 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     ml         = GameObject.Find("PhotonDontDestroy").GetComponent <MenuLogic>();
     coords     = ml.getCoords();
     decidido   = false;
     decTomadas = ml.GetDecisionesTomadas();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     ml         = GameObject.Find("PhotonDontDestroy").GetComponent <MenuLogic>();
     decisiones = ml.GetDecisionesTomadas();
     sentences  = new Queue <string>();
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        animator          = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>();
        ml                = GameObject.Find("PhotonDontDestroy").GetComponent <MenuLogic>();
        coords            = ml.getCoords();
        ej                = ml.GetEsperarJugador();
        decisionesTomadas = ml.GetDecisionesTomadas();
        ej.jugar[0]       = false;
        ej.jugar[1]       = false;

        avisoEsperarJugador = GameObject.Find("EsperaJugador");

        avisoEsperarJugador.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        seleccionado = false;
        moving       = false;
        stationId    = (StationsId)GetComponent("StationsId");