public async Task <(DedupIdentifier dedupId, ulong length)> UploadAttachmentToBlobStore(bool verbose, string itemPath, Guid planId, Guid jobId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var chunk = await ChunkerHelper.CreateFromFileAsync(FileSystem.Instance, itemPath, cancellationToken, false);

            var rootNode = new DedupNode(new [] { chunk });
            var dedupId  = rootNode.GetDedupIdentifier(HashType.Dedup64K);

            return(dedupId, rootNode.TransitiveContentBytes);
        private Task PutChunkAsync(OperationContext context, DedupNode dedupNode, AbsolutePath path)
            var dedupIdentifier = dedupNode.GetDedupIdentifier(HashType.Dedup64K);

                       innerCts => DedupStoreClient.Client.PutChunkAndKeepUntilReferenceAsync(
                           new KeepUntilBlobReference(EndDateTime),
        private Task PutNodeAsync(OperationContext context, DedupNode dedupNode, AbsolutePath path)
            var dedupIdentifier = dedupNode.GetDedupIdentifier(HashType.Dedup64K);

            return(TryGatedArtifactOperationAsync <object>(
                       async innerCts =>
                await _uploadSession.UploadAsync(dedupNode, new Dictionary <DedupIdentifier, string> {
                    { dedupIdentifier, path.Path }
                }, innerCts);
                return null;
        public static async Task <(DedupIdentifier dedupId, ulong length)> UploadToBlobStore(
            bool verbose,
            string itemPath,
            Func <TelemetryInformationLevel, Uri, string, BlobStoreTelemetryRecord> telemetryRecordFactory,
            Action <string> traceOutput,
            DedupStoreClient dedupClient,
            BlobStoreClientTelemetry clientTelemetry,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Create chunks and identifier
            var chunk = await ChunkerHelper.CreateFromFileAsync(FileSystem.Instance, itemPath, cancellationToken, false);

            var rootNode = new DedupNode(new [] { chunk });
            // ChunkHelper uses 64k block default size
            var dedupId = rootNode.GetDedupIdentifier(HashType.Dedup64K);

            // Setup upload session to keep file for at mimimum one day
            // Blobs will need to be associated with the server with an ID ref otherwise they will be
            // garbage collected after one day
            var tracer        = DedupManifestArtifactClientFactory.CreateArtifactsTracer(verbose, traceOutput);
            var keepUntilRef  = new KeepUntilBlobReference(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1));
            var uploadSession = dedupClient.CreateUploadSession(keepUntilRef, tracer, FileSystem.Instance);

            // Upload the chunks
            var uploadRecord = clientTelemetry.CreateRecord <BlobStoreTelemetryRecord>(telemetryRecordFactory);
            await clientTelemetry.MeasureActionAsync(
                record : uploadRecord,
                actionAsync : async() => await AsyncHttpRetryHelper.InvokeAsync(
                    async() =>
                await uploadSession.UploadAsync(rootNode, new Dictionary <DedupIdentifier, string>()
                    [dedupId] = itemPath
                }, cancellationToken);
                    maxRetries: 3,
                    tracer: tracer,
                    canRetryDelegate: e => true,     // this isn't great, but failing on upload stinks, so just try a couple of times
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken,
                    continueOnCapturedContext: false)

            return(dedupId, rootNode.TransitiveContentBytes);
        private async Task <(DedupIdentifier dedupId, ulong length)> UploadToBlobStore(IAsyncCommandContext context, string itemPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Create chunks and identifier
            var chunk = await ChunkerHelper.CreateFromFileAsync(FileSystem.Instance, itemPath, cancellationToken, false);

            var rootNode = new DedupNode(new [] { chunk });
            var dedupId  = rootNode.GetDedupIdentifier(HashType.Dedup64K);

            // Setup upload session to keep file for at mimimum one day
            var verbose       = String.Equals(context.GetVariableValueOrDefault("system.debug"), "true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            var tracer        = DedupManifestArtifactClientFactory.CreateArtifactsTracer(verbose, (str) => context.Output(str));
            var keepUntulRef  = new KeepUntilBlobReference(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1));
            var uploadSession = _dedupClient.CreateUploadSession(keepUntulRef, tracer, FileSystem.Instance);

            // Upload the chunks
            var uploadRecord = _blobTelemetry.CreateRecord <BuildArtifactActionRecord>((level, uri, type) =>
                                                                                       new BuildArtifactActionRecord(level, uri, type, nameof(UploadAsync), context));
            await _blobTelemetry.MeasureActionAsync(
                record : uploadRecord,
                actionAsync : async() => await AsyncHttpRetryHelper.InvokeAsync(
                    async() =>
                return(await uploadSession.UploadAsync(rootNode, new Dictionary <DedupIdentifier, string>()
                    [dedupId] = itemPath
                }, cancellationToken));
                    maxRetries: 3,
                    tracer: tracer,
                    canRetryDelegate: e => true,     // this isn't great, but failing on upload stinks, so just try a couple of times
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken,
                    continueOnCapturedContext: false)

            return(dedupId, rootNode.TransitiveContentBytes);