private IEnumerator tallyUpTheFinalScore()
        Debug.Assert(Deck.CountCardsLeft <= 1);
        float waitBetweenCardFlips = TurboMode ? 0 : 0.5f;

        // Wait until every player is ready, just in case
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => (EveryoneReady && AllCardsDown)));

        // Flip all the cards that are still not flipped
        float waitUntil = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
        // First, check if there is still a card in the deck
        // (there should be, unless a Prince has been played in the ver last turn)
        CardController cc;

        if (Deck.CountCardsLeft > 0)
            waitUntil += waitBetweenCardFlips;
            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > waitUntil)));

            // Reveal the card
            cc = Deck.Draw();
            Debug.LogFormat("The final card in the deck was the {0}!", cc);
        // Then go through still-active players and find the winner
        int highestValue = 0, highestTotalDiscardedValue = 0;
        PlayerController winner = Players[0];

        foreach (PlayerController p in Players)
            if (!p.KnockedOut)
                waitUntil += waitBetweenCardFlips;
                yield return(new WaitUntil(() => (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > waitUntil)));

                // Reveal the hand
                cc = p.GetHand();
                Debug.LogFormat("{0} had the {1}!", p, cc);
                // Update the winner
                if (cc.Value > highestValue || (cc.Value == highestValue && p.TotalDiscardedValue > highestTotalDiscardedValue))
                    winner       = p;
                    highestValue = cc.Value;
                    highestTotalDiscardedValue = p.TotalDiscardedValue;
        // Congratulate the winner
        Debug.LogFormat("{0} wins this round with the {1}!", winner, winner.GetHand());
    private IEnumerator Draw()
        GameState = GameState.Draw;

        while ((_attackingHand.Container.Cards.Count < _cardsPerHand || _defendingHand.Container.Cards.Count < _cardsPerHand) && _deck.Container.Cards.Count > 0)
            if (_attackingHand.Container.Cards.Count < _cardsPerHand)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.4f));

            if (_defendingHand.Container.Cards.Count < _cardsPerHand)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.4f));

