    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function that creates a decision block with the name key at the given path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="in_key"></param>
    /// <param name="in_path"></param>
    public static DecisionBlock CreateDecisionBlock(string in_key, string in_path)
        DecisionBlock db = ScriptableObjectUtility.CreateAsset <DecisionBlock>(in_path, in_key);

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function that sets a decision block given some line data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lineData"></param>
    static void SetDecisionBlock(string[] lineData)
        //Extract the data we need.
        string key                  = lineData[0];
        string text                 = lineData[2];
        string flagSetListText      = lineData[3];
        string decisionInfoListText = lineData[4];

        //Use helper function to parse flag set list.
        List <FlagSet> flagSetList = ParseFlagSetList(flagSetListText);

        //Use helper function to parse next block list.
        List <DecisionInfo> decisionInfoList = ParseDecisioninfoList(decisionInfoListText);

        DecisionBlock block = (DecisionBlock)SceneBlockDictionary[key];

        block.SetDecisionBlock(text, flagSetList, decisionInfoList);
    /// <summary>
    /// Populates our dictionary with all the blocks we need and makes the objects in the folders.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lines"></param>
    static void PopulateDictionaryAndFolders(string[] lines, string path, string sceneName)
        //Clear the directory

        //Refresh the dictionary.
        SceneBlockDictionary = new Dictionary <string, TextBlock>();

        //This ignore bool is for the first line, which are just headers.
        bool ignore = true;

        foreach (string line in lines)
            //Ignore first line.
            if (ignore)
                ignore = false;
            else if (!ignore)
                //Separate by commas. (CSV)
                string[] lineData = (line.Trim()).Split(","[0]);

                //This is the type of block this is.
                string key  = lineData[0];
                string type = lineData[1];

                if (type.Equals("DialogueBlock"))
                    DialogueBlock db = DialogueBlock.CreateDialogueBlock(key, path);
                    SceneBlockDictionary.Add(key, (TextBlock)db);
                else if (type.Equals("DecisionBlock"))
                    DecisionBlock db = DecisionBlock.CreateDecisionBlock(key, path);
                    SceneBlockDictionary.Add(key, (TextBlock)db);

        //Store this scenes block dictionary into the scene.
        AllSceneBlockDictionary.Add(sceneName, SceneBlockDictionary);
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function that populates the decision bar given a decision block
    /// </summary>
    void PopulateDecisionBar(DecisionBlock decisionBlock)
        //Enable the decision bar, which is by default not there when there are no decisions.

        //Load the decision button prefab
        GameObject decisionButton = Resources.Load("DialogueSystem/Prefab/DecisionButton") as GameObject;

        //For every decision in our decisionInfo list on this block
        foreach (DecisionInfo info in decisionBlock.GetDecisionInfo())
            //Create a decision button
            GameObject cur_db = Instantiate(decisionButton, decisionBar);

            //Add the right function call to the button
            cur_db.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => ChooseDecision(info));

            //Populate the text on the button
            cur_db.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = info.GetDecisionText();

            //Enable the object so it shows up in the bar.
    /// <summary>
    /// Populates the flag dictinoary with all the flags found in our excel sheet.
    /// </summary>
    static void InitFlagFile(List <string> fileNameList)
        //Get the flag dict
        List <string> flagList = new List <string>();

        foreach (string FileName in fileNameList)
            //Read in all text from the given file (csv) and split by line.
            string   fileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path + FileName + ".csv");
            string[] lines    = fileData.Split("\n"[0]);

            //This ignore bool is for the first line, which are just headers.
            bool ignore = true;
            foreach (string line in lines)
                //Ignore first line.
                if (ignore)
                    ignore = false;
                else if (!ignore)
                    //Separate by commas. (CSV)
                    string[] lineData = (line.Trim()).Split(","[0]);

                    //This is the type of block this is.
                    string key  = lineData[0];
                    string type = lineData[1];

                    if (SceneBlockDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                        //First process the flag set list.
                        List <FlagSet> flagSetList = SceneBlockDictionary[key].GetFlagSetList();

                        //Loop through all flags in flag set list.
                        foreach (FlagSet fs in flagSetList)
                            if (!flagList.Contains(fs.flag_key))

                        //Then check for further flags found in the specific block type.
                        if (type.Equals("DialogueBlock"))
                            DialogueBlock db = (DialogueBlock)SceneBlockDictionary[key];
                            foreach (string flag in db.GetDependentFlags())
                                //If we don't have this flag in the list yet, add it.
                                if (!flagList.Contains(flag))
                        else if (type.Equals("DecisionBlock"))
                            DecisionBlock db = (DecisionBlock)SceneBlockDictionary[key];
                        throw new System.Exception("Error, given key: " + key + " from file: + " + FileName + " isn't in our dictionary. Reload the csv to populate it.");

        //Path that we are going to write to.
        string file_path = "Assets/Data/FlagData.txt";

        //Write some text to the test.txt
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file_path, false);

        foreach (string flag in flagList)
            writer.WriteLine(flag + ", false");

        Debug.Log("Finished. Flag file initialized at: " + file_path);