public async Task EveryMinuteAsync() { foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("Logs")) { var age = DateTime.Now.Subtract(File.GetLastWriteTime(file)); if (age.TotalMinutes < 60) { continue; } var id = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)); if (await DecksiteApi.LogUploadedAsync(id)) { var destFileName = Path.Combine("Logs", "Archive", id + ".txt"); if (File.Exists(destFileName)) { Console.WriteLine($"Reuploading {id} to logsite..."); File.Delete(destFileName); await DecksiteApi.UploadLogAsync(id); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Archiving log for {id}..."); File.Move(file, destFileName); return; } try { Console.WriteLine($"Uploading {id} to logsite..."); await DecksiteApi.UploadLogAsync(id); return; } catch (UriFormatException) { // This log is too long. Console.WriteLine($"Upload failed."); var destFileName = Path.Combine("Logs", "Failed", id + ".txt"); File.Move(file, destFileName); } } }
private static async Task SendLogToChannelAsync(ISocketMessageChannel channel, string id) { var file = Path.Combine("Logs", id + ".txt"); if (!File.Exists(file)) { file = Path.Combine("Logs", "Archive", id + ".txt"); } if (!File.Exists(file)) { file = Path.Combine("Logs", "Failed", id + ".txt"); } if (File.Exists(file)) { await channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); try { await DecksiteApi.UploadLogAsync(int.Parse(id)); await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{id}/"); } catch (Exception e) { var contents = File.ReadAllLines(file); var caption = $"Format={contents[0]}, Comment=\"{contents[1]}\", Players=[{contents[3]}]"; await channel.SendFileAsync(file, caption); Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't upload to logsite, {e}"); } } else { await channel.TriggerTypingAsync(); await channel.SendMessageAsync($"Could not find log for MatchID {id}"); } }