public override DecompositionTree Construct(Graph graph, WidthParameter widthparameter)
            DecompositionTree tree = new DecompositionTree(graph, widthparameter);

            // Create the leaves.
            DecompositionNode[] nodes = new DecompositionNode[graph.Vertices.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                tree.Nodes[i] = nodes[i] = new DecompositionNode(new BitSet(nodes.Length, graph.Vertices[i].Index), i, tree);

            int size = nodes.Length;

            while (size > 1)
                // Find the pair of nodes whose combination is of minimal width.
                double min = double.PositiveInfinity;
                int    first = -1, second = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
                        double width = widthparameter.GetWidth(graph, nodes[i].Set | nodes[j].Set);
                        if (width < min)
                            min    = width;
                            first  = i;
                            second = j;
                // Create the parent and connect it to its children.
                DecompositionNode node = new DecompositionNode(nodes[first].Set | nodes[second].Set, nodes.Length * 2 - size, tree);
                tree.Attach(node, nodes[first], Branch.Left);
                tree.Attach(node, nodes[second], Branch.Right);
                tree.Nodes[node.Index] = node;

                // Update the active set of nodes.
                nodes[first]  = node;
                nodes[second] = nodes[size - 1];


            tree.Attach(null, nodes[0], Branch.Left);
        public override DecompositionTree Construct(Graph graph, WidthParameter widthparameter)
            DecompositionTree tree = new DecompositionTree(graph, widthparameter);

            // Create the leaves.
            DecompositionNode[] nodes = new DecompositionNode[graph.Vertices.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                tree.Nodes[i] = nodes[i] = new DecompositionNode(new BitSet(nodes.Length, graph.Vertices[i].Index), i, tree);

            int size = nodes.Length;

            while (size > 1)
                int first  = this.rng.Next(size);
                int second = this.rng.Next(size - 1);
                if (second <= first)

                // Create the parent and connect it to its children.
                DecompositionNode node = new DecompositionNode(nodes[first].Set | nodes[second].Set, nodes.Length * 2 - size, tree);
                tree.Attach(node, nodes[first], Branch.Left);
                tree.Attach(node, nodes[second], Branch.Right);
                tree.Nodes[node.Index] = node;

                // Update the active set of nodes.
                nodes[first]  = node;
                nodes[second] = nodes[size - 1];


            tree.Attach(null, nodes[0], Branch.Left);
        protected DecompositionNode backtrack(DecompositionTree tree, DecompositionNode[] leaves, double[,] width, BitSet[,] sets, int index, int size, ref int treeindex)
            if (size == 1)
                DecompositionNode node = new DecompositionNode(leaves[index], tree);
                node.Index        = index;
                tree.Nodes[index] = node;

            DecompositionNode parent = new DecompositionNode(sets[index, size], treeindex--, tree);

            tree.Nodes[parent.Index] = parent;

            int    split      = -1;
            double splitwidth = double.PositiveInfinity;

            for (int i = index + 1; i < index + size; i++)
                double max = Math.Max(width[index, i - index], width[i, size - (i - index)]);
                if (max <= splitwidth)
                    splitwidth = max;
                    split      = i;

            DecompositionNode left  = this.backtrack(tree, leaves, width, sets, index, split - index, ref treeindex);
            DecompositionNode right = this.backtrack(tree, leaves, width, sets, split, size - (split - index), ref treeindex);

            tree.Attach(parent, left, Branch.Left);
            tree.Attach(parent, right, Branch.Right);
            tree.Attach(null, parent, Branch.Left);


        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the vertex as leaf to the partial tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree">The partial tree.</param>
        /// <param name="vertex">The vertex that will be added.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the vertex in the tree.</param>
        protected void add(DecompositionTree tree, Vertex vertex, int index)
            // Create the child node.
            DecompositionNode child = new DecompositionNode(vertex, index, tree);

            tree.Nodes[index] = child;

            if (tree.Root == null)
                tree.Attach(null, child, Branch.Left);
                BitSet set = new BitSet(tree.Root.Set);
                set[vertex.Index] = true;
                DecompositionNode parent = new DecompositionNode(set, index + 1, tree);
                tree.Nodes[index + 1] = parent;

                tree.Attach(parent, tree.Root, Branch.Right);
                tree.Attach(parent, child, Branch.Left);
                tree.Attach(null, parent, Branch.Left);
        public override DecompositionTree Construct(Graph graph, WidthParameter widthparameter)
            int index = 0;
            DecompositionTree tree = new DecompositionTree(graph, widthparameter);
            DecompositionNode root = new DecompositionNode(~(new BitSet(tree.VertexCount)), index, tree);

            tree.Nodes[index++] = root;
            tree.Attach(null, root, Branch.Left);

            List <DecompositionNode> candidates = new List <DecompositionNode>();


            while (candidates.Count > 0)
                // Select a random childless internal node.
                DecompositionNode parent = candidates[this.rng.Next(candidates.Count)];

                // Shuffle its set of vertices.
                int[] indices = parent.Set.ToArray();

                // Split the set randomly into two non-empty sets.
                int split = 1 + this.rng.Next(indices.Length - 2);

                // Create its children.
                DecompositionNode left = null;
                if (split == 1)
                    left = new DecompositionNode(graph.Vertices[indices[0]], index, tree);
                    BitSet leftset = new BitSet(tree.VertexCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < split; i++)
                        leftset[indices[i]] = true;
                    left = new DecompositionNode(leftset, index, tree);
                tree.Nodes[index++] = left;
                tree.Attach(parent, left, Branch.Left);

                DecompositionNode right = null;
                if (split == indices.Length - 1)
                    right = new DecompositionNode(graph.Vertices[indices[indices.Length - 1]], index, tree);
                    BitSet rightset = new BitSet(tree.VertexCount);
                    for (int i = split; i < indices.Length; i++)
                        rightset[indices[i]] = true;
                    right = new DecompositionNode(rightset, index, tree);
                tree.Nodes[index++] = right;
                tree.Attach(parent, right, Branch.Right);
