private DecoratorCellState[,] CleanMap(DecoratorCellState[,] map)
     map = new DecoratorCellState[width, height];
     for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
             map[x, y] = DecoratorCellState.True;
    private DecoratorCellState[,] DoSimulationStep(DecoratorCellState[,] oldMap)
        DecoratorCellState[,] newMap = new DecoratorCellState[width, height];
        //Loop over each row and column of the map
        for (int x = 0; x < oldMap.GetLength(0); x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < oldMap.GetLength(1); y++)
                int nbs = countAliveNeighbours(oldMap, x, y);
                //The new value is based on our simulation rules
                //First, if a cell is alive but has too few neighbours, kill it.
                if (oldMap[x, y] == DecoratorCellState.True)
                    if (nbs < deathLimit)
                        newMap[x, y] = DecoratorCellState.False;
                        newMap[x, y] = DecoratorCellState.True;
                //Otherwise, if the cell is dead now, check if it has the right number of neighbours to be 'born'
                    if (nbs > birthLimit)
                        newMap[x, y] = DecoratorCellState.True;
                        newMap[x, y] = DecoratorCellState.False;

                if (oldMap[x, y] == DecoratorCellState.RoadDiagonal || oldMap[x, y] == DecoratorCellState.RoadSmooth || oldMap[x, y] == DecoratorCellState.RoadStripe)
                    // Re write the new map with the road data
                    newMap[x, y] = oldMap[x, y];
