /// <param name="modalityWorklistItem">Worklist Item used to provide overruling values for
        /// the Image headers.</param>
        /// <param name="withSingleAssociation">Boolean indicating whether the images should be sent in a single
        /// association or not.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean indicating success or failure.</returns>
        public bool SendModalityImagesStored(System.String storageDirectory, DicomQueryItem modalityWorklistItem, bool withSingleAssociation)
            if ((storageDirectory.Length == 0) ||
                (modalityWorklistItem == null))

            // Use a hash table to store the instance uid mappings
            // - the instance uids for the study, series and sop are going to be updated for all the datasets
            // read from the storageDirectory
            Hashtable instanceMapper = new Hashtable();

            // Get the directory info for the storage directory - and make sure that it exists
            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(storageDirectory);

            if (directoryInfo.Exists == false)
                System.String message = System.String.Format("storageDirectory:\"{0}\" - does not exist.", storageDirectory);
                throw new System.Exception(message);

            // Get a trigger
            DicomTrigger trigger = new DicomTrigger(TransactionNameEnum.RAD_8);

            trigger.HandleInSingleAssociation = withSingleAssociation;

            // Interate over all the DCM files found in the storage directory
            // - update the instances found with the worklist item contents and
            // set up the triggers for the Image Archive
            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.GetFiles())
                if ((fileInfo.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".dcm")) ||
                    (fileInfo.Extension == System.String.Empty))
                    // Read the file meta information - it must be present for this actor
                    DvtkData.Media.FileMetaInformation fileMetaInformation = Dvtk.DvtkDataHelper.ReadFMIFromFile(fileInfo.FullName);
                    if (fileMetaInformation == null)

                    // Try to get the transfer syntax uid
                    // - start with Implicit VR Little Endian
                    System.String            transferSyntaxUid = "1.2.840.10008.1.2";
                    DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute attribute         = fileMetaInformation.GetAttribute(DvtkData.Dimse.Tag.TRANSFER_SYNTAX_UID);
                    if (attribute != null)
                        UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)attribute.DicomValue;
                        if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                            transferSyntaxUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];

                    // Read the dataset from the DCM file
                    DvtkData.Dimse.DataSet dataset = Dvtk.DvtkDataHelper.ReadDataSetFromFile(fileInfo.FullName);
                    if (dataset == null)

                    // Remove any Group Lengths from the dataset

                    // Try to get the series instance uid
                    System.String            oldSeriesInstanceUid       = System.String.Empty;
                    DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute seriesInstanceUidAttribute = dataset.GetAttribute(Tag.SERIES_INSTANCE_UID);
                    if (seriesInstanceUidAttribute != null)
                        UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)seriesInstanceUidAttribute.DicomValue;
                        if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                            oldSeriesInstanceUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];

                        // Remove the old series instance from the dataset

                    // See if a mapping exists
                    System.String newSeriesInstanceUid = (System.String)instanceMapper[oldSeriesInstanceUid];
                    if (newSeriesInstanceUid == null)
                        // Add a mapping
                        newSeriesInstanceUid = DefaultValueManager.GetInstantiatedValue(Tag.SERIES_INSTANCE_UID);
                        instanceMapper.Add(oldSeriesInstanceUid, newSeriesInstanceUid);

                    // Add the new series instance uid to the dataset
                    dataset.AddAttribute(Tag.SERIES_INSTANCE_UID.GroupNumber, Tag.SERIES_INSTANCE_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, newSeriesInstanceUid);

                    // Try to get the sop instance uid
                    System.String            oldSopInstanceUid       = System.String.Empty;
                    DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute sopInstanceUidAttribute = dataset.GetAttribute(Tag.SOP_INSTANCE_UID);
                    if (sopInstanceUidAttribute != null)
                        UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)sopInstanceUidAttribute.DicomValue;
                        if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                            oldSopInstanceUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];

                        // Remove the old sop instance from the dataset

                    // See if a mapping exists
                    System.String newSopInstanceUid = (System.String)instanceMapper[oldSopInstanceUid];
                    if (newSopInstanceUid == null)
                        // Add a mapping
                        newSopInstanceUid = DefaultValueManager.GetInstantiatedValue(Tag.SOP_INSTANCE_UID);
                        instanceMapper.Add(oldSopInstanceUid, newSopInstanceUid);

                    // Add the new sop instance uid to the dataset
                    dataset.AddAttribute(Tag.SOP_INSTANCE_UID.GroupNumber, Tag.SOP_INSTANCE_UID.ElementNumber, VR.UI, newSopInstanceUid);

                    // Use modality Worklist Item to help construct the Storage Message
                    // Get the attribute values to copy
                    DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator worklistItemComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("WorklistItemComparator");
                    DicomComparator dicomWorklistItemComparator = worklistItemComparator.InitializeDicomComparator(modalityWorklistItem.DicomMessage);

                    // Also try to use the MPPS InProgress Message to help construct the Storage Message
                    DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator mppsInProgressComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("MppsInProgressComparator");
                    DicomComparator dicomMppsInProgressComparator = null;
                    if (_nCreateSetMppsInProgress != null)
                        dicomMppsInProgressComparator = mppsInProgressComparator.InitializeDicomComparator(_nCreateSetMppsInProgress);

                    // Create the Storage message
                    DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator       storageComparator = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Comparator.Comparator("StorageComparator");
                    DvtkHighLevelInterface.Dicom.Messages.DicomMessage cStoreInstance    = new DvtkHighLevelInterface.Dicom.Messages.DicomMessage(DvtkData.Dimse.DimseCommand.CSTORERQ);
                    GenerateTriggers.MakeCStoreInstance(DefaultValueManager, cStoreInstance, dataset);
                    storageComparator.PopulateDicomMessage(cStoreInstance, dicomWorklistItemComparator);
                    if (dicomMppsInProgressComparator != null)
                        storageComparator.PopulateDicomMessage(cStoreInstance, dicomMppsInProgressComparator);

                    // Try to get the sop class uid
                    System.String            sopClassUid          = System.String.Empty;
                    DvtkData.Dimse.Attribute sopClassUidAttribute = dataset.GetAttribute(Tag.SOP_CLASS_UID);
                    if (sopClassUidAttribute != null)
                        UniqueIdentifier uniqueIdentifier = (UniqueIdentifier)sopClassUidAttribute.DicomValue;
                        if (uniqueIdentifier.Values.Count > 0)
                            sopClassUid = uniqueIdentifier.Values[0];

                    // Add trigger item to the trigger

            // RAD-8 - trigger the ImageArchive
            return(TriggerActorInstances(ActorTypeEnum.ImageArchive, trigger, true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Start the Actor.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartActor(DefaultValueManager defaultValueManager)
            switch (_actorState)
            case ActorStateEnum.ActorStopped:
                ICollection hl7Servers = _hl7Servers.Values;
                foreach (Hl7Server hl7Server in hl7Servers)
                    // Each HL7 Server uses a HLI Thread internally.
                    // If this actor is attached to UserInterfaces that implement the
                    // IThreadUserInterface, attach the HLI thread to them.


                ICollection hl7Clients = _hl7Clients.Values;
                foreach (Hl7Client hl7Client in hl7Clients)
                    // Each HL7 Client uses a HLI Thread internally.
                    // If this actor is attached to UserInterfaces that implement the
                    // IThreadUserInterface, attach the HLI thread to them.


                ICollection dicomServers = _dicomServers.Values;
                foreach (DicomServer dicomServer in dicomServers)
                    // Each Dicom Server uses a HLI Thread internally.
                    // If this actor is attached to UserInterfaces that implement the
                    // IThreadUserInterface, attach the HLI thread to them.


                ICollection dicomClients = _dicomClients.Values;
                foreach (DicomClient dicomClient in dicomClients)
                    // Each Dicom Client uses a HLI Thread internally.
                    // If this actor is attached to UserInterfaces that implement the
                    // IThreadUserInterface, attach the HLI thread to them.


                _actorState = ActorStateEnum.ActorStarted;

                // Save the default value manager
                _defaultValueManager = defaultValueManager;

                // actor either not configured or already started